Monday, 27 December 2021

Hottest Trends that will Dominate Content Writing in 2022

The rising influence of online space during the COVID-19 pandemic has upended traditional content writing models. More and more businesses are coming online.

This has led to fierce competition irrespective of the industry vertical. This scenario has made more and more businesses embrace content marketing.

Stats too support this theory. Take the 2021 Content Marketing Institute study for instance. It showed 43 percent of marketers saw a budget increase in their content marketing efforts. And 66 percent of the marketers anticipate the budget to increase again.

This is the underlying sentiment as we prepare to say hello to 2022.

The massive disruption in consumer behaviour has led to a massive shift in the content writing world as we know it.

Let’s take a look at the trends that will dominate the content writing world in 2022.

Content writing Trends in 2022


Trend#1 – Quality and relevance make content the king 

Google ranks a page based on the user experience it provides. As a part of its recent Core Web Vitals update, the search engine giant has raised the bar for content writers. They cannot simply publish sub-par content and expect a rankings boost.

Google will now rank content that displays E-A-T

1 – Expertise – Your content needs to show you are an expert in the field. This will entail creating in-depth pieces of content that add phenomenal value to readers.

2 – Authoritativeness – Your content should show you as an industry authority. Use internal links to applicable topics, semantic keywords, and develop case studies.

3 – Trust – Stick to a consistent tone of voice and add industry-leading research reports to substantiate content. Also, you should aim to write clearly with accuracy and tell authentic stories. These tips will help build trust.

Quality content that conforms to E-A-T will be valuable in the eyes of Google bots.


Trend#2 – A deeper degree of personalization 

Today’s intelligent customers will not be swayed by generic ‘off-the-shelf’ content. A smart content writer will need to bring out a one-on-one connection with every piece of content asset.

Even a recent Forrester report shines a light on this trend. It says that 92 percent of marketers have seen an increase in personalized marketing. So 2022 will see more such content assets being developed.


Trend#3 – Content becomes niche for brands

A majority of the content assets published online cover only a handful of chosen topics. This content saturation means that readers are demanding something refreshing instead.

This is where niche content comes in.

Niche content creation depends on three key aspects –

  1. A well-performing product/ service offered by the brand
  2. A well-articulated content that has an original spin on the narrative
  3. Use of long-tail keywords that target searchers who have a specific need that can be met by the niche segment offering.

They blend together to offer niche content. Such marketing assets are almost always original (because no one has covered them). Such content also remains fresh. This is because customers get to read content that marketers may not have covered elsewhere).

content marketing trends 2022


Trend#4 – Diversified content will be on the rise

Just one type of content will no longer hold the audience attention. You will need to diversify the content creation process. This way, you move beyond blogs and articles to other forms of content.

But it isn’t as complex as it sounds. All you need to do is pick a blog, its topic, and its flow to repurpose to another format. So every point in the blog’s body can become individual slides to put on a slide-sharing platform like SlideShare.

You can create a basic video on the same topic and share it on Youtube, Vimeo, and Flickr.

So while the topic is the same, your coverage has expanded significantly

What does this mean for your content team?

They will need to expand their capabilities to include different types of content. If they are already into blog writing, they can look forward to the next level. Think guest posting, infographics, videos, podcasts, and case studies.

This will also give leading indicators on which team member is ready to scale to the next level of seniority within the team.


Trend#5 – Focus on written content

While videos and images will help on Snapchat and Instagram, it is content writing that will drive significant traction in SEO and content marketing campaigns. The first advantage of content writing is that it can infuse keyword rich and compelling narratives.

Such high-quality content delights readers and prompts Google to elevate rankings. Even Content Marketing Institute’s 2021 report shows that blogs and articles with less than 3000 words are the most frequently created content assets.

Of course, it will be difficult to create high quality, in-depth content that connects with people and Google. But you can overcome this challenge and outsource content writing to established content writing agencies like Textuar. We have a team of prolific content writers that generate engrossing and high-value content.


To sum it up

If you are interested in knowing what areas to focus on, this will be an effective guide for you. As we head on to the next year, these were some trends that would dictate outcomes in the content writing world.

Do you see any other trend shaping up that will influence content writing? Then write to us and let us know.

The post Hottest Trends that will Dominate Content Writing in 2022 appeared first on Textuar.


Monday, 6 December 2021

6 Steps for Article Quality Check

The process of article writing doesn’t get over till the content passes a few parameters. The article writer needs to carry out all these steps as a non-negotiable part of the overall execution of the content project.

What is quality check in article writing?

Article writing elevates brand equity and credibility in front of two key entities –

  • The target audience (readers)
  • The search engine

Quality content is one which is engaging, compelling, and keeps the readers hooked.

Your article needs to fulfil a few objectives to ensure that these goals are met

  • They need to provide sufficient depth in information
  • Their impactful narrative needs to provide an enjoyable reading experience
  • They should be optimized for SEO

Checking the quality entails determining if the article content actually performs on these three critical benchmarks of content writing.

article content quality check

Why is quality check needed in article writing?

QC on articles enables the below advantages –

1 – Quality content helps connect with the right audience

An article writer drafts a compelling article based on the target audience who is likely to read the content. The presence of depth in the content means that the writer has covered the topic in depth. As a result, the reader will find the article worth his time.

A good quality article acts like a lead magnet. Hence, it offers inedible business value to brands embracing article writing for SEO. The well-written content will help the potential customers to stick for longer on the site. It helps decrease bounce rate and accelerate customer journey towards conversion.

2 – High quality article writing build brand authority

Valuable content is a stepping stone to building brand authority in front of the target readers. The content provides information in detail. As a result, the reader need not go anywhere else to find more information. All information will be provided on the brand blog page itself.

This way, the readers perceive the brand to be an authoritative figure in its industry. When such a perception emerges, the target reader is satisfied. She has no problem engaging in conversations and transactions as a customer.

3 – It is instantly shareable

If the user finds the content to be of high quality, she is more likely to share it in her network. This action triggered by high quality article writing will further spread brand visibility to a wider set of eyeballs.

4 – High quality content writing propels SEO goals

All types of content work elevate the revenue-generating capabilities of the digital business. With quality content, the brand’s SEO goals are met faster. Google bots check the keyword-rich content and deem it relevant to the search query.

Hence, the blog page gets elevated to first-page ranking on the search engine results page (SERP). This action helps the brand to captivate the attention of a wider base of potential customers.

article quality check

What are the steps for quality check in article writing?

Step 1 – Brand consistency in article writing

Your brand creates various forms of content assets as per their overall digital marketing plan. They might have an objective to be met with article writing.

For example, they might want to keep the tone of conversation casual or formal as per their other content assets. A good quality article needs to have words that align with other content formats for the brand.

Step 2 – SEO optimization

Quality content makes it easy to be discovered by the target audience during their Google searches. A well-articulated and keyword-rich article infuses the right number of keywords. These keywords appear in a non-forced and organic manner in the content.

When Google indexes this page, it finds high quality information and considers it good enough to be pushed to first 10 organic results. And it is in this hallowed position that brands find the biggest chunk of business online.

Step 3 – Readability

Whether you are doing article writing in-house or outsourcing to a content writing team , one thing remains consistent. You simply cannot compromise on the readability front.

At Textuar, we have covered a lot of ground with helpful blogs on readability. You can refer to them to see why readability is important for content writing. If you haven’t been factoring in readability, then we recommend you to do it right now.


Step 4 – Checks for typos and grammar

This one is fairly easy for proficient article writers to check for. But the bad news here is that it is one of the worst ways to create a dent in your reputation as an experienced content writer. It is best to take adequate time out to check for each and every grammar miss often made by article writers.


Step 5 – Plagiarism checks

While there are many myths around content plagiarism, one fact remains true. Duplicate content will definitely hurt your SEO. As an article writer, you need to do everything you can to improve your client’s SEO rankings. And this can happen only when you deliver original and unique content. Hence, you need to ensure that your content is not appearing as plagiarized anywhere on the Internet.

Tools like Grammarly premium will help you detect plagiarism.

Some article writers go the lazy way and do a patch work. They add synonyms of one or two words here and there.

Let’s take an example.

Original blog content – “Users are more inclined to leave your website if your content is difficult to follow or understand. “

Lazy plagiarized content – “Users will be more inclined to close your site if the content cannot be comprehended or understood.”

See how every part of the plagiarized sentence is same as original content? This is lazy writing at its worst.

Remember – this is not a white hat approach of article writing.

Your intent behind the content is not to do a lazy job of article writing. Your content should work towards offering helpful and genuinely valuable information to the targeted readers.


Step 6 – Pre-delivery sanity checks

Now your blog is polished enough to be delivered to the client. But hold on. Don’t just click on the ‘send’ button yet. There are some quick checks to ensure that your client is satisfied with the way the files have been received on her mailbox.

  1. First, you should see that you are replying to the appropriate message. With multiple article writing projects running concurrently, it is best to do a quick check on this front.
  2. Then, see if all files are actually attached. Sometimes, Outlook has a tendency of attaching one less file when we do a batch attachment of files to an email
  3. Ideally, it should be a reply-all (not a reply) to the same group that sends the article writing briefing for a project. If you are removing one or two members, you need to be ready with a justification on why you are doing so.
  4. Check if you are delivering on or before the ETA of the project

To sum it up

High quality article writing needs to abide by these quality check steps before publishing. With these steps, writers can ensure valuable content that delights people as well as Google. It also enables a delightful publishing experience for the brands that need content from article writers.

If you too need such quality content that performs well on these quality benchmarks, then connect with Textuar. Our article writing service offers compelling content that delivers immense value to the readers, thus giving traction to engagement and conversions,

The post 6 Steps for Article Quality Check appeared first on Textuar.


Monday, 29 November 2021

Everything You Need to Know About Anchor Text in SEO Content Writing

In our school lives, we may have always related an anchor to something that keeps boats from floating away. They add weight and keep the boat steadfast. We see the same analogy applied to anchor text for SEO content writing.

anchor text in content writing

Anchors in your content writing keeps readers from floating away. It keeps them hooked to the content.

Let us read more about this important aspect of SEO content writing.


What is Anchor Text in SEO Content Writing?

If you have read content online, you must have seen some text that appears in underline. When you place your mouse pointer, the arrow on this label turns to a finger. This indicates a certain action upon clicking on such a label.

The action is that you are re-directed to another URL.

You might ask, “Which URL am I re-directed to.”

Well, it is the URL embedded via HTML behind the anchor text.

It looks something like this.


anchor text in SEO content

The URL embedded into the anchor text is known as the target link. The HTML code for the above looks something like this:


anchor text

As an SEO content writer, you need to ensure that the anchor text is relevant to the content covered in the target link.


What is an Example of Good (and Bad) Anchor Text?

Here is an example of good and bad anchor text.

Example of Good Anchor Link

Anchor Text =  Readability in blog

Target link =

(when readers see the text “Readability in blog”, they will expect something in the same domain. And the target link will fulfil this expectation)


Example of Bad Anchor Link

Anchor Text =  Conversational AI

Target link =

(when readers sees the text “Conversational AI”, they will expect something in same domain – Artificial Intelligence. But the target link will not fulfil this expectation, as they point to a content writing blog)


What are the Types of Anchor Text?

Anchor texts come in different varieties, as given

  • Branded – The anchor text is the company name.

E.g. “According to Textuar, readability is vital for content quality.”

  • Exact Match – the text is the exact match keyword

E.g. Buy running shoes

  • Partial Match – text is a partial match for a keyword

E.g. Buy white running shoes in New York (targeting “buy running shoes”)”

  • Naked URLs – has actual HTML URL


  • Generic – random words that don’t offer any context

E.g.  “click here,” “this blog,” or “read more.”


Why is Anchor Text Important in SEO Content Writing?

Smart SEO content writers use anchor text to improve the relevance of the blog or page. When Google bots crawl your site, it focuses on the anchor text.

With meaningful anchor text added at the right place, your content impresses Google.

Such content is likely to rank well on key characteristics like authority and relevancy.


How Does Google Determine Relevance from Anchor Text?

Links are the key indicators that Google bots use to determine high-quality content writing. Since anchor text is a form of a link, it does the same job as links. It helps Google to find out about the three key traits of quality content:

1 – Relevance

Google sees that the correctly placed anchor link is highly relevant to the content of the target link. This helps the bot to figure out that the content must be valuable.

2 – Internal linking

With a few internal links, Google knows that the same site has valuable information on other pages related to the same topic. This improves the quality of the page, which has internal linking.

3 – Page experience

If the target link doesn’t match with the anchor text, then it might lead to a frustrated reading experience. This results in a poor page experience and may lead to a drop in rankings.


So to paraphrase the importance of anchor text –

If the target link content is not relevant to the topic being discussed, you may lose visitors as they will be frustrated with the poor experience provided by anchor links


anchor text in content writing

How to Optimize Anchor Text in SEO Content Writing?


1 – Make them clearly visible

Some websites offer anchor text to be in underlined. This makes it clear to the readers that the text has a URL to click on.

Make sure that when the readers come to the target page, the context remains the same instead of providing a poor experience.

2 – Must be woven naturally into the content

The anchor text should appear organically into the narrative of the content. This way, you preserve the natural flow of SEO content writing.

Some writers may stuff keywords in an attempt to optimize the anchor text. But this is a strict no-no. Such low quality hyperlinks may lead Google to penalize your rankings.


3 – Pay attention to surrounding text of SEO content writing

The surrounding text around anchor text should be in a natural human language. When the writer optimizes content as per this factor, she ensures that readers can read the content in a natural way without having a jerky and stuffed effect.


4 – Use different types of anchor texts

Your SEO content writing needs to have variety in usage of anchor texts. As per SEM Rush, the ideal distribution of anchor text in should be somewhere in this range

  1. Named or brand anchor text will be around 30% to 40%
  2. Partial match anchor text will be around 30% to 40%
  3. Other types ( naked, exact match, generic) will be around 20% to 30%


5 – They need to be relevant to the topic of discussion

Let’s see this with an example:

“You can use a professional real estate content writer like Textuar. It will do a stellar job of creating magic with words.“

The anchor text is the one marked in red “Real estate content writer” . Now when the reader clicks on this, she need to see a page that is relevant to this term. The target URL is “”, which opens to Real estate content writing services. So Google sees that it scores high on the relevancy factor.


To conclude

Anchor text is a good way to optimize your SEO content writing. It helps let Google know that your page and links in it are relevant. It shows that the context is present and have the depth that the reader expects.

Knowing about the different ways to optimize anchor text will ensure that you have a well-rounded SEO strategy.

The post Everything You Need to Know About Anchor Text in SEO Content Writing appeared first on Textuar.


Wednesday, 20 October 2021

How to Make Your Website Content More Readable?

Making sure your online content is “readable” is crucial in website content writing. It is an important aspect of optimizing it for the target audience. With this technique, you make your content as easy to read and skim as possible.

Users are more inclined to leave your website if your content is difficult to follow or understand. No wonder that even experts like Neil Patel recommend SEO webmasters to use tools to monitor and improve readability.

For that reason alone, it’s critical to understand the basic concepts of readability in website content writing. The key factors to consider when generating highly readable content are common content writing principles. Website writers will find these easy to implement and apply.


What is readability?

When we talk about a text’s readability, we simply refer to how easy it is to read and comprehend. So, your target audience should enjoy reading the content, rather than feeling drained after reading it.

However, many website content writers fail to take this into account.

In many cases, the readability of writing is largely influenced by the quality of the writing itself. Elements like text size, color scheme, and font style may significantly influence an article’s readability. It is one of the reasons it is critical to design with accessibility in mind.

But in content writing, there are many optimization techniques. These include simpler alternatives to complex words, shorter sentences, and smaller paragraphs.

website content writing
website content writing

What is an Example of Good Readability in Website Content Writing?


Let’s take an example.

I was stuck at the office because the boss had given a lot of PowerPoint slides to edit before the 9am meeting tomorrow, failing which, I might not be eligible for my incentives

This 33-word sentence can be broken into four smaller sentences (without changing its meaning or essence)

I was stuck at the office as I was working late. The boss had given a lot of PowerPoint slides to edit. These had to be done before the 9am meeting tomorrow. If this is not done, I might not be eligible for my incentives


See the difference?

The second option scores way higher on readability score than the first option. Plus the second option is easy to read and comprehend. It is not taxing on the reader’s minds.

In the first sentence, many points are crammed into one single sentence. This may lead to the reader’s brain to hard to grapple with the meaning behind what it was trying to say. This can turn out to be an annoying reading experience.

Make it easy for the readers. Give them something to read that their brains can easily process and comprehend.

Why Is Readability Important When Optimizing Your Content?

Readability might have an impact on your site’s search engine optimization (SEO). For instance, Google considers it a factor when ranking your pages since it links searchers with relevant and valuable content. So if you want your posts to perform well, quality and readability must be key priorities.

Studies show that 79% of web users scan rather than read the content. When website content writing is readable, visitors spend more time on the site. They can easily understand your marketing message. Since they can digest information better, it prompts them to engage longer with your site.

So make sure that the written text in your site is easy to read and comprehend for the impatient searchers.


How to Improve the Readability in Website Content Writing 


1 – Avoid too many long sentences

While lengthier sentences are sometimes inevitable or even required, you should try to limit the number of sentences. These numbers could include 20 words or more.

At the same time, you should avoid using only short phrases. Instead, experiment with different sentence lengths. It gives your writing a more natural flow.


2 – Use headers and paragraphs to break up the content

Nobody enjoys reading a long block of text with no breaks. If a paragraph is excessively long, it might not be easy to focus your eyes on it physically. As a result, use plenty of line breaks to make your text easier to skim.

Including regular headers is another wise strategy. It provides your material with a clear structure. It also further makes your content more scannable.


3 – Choose simple alternatives for complicated words 

While it may be tempting to use ten-dollar words like “expeditious” or “ameliorate.” Doing so will make your content more difficult to read.

You could use simpler words like “fast” or “improve.” It is almost always preferable to use a popular term over a more obscure one.


4 – To improve flow, use transition words 

Transition words are used to make your sentences flow naturally. Without them, sentences might appear disconnected from one another. Moreover, their meanings can get lost.

“As such,” “however,” and even “for example” are common transition words.


5 – Use active voice in website content writing 

When you use too much passive voice in your writing, it can sound weak and unfocused.

For example, the sentence “an error was made by me” is passive. But “I made an error” is active.

As you can guess, the latter is simpler to understand. It also immediately defines who the sentence’s subject is.


Read More How to Use Readability in Blog Writing to Boost SEO Ranking?


Wrapping Up

These were a few of the proven ways to improve the readability in website content writing.

Applying them will enhance your content and will also help the reader to understand your content.

If a DIY approach sound complex, then hire the experts in website content development like Textuar. They can generate compelling website copywriting to boost audience engagement. The highly readable content elevates he likelihood of enquiries and conversion for your site.

The post How to Make Your Website Content More Readable? appeared first on Textuar.


Monday, 18 October 2021

5 Secrets to a Winning Real Estate Content Writing Formula

A savvy real estate business owner has many digital marketing initiatives to pursue. SEO is perhaps one of the most cost-effective and impactful avenues. As per Ahrefs, 53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic search, powered by SEO. And content writing helps accelerate SEO for your real estate business.

But there is a problem here. Users know that it is now easy to look up many real estate business owners. How do you ensure that their attention remains fixed on your website? 

Well-articulated content developed strategically can help. 

Today, we take a look at how to ensure maximum ROI from real estate content writing. Real estate writers use these strategies to kickstart lead generation and convert visitors to customers. 

real estate content writing
real estate content writing

What tips ensure quality content writing for real estate?

Whether you are a realtor or property developer, you need to know a few handy real estate content writing tips that work for your industry. 

1 – Less of Features, More of Benefits 

Your website content needs to be arranged to convey every bit of information clearly. Homebuyers and sellers would want to know what’s in it for them when they go for your property. 

When the content says, “The apartment has a 3-phase lift back up with 90% efficiency”, the reader might ask, “What’s in it for me?”. So, you should answer that query.

Hence, the content can say, “You get uninterrupted power supply for lifts in the apartment so that you don’t have to exert yourself climbing the stairs in case of a power cut.”

In the second option, the website content clearly mentions the USP for buyers or tenants when they choose to stay at the apartment.


2 – Use of Blogs

Blogs for real estate websites work as a lead generation machine. You post valuable information about general topics on tips, questions, and step-by-step guides in your blog. You can infuse the blog with appropriate keywords. 

With this measure, you get well-articulated blog content loved by people and Google.  

Some topics that you can write on include: 

  1. News, trends, statistics, and top stories on real estate sector in a particular market. 
  2. Information on upcoming or sold projects and their USPs
  3. Guide readers about financing a home loan or steps to check before buying a resale home
  4. Develop content around a neighborhood that has your presence. Doing so will pull more readers to enquire about your properties in that locality. 

Blogs have emerged as one of the most potent weapons for an SEO webmaster. With compelling, high-quality real estate blog writing, you can attract loads of site traffic. This volume translates to a higher likelihood of engagement and conversion. 


3 – Use of Visual Content

The content creator knows that simply putting reams of text won’t work for a real estate website. She will blend other forms of visual content like infographics, videos, and maps. Using such forms of SEO-optimized visual content will be a lead magnet for your site. They attract a lot of attention and drive organic traffic to your site. 

Since these forms of content come with social sharing buttons, users are happy to share on their social media handles. This works well to spread your visibility far and wide.  


4 – Use of FAQs

Buying a home is a stressful process. It is one of the biggest purchases of a household. No wonder that the buyer may have a lot of questions. Your content should be able to address them fully. It will help to have an FAQ page added to the website. 

It will provide extra information not present anywhere on the site. 

Frame questions you regularly hear when you are at the sales office. You will know what questions should be a part of your FAQ. Use a professional real estate content writer to ensure that your FAQ is factually correct and free of typos. 


5 – Social media presence

If you are in the real estate sector, you might know that almost all your target buyers, tenants, landlords, and sellers will have a social media presence. How good would it be to build your brand visibility on this crucial marketing channel?

Real estate content writers create highly compelling and visually appealing posts. Such posts can be about the general industry or about your specific service. It can also be about a specific property listing. You can also add snippets of research, statistics, data, or takeaways. 

Some content creators will create memes, client success stories, and infographics to convey data in a concise form. Then they can share these on the social media handle of your brand to create a buzz among the target audience. 

There are various channels available to you for promoting your real estate company. Perhaps, you should focus your energy on Facebook and Instagram the most. Use catchy captions and hashtags to create irresistible posts. 


To conclude

You can create compelling real estate content as per the above guidelines to steer your company in the right direction. But it is clear that such a content creation process is taxing. You need to continuously create high-quality content in order to have a competitive edge in SERPs. 

But who says you have to do all the work yourself when you have the pros at your service?

You can use a professional real estate content writer like Textuar. It will do a stellar job of creating magic with words.   

The post 5 Secrets to a Winning Real Estate Content Writing Formula appeared first on Textuar.


Tuesday, 28 September 2021

4 Handy Tips for Conversational Content Writing

Did you ever read a piece of content and felt like the brand made a connection with you?

Well, that is exactly what every business expects to achieve by publishing high-quality, conversational content on their site and blogs.

Be it blog, article or website content, the meaningful and high value information should impress the readers enough to let them act upon the call to action.

Every business may have its set goals and expectations from content writing. But universally, engaging the readers remains the first KRA of every business’ content creation endeavours.


In this blog, we will share a few tips on how to write conversational content. Doing so will engage better with the customers and drive them towards conversion for your brand.

conversational content writing


What is conversational content writing?

As the name suggests, conversational content writing is a process of drafting content in a tone that people use in their day-to-day lives.

You need to address the reader’s needs in words that they would actually use when talking to someone in real life. Write something the readers would actually want to read, share and engage with. And even if your message is in a conversational tone, it should be meaningful.

Convincing readers to buy from your company is an incredible challenging task. But with conversational content, it becomes easy to entice, engage and entertain the reader.

Such type of content goes a long way in enabling personalisation for every reader.

As a result, she can form an unbreakable bond with your brand. And this is the hallmark of successful conversion and more revenues for your online brand.

And we all know that if you can influence people, you certainly can make the sales happen.

So, start building customer loyalty with your content’s tone. This is because loyal customers always recommend reliable businesses to others.

Even experts agree that conversational content

What are some examples of conversational content writing?

Ernest Packaging is a company that makes cardboard boxes. On paper, it might look to be one of those ‘dull’ businesses with nothing attention-grabbing to offer in terms of engaging content. Such companies can easily bore people, right?


Their website is filled with content that is easy to make people laugh and engaged in one go.


For instance: 


And tape. And gloves. And mailers. And displays. And…” followed by a list of things people may want to pack things.

So it all comes down to the creativity and skill of the content writer to create conversational content. She can add a touch of human interaction to keep the readers  hooked to the site.

What tips ensure conversational content writing?


1- Stay away from complex words

People believe that using complex words make them noticeable among others. Well, yes, technical jargon and terminologies may attract professionals. But, what about the ordinary people who wish to gain knowledge?

Not every reader has the time to open a “dictionary” to understand what you wish to convey. Remember, readers don’t have time even to read the entire content. They scan through everything. And if a reader comes across a complex word or sentence, he/she may not even consider reading anything.

In fact, the usage of complex words is perceived as a sign of the writer’s lower intelligence.


So, do yourself a favour and stay away from complex words altogether. Instead, use tools like Hemmingway App. This way, you can make your content bold yet clear!


2- Conversational content writing uses short sentences

Longer sentences tend to be more complex. You end up using subordinate clauses, more prepositional clauses and whatnot. This means you are just adding up more mental work for the readers.

Longer sentences have so much to say but so little to offer. In simple terms, your reader may end up rambling than actually interpreting your ideas.

But that doesn’t mean you should never opt for mid-sized sentences. Just throwing shorter sentences may become too predictable.

The result? The reader ends up losing interest in the content.

Use shorter sentences to build the foundation of the content and throw in mid-sized sentences to keep the readers engaged. You can use Flesch-Kincaid readability tests to understand where you stand when it comes to the readability of your content.


3- Focus on “you”

A writer may not be in the same room as his/her reader, but he/she needs to grab the attention regardless. And what is better than focusing on “you?”

By using the form of second-person throughout the content, you can make two things happen:

  • You end up talking to the readers directly.
  • You convey the benefit of the message in the content.
  • Readers feel as if they are in a one-on-one conversation. This boosts the ‘engagement’ factor

This way, you invoke self-bias in the readers. Plus, with the usage of “you,” the readers feel that the content was tailored just for them.

But, how will you ensure your content is complete “you” centric?

Well, to do so, you need to write as if you are speaking to a friend. With that mentality, you will end up using “you” in the entire content.


4- Get rid of filler words

Another thing you must keep in mind when drafting conversational content is clarity. With clear prose, you ensure your content can be understood, learnt from and enjoyed by everyone.

This means staying away from fluff and filler words or phrases that add no meaning to your sentence. Such words only bore your readers and complicate your ideas. Its usage waters down your message and makes your content less impactful.

For instance, the usage of “in order to” makes no sense when you have “to” to do the same work for you. “A lot” is yet another fluff word that has zero value. People want specific information, and “a lot” only makes things confusing.

“Literally” is mostly misused by writers. It again is a surplus word that generates unnecessary confusion. It is best to opt for words that are precise and descriptive instead.

“Very” can be easily deleted from any sentence without robbing its actual meaning. So, what we mean here is, drop using “very.” Don’t use “very” with an adjective. Instead, choose stronger adjectives. For example, “outstanding” instead of “very good”.

Get more conversational content writing tips 

Bonus tip

Write as if you are having a face-to-face dialogue with your readers. The choice of words, vocabulary, and style of writing will work wonders. It will automatically draw your audience in & engage better.


Your brand needs an expert content writer to connect with your customers

Remember that customers visit your blog to understand your industry authority and your grasp in your line of business. With well-articulated content, they gain trust that you are the right company to do business with. They trust that you will solve their queries for which they landed on your page in the first place.

Conversational content keeps the engagement level high when the reader is on your site. It keeps them engaged and drives them to do better (take actions).

So, follow the tips suggested above to stimulate emotions and trigger actions. You can hire professional content writers from Textuar to accomplish this goal and grow your online business ahead.

The post 4 Handy Tips for Conversational Content Writing appeared first on Textuar.


Monday, 20 September 2021

7 Reasons to Use Content Writing Services in Digital Marketing

Content writing has emerged as the cornerstone of competitive digital businesses. Today, more and more buying decisions happen online in the post-COVID-19 world. Hence, it is no surprise that physical businesses are moving online. Plus, existing digital businesses are fortifying their digital marketing.

The reason is simple – Google shows only 10 results on the first page that really matter to your target audience.

If you aren’t on these 10 results, then you can say goodbye to engagement, leads, and new customers online.

It is well-articulated and quality content writing that helps you reach this coveted position on search engine result pages (SERPs)


Why is high-quality content needed in today’s times?


Compelling content in the digital space plays a crucial role. It presents many opportunities for brand collaboration, promotion, and above all, establishing a connection with the customer. 

High-quality content can make customers feel valued and their needs validated. In addition, it helps you reach the targeted audience. As a result, you find it easy to boost your website’s SERP ranking. 

Today, content writing companies handle all requirements. These cover a variety of content types. These include blogs, articles, web content, press releases, etc. 

Let’s discuss some crucial points highlighting the value of content writing in digital marketing:


Importance of Content Writing Services in Digital Marketing

Professional content writers create well-written, emotionally engaging content. They do so while employing SEO best practices. These include tactics like keyword research, image optimization, and meta tags optimization. 

Professional writers also do backlinking of content to high-quality, third-party sites. Doing so elevates your level of domain authority. 

A well-researched, informative, and well-designed content is a simple method to get backlinks from the other website. This type of content works well to increase organic conversions. 

Here are some reasons that showcase the immense importance of quality content.


1 – It Helps You Reach Your Targeted Audience


People often surf the web passively in search of information. Having the right content on your website can help you reach your targeted audience. In turn, they may find the information provided by you valuable and hence stay longer on your website. 

Doing so helps in forging a connection with the customer. It also increases your brand value significantly.


2 – Boosts Social Media Strategies


Social Media is one of the best ways to reach your targeted audience. Having well-written content can help in the form of compelling posts, thoughtful comments, likes, and shares. 

It can help in building genuine connections with your viewers. In addition, various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc., can help in content promotion. This tactic works well to direct meaningful site traffic to your websites.


3 – Boosts Search Engine Ranking


Experts in content writing services deliver superior quality content with the use of the right keywords. Such content could be a potential game-changer. 

It can propel and position your websites on top search engine results. Having the right content agency plays a key role here. Content writing companies understand the working of search engines. Hence they can provide SEO-optimized content.

content writing services

4 – Build Expertise and Authority for the Brand


Investing in content writing services is beneficial for your Brand’s inbound marketing. It is no surprise that brands prefer getting content written by experts. They have years of experience articulating the right words to the right people for impact.

Such authoritative content helps increase the value of your website.


5 – Strengthens Trust in the Brand 


Nowadays, new clients are willing to work only with those businesses that present informative and engaging content on their websites.

Well-written and well-presented content can propel user engagement, as well as, overall user experience. They re-visit the site again and again in expectation of valuable and relevant information to solve their queries. 

A smart content writer provides content that is enjoyable to read, concise, and to the point. 

These reasons help in building trust amongst the audience. 

This point again proves the value and worth of a content writer to boost your digital marketing campaigns. 


6 – Content Writing Services Enhance Engagement

Professional content writing service providers are good researchers. So they are masters in putting only the most essential information. Such brevity keeps visitors interested and engaged with your website. 

This way, readers don’t mind staying on your site for longer. They get high value information that seeks to address their specific query. As a result, they look up to your brand for more such interesting information around your service/product offerings. 


7 – Content Educates the Audience


Educating your viewers is the first step in converting them into potential customers. Before buying anything, a customer should be familiar with the merits and use of buying the product. 

Content writers do so with various forms of content writing services. These span website content and ‘About us’ page. They also include tutorials, and SEO-optimized blog posts.


Get quality content writing services from the experts

Content remains the cornerstone of the digital marketing arena. Content is king. You use content to speak to the audience. 

Without it, it might be difficult to attract the right audience online. Having a well-written content through experts like Textuar improves your marketing strategies. It gives you an unbeatable competitive edge. 

Go ahead! Contact us to try out our content writing services. We are sure you won’t be disappointed!


The post 7 Reasons to Use Content Writing Services in Digital Marketing appeared first on Textuar.


Monday, 6 September 2021

How to Hire a Content Writer for Digital Success?

When you have a digital business, the intense competition will need you to go for SEO. Doing so will help you gain a competitive advantage. But SEO needs a regular influx of fresh and original content to meet its campaign objective. This is why you need to hire a content writer.

What value does a content writer offer?

A competent writer will understand your business, your competition, and, most importantly, your targeted customers. She will then create captivating content so that your brand improves its visibility.

The helpful and educative content will propel your inbound marketing needs and let people know that you are good at what you do.  This way, SEO content writing services will help you establish trust online and enable higher conversion.

These incredible benefits make a content writer a success enabler.

How to hire the best content writer?

But how do you get the best content writing talent to help you accomplish your SEO goals?

The answer is through a stringent assessment.

You need to assess the writer on multiple parameters to verify that they are a right fit. Delegating your content writing task to an outsider will bear fruit only if you have the right people to do the task.

1 – What is the skill and experience level?

You may want a writer who understands your business. Preferably, the writer should have experience writing for your domain. A skilled content writer like Textuar will have experience in multiple domains with their years of experience.

These include IT/Tech, law, real estate, services, automotive, BFSI, travel fitness, and lifestyle. You can check their portfolio to gauge their expertise in your specific domain.


2 – What is their level of enthusiasm?

When you connect with multiple writers, you may want to see how enthusiastic they are in responding to queries. Check if they reply on time. Assess if they suggest any creative solution to your specific content need.

Good writers will concur with experts like Neil Patel when he says that no content has to be boring. This even applies to ‘boring’ industries like hydraulics or screw manufacturing.


3 – Check their ability on in-depth content

See some blogs to understand if the writer can create in-depth content. Such content will be long form. It will do a deep dive into various points covered in the blog.

For instance, if the blog is about “tips to grow healthy vegetables”, and one of the points is about soil pH. In this case, the writer can choose to write, “The soil should have ideal pH level”. But think from a reader’s perspective now.

–  Will he have enough information when he actually implements your point?

–  Will he get all the information needed from your blog itself, without having to visit another site?

If the answer is ‘no’, then the content is superficial.

The reader needs to get all details from your site itself. This needs more in-depth coverage.

So, if the writer expands on the “ideal pH level” point, then he can expand further on it. He can say, “The soil should have an ideal pH level between 5.8 and 6.5. For temperate regions, it can be around 4.0.”


4 – Check if they have availability

With the first three points, you would have a fairly good idea about the top 2-3 choices of content writers. Now you can connect with them about your individual requirement. You can share your volume, scope of work, and ETA. You should ideally hire a content writer who has the availability to work on your specific project.

She should be able to deliver as per your deadlines. This is because a delay from the content writer will have a domino effect. If the writer delays the work, the SEO team will not get it on time. The content might not be published on time, and this might affect the SEO performance.


5 – Check client testimonials

Client testimonials act as an unbiased third-party review. They speak the truth about the writer’s capabilities and their commitment to their craft. You can learn a lot about the writer’s skills with such feedback from past clients.

Hence, this can be a goldmine of information in your business’s pursuit of a good content writer.


6 – Check their budget

The most suitable content writer should suit your budget. It is wise to discuss the per-word, per-hour, or per-project cost upfront. This way, you can avoid surprises when you receive their invoices. You may have a set content marketing budget, and content writing will be a part of it. So all tasks need to align with the overall budget.

When you take care of this point, you can determine the frequency of delivery. You can also find the volume of work to be supplied to the writer. Make sure to have a content calendar in place. This way, everyone knows when a delivery is supposed to be sent to the client.


To sign off

These were some vital points to check when you hire a content writer. This way, you can be assured of engrossing content that is enjoyable to read.

Content writers like Textuar enable successful SEO outcomes. So make the right first move, and contact us today itself.

The post How to Hire a Content Writer for Digital Success? appeared first on Textuar.


Friday, 27 August 2021

Why Should you hire a real estate content writer?

Whether you have a successful business or a start-up, you will need a website to do business online. One of the main success drivers for your real estate website is SEO optimized and quality content.

How quality content helps a real estate business?

Content is the language your real estate site speaks to communicate with your potential customers. You may be a realtor, a property agent, a developer, or a seller. Your website needs to elicit trust so that buyers and brokers alike can perceive your brand as authoritative.

Superior quality, compelling content helps you meet this goal. This USP skyrockets the chances of winning business online. It not only unlocks new vistas of opportunities but also makes an indelible impression on site visitors’ mind.


why real estate content writing

How to get good quality content for your real estate business?

Did you know that the current pandemic has increased the emphasis on online business? This means that your real estate marketing needs to be top notch. And quality content can help you accomplish this objective.

A company like Textuar will help you create a good website content for commercial and residential real estate properties. Be it a condo, an apartment, or a building, you can rely on our real estate content writers for superb outcomes.

We help your real estate website get good content. This will attract more customers, build your credibility, and help you generate leads to propel your real estate business ahead.

They will do proper research, analysis and come up with appropriate content for your website.

Why hiring a real estate content writer is a smart business move?

This was a basic idea of what a real estate content writer will do. There are several reasons why hiring a real estate content writer makes sense. Therefore, today we will explain a few reasons why hiring a real estate writer is the smart move for your website.


1- They are aware of the recent trends

A real estate content writer will help you publish engaging blog posts after considering several factors.

For example, an experienced writer will know the local amenities, neighbourhood market trends, mortgage details, FAQ about real estate etc.

The National Association of REALTORS study found that around 44% of buyers are focusing on blog posts from local real estate agents. This statistic is sufficient to help you understand that you need a writer who understands the local market.


2- They are experienced in writing comprehensive posts

You may be involved in the surveys, site planning, permits, and municipal compliance. As such promoting your business online may not be a top priority. Hence it is a wise move to outsource real estate content writing to experts like Textuar.

The content team has created engaging real estate content for many clients. They can write blogs, web content, press release, property listings.

They specialize in providing valuable information that helps your site to rank well on Google search results. This way you experience higher site traffic, and boost conversions online.

They know the terms used in the market and the way the sentences need to be framed. These traits set them apart from other writers, and hiring them is the ideal choice.

3- They help in generating a loyal client base

Most of the buyers find their ideal property by researching on the internet. If you cannot get sufficient traffic on your website, you’re missing out on a bigger segment of potential clients.

With good content, the reader will be kept engaged. Once they gain some knowledge from your blog, they are most likely to return for more. This is something that only an experienced real estate content writer can help you accomplish.


why real estate content writing

4- They can boost your postcard campaign strategy

Even today, the direct mail postcard campaign method is considered one of the best methods of advertising. Some studies have also shown that consumers trust postcard campaign options more than online ads.

The postcard should have a call to action that will help potential clients connect with you online. You can also add a QR code that will take them to your website.

With the writer constantly uploading the articles, the clients will be impressed by the postcard and check your website for more information.

5- They can add fresh content to an old site

Suppose you did not have time to update your website with fresh content. Then the real estate content writer is the partner you need for your website.

Old content and design will make your website look like you lost touch. Hence, the writing team will rewrite and repurpose the website’s content and create new content that will look good on your website.

Now the content creation aspect is sorted out. As a result, you can focus your energy on other things that help grow your real estate business.

Wrapping up

These were a couple of reasons why hiring a real estate writer makes sense. Get started by connecting with an experienced agency like Textuar who can deliver quality content writing for your real estate business.

The post Why Should you hire a real estate content writer? appeared first on Textuar.


Friday, 16 July 2021

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

4 Reasons to Hire a Professional Content Writing Company

 Do you feel that your website has been failing at engaging visitors for a longer duration? Or that the performance of your website is somewhat incompetent when it comes to generating new leads and improving the conversion rate? Then maybe it’s not your website that’s lacking, it’s your content that is failing to deliver the due impact.


What should you do in such situation? Outsource the content writing part to a professional and experienced content writing company! While these companies possess due expertise required to develop highly engaging content, they also help you place your website on top of the results on a search engine results page. Here are the benefits of hiring a content writing agency-


-       Experts at Work: There are innumerable content writing agencies that are competent enough to handle your project and develop highly industry-focused content for your website in the least possible time. These companies have dedicated teams of writers that possess expertise of developing top-notch content in various niches. All you have to do is properly convey your requirements and they will come up with the holistic content for your website.

-       Accurate & Engaging Content: How can a reader be tamed to read your content right from the start to the end? Answer is simple, by providing them with the content that can keep them hooked while providing the value. And none other than an industry expert content development company can do it for you. The resources and expertise these companies have enable them to create highly precise and engaging content.

-       Search Engine Compatibility: Creating content is one thing and creating search engine optimized content is a whole lot different thing. Besides, what good is highly engaging content if it fails to reach the desired audience? That’s why a professional content writing agency emphasizes developing content that happens to be search engine friendly along with being engaging. They curate the most relevant and high search volume keywords that can help your website fetch the good ranks and enhance the authority of your website in the given domain on the internet.

-       Save your time & efforts: Drafting and creating SEO friendly content requires great deed of research, which may require you to invest a lot of your time and efforts. However, you can outsource the content writing part to a professional company and utilize the time and effort to improve other parts of your website.


While it is essential for your content to be highly relevant and informative, it also has to be optimized to achieve good SERP ranks. And if you want your content to stand out from that of your competitors, hiring an accomplished content writing company is always a good idea.

7 Reasons Why You Should Produce High Quality Content

7 Reasons Why You Should Produce High Quality Content: High quality content is the accelerant your SEO campaigns need. Here are some reasons why you need to get it done from expert writers

Monday, 7 June 2021

Subheadings in Article Writing – How to Create Them to Help Engage with Readers

Today’s digital content consumer has a notoriously short attention span. Since 2000, it has dropped from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. With the onset of COVID-19 and increased competition, marketers have to find out innovative ways to make content marketing a lead magnet. Now that means that article writing companies have a challenging dilemma – how to keep the readers hooked to the content.

The writer begins with the first task of crafting a memorable headline. With this USP, she strives hard to keep the reader from moving away from the blog.

Next, she tries to write conversational content that will make the content reading experience an enjoyable one.

In this part, you will notice an interesting piece of advice – “incorporate subheadings”.

Let’s see why this is an important part of the engagement objective of article writing.


What are sub-headings in article writing?

Many blogs have a typically well-defined structure. It starts with a title, has an intro that delves into the problem. This is followed by a main body that lists out a solution to a problem.

Many in-depth articles tend to be quite long. Now, it is natural that given the reader’s short attention span, there needs to be a way to keep him hooked enough to continue reading.

This is where the concept of subheading comes in.

A subheading is like a mini headline that carries the narrative forward.

Also, it comes in handy when the reader is first scanning the article to see if it is worth her time to read from start to end. Needless to say, a subheading will play a greater role in telling the reader that yes, it is well worth her time to stay on the article and read it till the end.

So, we can say that well-crafted subheadings help improve the engagement of the brand with the reader. So, make it a point to add a subheading every 200 words or so.

Article writing company

Benefits of subheadings in article content

1 – Splits long text into digestible chunks

Readability is an important prerequisite of reader engagement. Article writers know how not to make content consumption a draining experience. They take care of avoiding text fatigue with techniques like using lists, bullets and subheadings.

Subheadings serve a valuable purpose here. They help a writer to break up large text into smaller, digestible chunks. She will break the long text at key transitional points (for e.g., when it moves from “advantage no. 1” to  “advantage no. 2”).

2 – Assists readers in scanning

Today’s reader is clever. She first checks if the content is worth reading.

How does she determine this?

She does this by scanning the text from top to bottom. This will entail a quick scan of the title and the subheadings.

Imagine if the subheading fails to entice the reader. She will simply close the browser and walk away. This demonstrates the importance of a catchy subheading.

3 – Provides direction to the narrative in article writing

Subheadings work towards helping the reader from one chunk of text to another. This is done without compromising the cohesiveness or flow of the content.

It seeks to prompt the reader to continue reading ahead. This helps maintain the momentum and sustain the reader’s interest in the article.

When do writers create the subheadings for an article?

Article writers know that they need to first create an outline to build a framework for an in-depth blog. This step happens during the research stage, much before beginning with the draft.

In this stage, the writer will collect the material and see if she has sufficient matter to write on a central theme in the article topic. During this collection phase, she will list down all points to cover. These points will follow a logical or step by step order.

Keeping this outline in front during the drafting phase will guide the writer. She knows exactly about

  1. What needs to be written?
  2. What is the next point to be covered?
  3. How many words to write per point in the body?

This is the point where subheadings need to be created.

Take an example of an article. Suppose the title is “3 Questions a Content Writer Should Ask Clients Before a Project”

The outline will be as below as per your research.

  • Intro
  • Question#1 – Type of content
  • Question#2 – Client business
  • Question#3 – Reader persona
  • Conclusion

Now the writer has points#2 to 4 as the article body. She will then go on to craft a subheading that describes the point below it. So the three sub-headings can be

2 – “What type of content is needed from the content writer?”

3 – “What is the client business?”

4 – “Who is the reader for the content?”

When the reader scans these subheadings, she will get a clear idea about how the narrative is flowing. She will come to know the 3 questions.

Now it will pique her interest further.

She will want to know the what, how & why of each of the three subheadings.

How to create subheadings that keep readers hooked?

1 – They should create value

Don’t just write plain vanilla subheadings. These need to convey a clear understanding of what is the narrative of the point being discussed after the subheading.

2 – Test and re-test the subheadings

It is a classic sin to finalize the first subheading that comes to mind. You need to keep revising the subheading, till you are confident that it provides the necessary effect you expect it to have.

3 – Try writing the subheadings at the beginning

Smart content marketers know the importance of structuring the article. This can be done by providing an outline to the article before the writer begins with the draft. She will list out the various sections for two key purposes –

  1. It helps the writer to verify if the narrative is flowing smoothly without a jarring effect
  2. By delineating the copy, the writer can provide a logical structure to the content.

Lastly, don’t forget one key thing.

You need to mark the subheadings as either H2 or H3 in the HTML editor of your blog publishing site.

Typically it may be a WordPress site.  Such sites allow the writer to enclose the H2/H3 tag around the subheadings.

To conclude

Today, every digital business is fighting to get noticed. You need to work hard on your content writing to create compelling articles.

It is equally true that readers are brutal when it comes to simply scan the text to decide if they need to stay longer. Writers know and accept it as a fact of life. That is why they make bullets, lists, and subheadings their friend when writing a compelling article.

Creating subheadings will go a long way in enticing readers to stay on the site for long. These tips will provide you with assistance on how to create subheadings in articles that cling to the readers’ minds.

Connect with an expert article writing company like Textuar to help extract more from your content marketing goals.

The post Subheadings in Article Writing – How to Create Them to Help Engage with Readers appeared first on Textuar.
