Friday, 27 April 2018

5 ways to use interactive content to boost your online marketing campaign

Every company has to understand that a digital content consumer has a small attention span. If the ad is boring, he has the option of closing the window of the browser. So, they should find a way to advertise for their product that captivates the users and converts them into customers. There is an easy way to make this possible; interactive content.

What is interactive content exactly?

Interactive content requires the participants’ active engagement more than simply reading or watching. In return for that engagement, participants receive real-time, ultra-relevant results they care about. It is a sure shot way to engage users in the advertisement. The user may or may not convert into a customer immediately but with the help of interactive content, his interest in a particular field sparks up substantially.
Today, let’s looks at five interesting ways to use interactive content in your digital marketing campaign that will increase the user to customer conversion rate:
  • Create awareness

Interactive content helps to increase or create awareness around your products and the company too. This way you are embedding it into the user’s memory. Interactive content also helps your company stand out versus your competitors. The key to arise awareness is making the user believe that they have a problem and the solution should be your product. You can also try implementing infographics and quizzes to show a user how they fared as compared to other users.
  • Use your content to educate the users

Providing informative content to the users is one of the best uses of interactive marketing which comes of use when a user considers buying the product. Providing fun facts and benefits of the product will pique the buyers’ interest in the product and may help in convincing him to buy it.
Read more on how interactive content is a superb way for boosting user engagement
  • Find the best fit for your product

It is an important step before releasing a marketing campaign to set your goals according to the project. Your team will have to decide on which type of interactive content suits your product the best. Now you won’t find the right method instantly. This process will take time and mistakes will be made but it’s all a learning process. Some types of interactive content involve quizzes, calculators (mostly used for finance related products), games and contest, to name a few.
interactive content for online marketing campaign
  • Combine it with other types of marketing

Interactive content can be teamed up with other forms of online marketing such as events or blogs. You can even try combining it with social media marketing as it is one of the most engaging way of advertisement.
  • Strengthen bond with existing customers

Saving the best for the last, this is one of the most crucial ways of gaining more customers. Maintain your relationship with existing buyers and satisfied customers so that they post good reviews about your company or maybe you can convince them to spare time and write customer testimonials or maybe even user polls where they vote in favor of a certain product.
Interactive content is the new face of digital marketing. It is a sure shot way of keeping users engaged and keeping your advertisement short and to the point. With a good content agency by your side you can be sure of soaring engagement levels with interactive content
The post 5 ways to use interactive content to boost your online marketing campaign appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Saturday, 21 April 2018

10 Modern Blog Editing Tips for The Finicky Blogger

Blogging is a hot topic right now and everyone loves it. Blog content not only provides information to the reader but creates an incredible channel for brands to engage better with their potential customers online and thus obtain new revenue streams. It is no wonder that 86% of B2B companies use blogging as a lead generation tool.

The outcome of so much blog content developed by professional content writers? Readers get an impression of industry authority from companies that blog. This in turn, raises the industry authority of the blog and thus enables in higher likelihood of conversion. Don’t believe us?  Then check out this stat – companies that blog get 97% more inbound links that companies that don’t, this is the power of blogging.
Now if you are a blogger and love to do your work keeping every minute detail in mind, then here are 10 tips for you:
  1. Sharpen your blog content:

Every detail you put into your blog should be crisp and information packed. Always remember quality before quantity. Make the blog content appealing by including statistics, figures, fun facts and trivia wherever necessary. This way the reader will not get bored and will be hooked to your content.
  1. Try some mind training exercises:

Before you sit down to write, try some brain exercises. This will help warm up your mind before writing and will ensure you write and think better. If you don’t want to do all that, you can try reading a few articles. It need not be related to the one you plan on writing but it will help you prepare your mind.
blog content editing tips
  1. Keep your audience in mind:

As a blogger, your articles will be read by people who share the same interest. Make your blogs for informative for them so that they keep reading your blog content over and over again. Once you have won their hearts, it won’t take them time to recommend your work to friends’ family and colleagues.
  1. Rearrange your work:

It is very important to categorize your work. This will include making the titles more appealing, breaking them down into more paragraphs, converting paragraphs into bullet points etc. You can even break down one large blog into a series of blogs, thus making it more engaging.
  1. Question yourself:

Another very important point to keep in mind is asking yourself questions about the blog content you just wrote. Questions like is this information enough? Will it solve all the reader’s questions? Did I provide enough of data in there? Did I hype a certain topic up just because I like it? Asking yourself these questions will help improve the quality of your work as well as provide detailed information for your audience.
  1. Play with your words:

Adding a little sparkle and finesse to your work will never harm. Make sure your word choice is not monotonous and repetitive. If you add a little oomph factor to your work, it will surprise your readers. Fine tune your work and make it unique and one of a kind. Find different ways to bring your ideas to life.
blog content editing
  1. Always accept change:

What you may find appealing, your boss may not. When it comes to blog writing, everyone has different viewpoints on everything. Maybe your boss may not like your work and may add changes to a blog you thought was perfect. Do not let that bring you down. Look at it with an open mind and respect his opinions too.
  1. Revise your work:

After completing the blog, manually proofread it to ensure there are no mistakes because usually, you may tend to miss the minute errors in it like word choice or sentence formation. Doing this will ensure your blog is perfect for your audience.
  1. Change your perspective:

Go through your blog with the mind of a reader. Looking at your blog from a reader’s point of view often helps you in finding statements that may offend your readers.
  1. Research the data you have used:

If you are using stats and numbers make sure they are verified from a reliable source or else it makes no sense in providing this information on the blog. This often happens when you take data only from one source blindly without cross-checking its authenticity. So double check the information before putting your blog out for readers to view it.
These were 10 important steps for a finicky blogger which if implemented, will help him put his best work out there for his audience to enjoy.
The post 10 Modern Blog Editing Tips for The Finicky Blogger appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Why Telling Stories through Copywriting Is a Smart Marketing Strategy

Miami based Jason Peugh always wanted a reliable way of connecting with his digital audience. He has been trying multiple styles in copywriting, but couldn’t successfully establish a meaningful connection with this online audiences. Then he started adding stories of real life instances and connected it with the point he was making in his blogs and articles. He saw an immediate impact in impression and shares for his blog.
The above story highlights the importance of storytelling in copywriting

Why is storytelling important?

Weaving in a story into the content establishes a personal relationship between the company and the reader, leading to better engagement and higher potential of conversion. Human psychology states that people tend to absorb and remember stories much better than facts and stats. More attention is paid towards stories, and they are remembered much better.
Not only do people understand stories, they also like them. Storytelling in copywriting allows brands to effectively present concepts to their audience and form a connection that goes ahead of products or services.
storytelling through copywriting

How it will impact your target audience

The reason for creating a website and including marketing techniques like blogging is to engage your target audience. Your aim is to convince users that your products and services are much better than the competitor’s products. If this technique is successful, the audience is more likely to purchase your products/services. With that being said, storytelling in copywriting adds emotion to written content, thus engaging the user more into your brand.
The stories that are told on your website should be such that it implements itself in the customer’s mind forever. The best way of telling a story through the digital marketing platform is to add it to your blog content.

Implementation of storytelling in copywriting

Think of storytelling as a written word and make use of props, visuals and videos to add a touch of emotion to your story. Visuals will help implant your vision in the reader’s mind and will hold his attention for a longer time.

Brands that have successfully implemented this theory

Famous brands like Mercedes-Benz, Coca-Cola and Johnnie Walker use the storytelling techniques to promote their business and have been pretty successful at that strategy. The advertisements of these companies are a huge success because they tell a story while advertising so it doesn’t seem too pushy. People hate when an advertisement is too pushy so storytelling in copywriting is a welcome change to viewers.
creative-storytelling ideas in copywriting

How to incorporate storytelling in copywriting?

People are attracted to stories from an early age. That is why parents also use this technique to teach kids values and manners. Stories have the ability to capture the user’s attention from start to end, making this method much more successful as compared to other methods of marketing.
Given below are a few ways brands can tell a story effectively:
  • Go personal:

The best way to get into the heart of the consumer is to tell a personal story, maybe of what motivated you to think of starting the company or the vision and mission you had when you thought of starting up the business. This way you get your story into the minds of the customer and they may get inspired by your story, thus engaging them more into the brand.
  • Share a business story

This is another way to expose a deeper and personal side of your brand to the customer. Tell them your business story. What motivated you to start the business, how did you manage to build your business from scratch, what factors motivated you to launch your business in that certain field of expertise, etc. You can also mention what your business does for its consumers. Let customers know how your brand will impact their lives
  • Ways in which the product can help

It’s beneficial for your brand if you talk about how the purchase of this product will impact their lives for the better, thus building trust and credibility for your products and services.
  • Consumer narrative

This is one of the most effective storytelling methods. All you need to do is take original customer reviews and project it as a success story. This builds more trust as the users are reading what existing customers have written about you, thus convincing them further to purchase the products/ services.

To wrap up

Thus, storytelling in copywriting has the scope of bringing about a revolution in digital marketing. It has a unique way of communicating as well as advertising for the customers without being too pushy. If brands adopt this policy, they will achieve far more success as compared to traditional techniques.

The post Why Telling Stories through Copywriting Is a Smart Marketing Strategy appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Friday, 6 April 2018

7 interesting IT buzzwords for website content writing

7 Buzzwords from the IT sector 2018
7 Buzzwords from the IT sector 2018
“Change is the only constant” is an adage as old as time. The sooner we get to terms with it, the better adapted we are to go about in a world that’s so fast-paced. Learning necessary buzzwords always comes by handy, especially when you are involved in website content writing for IT companies. It lets you slide into conversations and discussions with finesse. Out here, we are going to stud you with a bunch of buzzwords that are making all the waves in the IT and Technology arena. Stay abreast. Stay resourceful.

  1. Blockchain

This IT buzzword has been making it to the list of the trendiest buzzwords for quite long now along with BitCoins, and it doesn’t look like it is far from done. A blockchain is the technology behind bitcoins. It enables the Bitcoin users to exchange currency without being virtually looted or being transacted fake or unauthorized bitcoins.
This advantage makes Blockchain a favorite for other applications like smart contracts and real estate documentation.
  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI generally means the independent functioning of a software or machine and to perform with the ease and efficiency a human would. Decision-making, improvising, and learning from its mistakes, is what AI does.
Our reliance on Voice recognition searches all across the globe is an indication that AI may just end up being an integral part of our lives very soon.
  1. Quantum Computing

A quantum computer is a machine that solves high order problems far more efficiently than a general computer would. It does so by using quantum bits (also known as Qubits) instead of the traditional Binary digits. Though this still is a far-fetched technology as experts are trying to figure out how machines function over qubits.
This may take a couple of years to materialize, but getting ahead of times really adds flavor to your website content writing projects and gives it a wider reach.
  1. Internet of Things (IoT)

One of the most popular ideas that has been making all the waves in the IT sectors around the world, IoT is the future we are looking at. The rate at which it gaining popularity, we don’t see how this could not be a trending buzzword. With IoT, the entire globe becomes one giant network of information.
Every object that has an IP address and can receive or transfer data contributes to the IoT. This single-handedly widens the ground on which the internet functions thus yielding faster and more efficient solutions, since digital mesh would spread far and wide.
  1. Digital Detox

This would sort of seem like an odd fit in an article that is all pro-IT, but it is what it is – a buzzword nonetheless, and when it comes to website content writing, you leave no stones unturned. Digital Detox is something that arose from the evils of an interconnected world. The concept behind a Digital Detox is to be entirely disconnected from technology like smartphones, tabloids, etc.
It is a session undertaken deliberately to disconnect from anything that would take you to the internet. Provisions like forest camps, retreats, meditation seminars, etc  are blooming up at places to detoxify the masses.
  1. Serverless architecture

Misleading as it may sound, serverless computing is not a system that functions without servers but it just means that the person running the system does not need to buy servers. In other words, they just don’t have to bother themselves with managing servers anymore, thus making IT a smoother business function.
  1. Mobile first

The world is moving forward and people realized that staying stuck to the desktop wasn’t that constructivist an idea. Come in Mobile first, which enabled people to take their business wherever they go.
There is no surprise as to why the smartphone era has been rapidly growing. With the mobile first technology, you can now get complete access to all your data anywhere you go.
Get yourself acquainted with these as a content writer, and serve your technology clients better with relevant website content writing.
The post 7 interesting IT buzzwords for website content writing appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

4 Amazon Product Description Writing Areas to Focus On

Today, Amazon retails 562 million products – easily making it one of the biggest e-commerce sites in the world. As a seller there is a lot of value in getting good product descriptions written so that your product ranks high on relevant search terms. You need to focus on the 4 key areas of the product description content writing

  1. The Heading
  2. Bullet List of Product Features
  3. Actual description
  4. Hidden keywords

1 – The Heading

Which one of the below would the reader pick to spend time to read about?
“Blue Shirt”
“Raymond’s Light Blue Full Sleeve Shirt size 40”
Of course, the 2nd one.
Amazon provisions 200 characters to build the title heading of the product. You would want to make it as informative as possible to let the readers know whether they should check out the product or no.
Some guidelines for popular product categories mandates the below formats for product description heading –
  1. For TV, you can add Manufacturer + Model Number + Product Type
  2. For Computers, you can specify Manufacturer + Model Number + PC Type + (Processor speed + RAM + Hard Drive Size)
  3. For Small Appliances, the heading can mention Manufacturer + Model Number + Model Name + Product Type, Color
  4. For Cookware, you can add Manufacturer name + Line + Size+ Product Type
  5. Feature list
 ecommerce-product description content writing
It is advised by experts like Kissmetrics to craft comprehensive feature list. Instead of talking only about what the product consists of, you need to focus more on what the product does for the customer.Some key pointers to note to improve its engagement quotient would be
  1. Cover all important features around a product to improve its promotional appeal
  2. Don’t add shipping and seller information
  3. Don’t add product price in the feature list
  4. Product description
This is the key portion where the buyer eventually decides whether or not to buy the product. Keep a subtle promotional tone without going overboard or aggressive/ boastful. Some valuable tips to craft the product description on Amazon include –
  1. Use full sentences that are easy to read and comprehend
  2. Explore how videos and images can be used
  3. Keep out seller information like company name and focus only on the product
  4. Hidden Keywords
This is one area where copywriters can create the maximum impact. Amazon has specified clear keyword guidelines in order to rank well on the e-commerce site with hidden keywords –
  1. Hyphenated words will be treated as same as individual words surrounding the hyphen. For example ‘surround-sound’ will come with ‘surround’ and with ‘sound’. So it makes sense to hyphenate wherever possible
  2. Amazon’s A9 search engine doesn’t give better weightage to multiple occurrences of keywords as compared to single occurrence. Copywriters need to use relevant alternatives and phrases rather than stuffing with keyword for better search ranking
  3. Amazon provides 5 fields of 100 characters each; make sure to use it well.
Check this great post by Search Engine Journal to know more about hidden keywords.

To wrap up

These tips will strengthen the copywriting you do for Amazon product description. With a thoughtfully crafted description penned by a good copywriter, you can be assured of better visibility and increased sales on the e-commerce site.
Want to do more for your Amazon store? Then check out this great post by Neil Patel on ranking better on Amazon product search.
The post 4 Amazon Product Description Writing Areas to Focus On appeared first on Textuar Blog.