Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Why a Content Calendar Makes Total Sense for Content Marketing?

The content marketing process comprises of content creation as well as content distribution. If  you are focused on the content creation process (brainstorming on topics to pick, doing research, assessing which keywords are to be added), it is likely that you will lose focus on the second phase – i.e. smart distribution of content.

Wouldn’t it be great if you have a way to sort out all the topics for blog content development well before hand? This way, you will be freed up during the actual content creation and publishing process.
This is precisely why you need to invest a few minutes to have a content calendar in place.

What is a content calendar?

With a content calendar, you can put more time to creating and sharing compelling content rather than being troubled for hours at end about what to write. It is basically a document (generally in the spreadsheet format) that is used to schedule your postings. It is the one-stop-shop for all your questions like when what, and where to post to streamline the blog content development process. Even experts like HubSpot and KissMetrics corroborate the immense value of content calendar in blog content development process.
calendar for blog content development

Benefits of a well-structured content calendar:

  1. A Sense of direction
A well-maintained and regularly updated content calendar can indeed go a long way. It helps you focus on the tasks that are coming up and prepare in advance for important posts which would require meticulous efforts and no haste.
  1. Contributes to the overall consistency
Since you have it all sorted out systematically, you find yourself at this vantage point. You can address questions like
  1. which post would need more of your time and effort
  2. which post would need reworking before publishing
  3. do all posts discuss unique ideas
You can monitor your entire process of content creation for a year with ease. With a content calendar, pushing unique content and having your audience coming back for more becomes easier.
  1. Organization:
A good content calendar does more than just give you an overview of things. It makes life easier in ways more than one. Now that you’d have all your content and associated research well organized, you would not have to dig deep for references and online statistics.
  1. A context for your content
Adding meaningful context to your content holds water when it comes to good quality content. You need to understand all of what has been said about the topic at hand and add it to your benefit. Reading content online gives your post an edge like no other and for to accomplish this goal, you need to know of things well in advance.
  1. Helps you trace down and review posts that didn’t work
There may be instances when your well-organized post didn’t fire the way you expected it to. If such a case arises, you have nothing much to sweat over. Having a content calendar helps you go back to the strategy you resorted to the last time and not repeat the exact same mistakes this time around.
Using these aids, you can make your content spread better than before. So the next time you find yourself frustrated or searching for hot topics, make sure you use a content calendar and go about your blog content development process in a strategic manner.

The post Why a Content Calendar Makes Total Sense for Content Marketing? appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

How A Blog Will Help Promote Your Startup

In today’s digital era, everything is online. Be it shopping, renewing your insurance policy, or even buying a house! Businesses benefit hugely from having a personal blog or a website of their own because users are on the internet all the time. So the chance of them stumbling upon a business blog and discovering your brand is high.

Blog Content Writing is the new way of promoting one’s business, whether it is a multi-million company like Microsoft or an upcoming business like AltBalaji.  Be it the traditional way of writing blogs effectively or new age long form blog content, small business will need to publish blogs to make a connection with the user’s psychology.
A user spends at least 4 hours a day online, browsing the internet for things he is interested in. if your business blog features in his online search, the chances are he may get converted from a user to a customer. Statistics show that 76% of B2Bs prioritize delivering content quality over content quantity.
blog content writing
blog content writing helps businesses to increase online visibility

Benefits of having a business blog

  • Enhances SEO of your business

The best way to offer frequent content is to provide them with blogs about your business regularly. Blog content Writing enables search engines like Google and Bing to enhance rankings of website with fresh content push. In addition to inbound marketing objectives, blogs also propel the visibility of your brand significantly.
  • Industry authority perception:

If you are operating a startup or a smaller company, forming trust with your audience can be a challenge. With timely blogs talking about readers’ problems and resolutions ensures that you craft an industry authority perception and thus gain your readers’ trust. Blog Content Writing is so powerful that it can convert users into customers easily, provided your blog is informative and appealing to the user.
  • Bringing your brand closer to customers:

Blog Content Writing gives customers a peek into the personal side of your business in ways a straightforward marketing technique never could. It allows them to understand the corporate principles you follow, the etiquettes you abide by and the quality you implement into your products and services.
business blog writing
business blog content cycle
  • Boost leads:

Research has established that the bigger your business blogs are, the more chances of leads it will receive. According to a research done by Hubspot, businesses with 400-1000 pages of content get 6 times more leads as compared to businesses that offer 50-100 pages of content. More content means more information, more form submissions, quote requests and thus, more sales.
  • Increases the reach of your business:

When a business is first started, its main aim is to gain customers locally. But when a business goes online through the form of Blog, the company becomes well known even outside its geographical radius. Thus users from any region can view your blogs and can become potential customers.
To sign off
Blog Content Writing is a very important concept for an upcoming business. It is essential for them to start up a blog if they want to increase their sales online. It is the most innovative way of marketing because unlike outbound marketing techniques, blogging does not seem too pushy to users and thus keeps them engaged in reading the blog for longer. It helps to develop a rapport with the users as well.
It is possible that your startup may not want to incur costs of pushing regular blogs that are original and captivating. You can look to get blogs done at a far lower cost by outsourcing blog content to content writing specialists. This will let you focus on growing your business while the content specialist will crank out incredible blogs that will improve your online visibility significantly.

The post How A Blog Will Help Promote Your Startup appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Five Effortless Steps to Make Your Readers Hit the Share Button

Garnering readers for your blog writing has never been an easy task. It, quite clearly, is a tedious task that transcends beyond the usual objectives of compelling content and posting to high-traffic sites. In short, the game of making your post share-worthy requires something more.

Want to check out how you can ensure that readers hit the ‘Share’ button on your blog? Then check out these important tips to improve the shareability of your blog.

1. It is all about the content!

It all comes down to that one thing that many people are overlooking these days – content. Making good content may have them all glued to your site but would they want to share it? Have you given them something that resonates with their thinking? Have you voiced their opinion?

Considering all of this becomes pivotal when it comes to making your blog post shareable.  Make personally relatable content at the time of blog writing. The content should reflect (or even challenge) the views of your target reader. This will make him/her share your content either due to the agreement or due to the disagreement. Either way, your post has been shared and that’s all that matters.

To know what readers are reading and sharing currently, you need to be in touch with topics that matter. Set Google Alerts about topics that would matter to your business and cover a news or new update as soon as you can.

2. Make life easy for your reader by using “sharing plugins”

Make things easier for your reader. Let them not go out of their way to hunt for ways to share your content. Provide them with that even before they ask for it. Many such options are available which allow you to do that. Shareaholic is one such popular case-in-point.

Added benefits include analysis of your post and the ability to monitor your social media presence as well.

tips for blog content writing sharing

3. What looks great, is shared well.

Make it look good and half your battle is won. It isn’t news to many that what looks greats, sells well. The same holds true for your content too. Making it visually pleasing will make it go a long way.

Making visually pleasing content is no more a herculean task now. If it is content that concerns itself with statistics and numbers, infographics are your go-to tools. If the content you are trying to put out is entertainment based, gifs, images, and video embeds make your post all the more shareable.

4. Keep it real, is all

Several sharing plugins now share analytics displaying how many times your post has been viewed, shared and liked. This builds a considerable amount of credibility among your readers.

Also, in some mild manner, it pokes the herd mentality of readers overall and compels them to share the post among their peers. But this also calls in for some caution because if your post does not live up to the statistics is shows, then that can backfire, thus adding to negative publicity for your post.

5. Ask them to do the needful

Sometimes, being vocal helps. Asking your readers to share creates a one-on-one connection with them. By doing this, you are imparting a certain amount of responsibility to them and if you have had that rapport with your readers in the past, they’d feel entitled to share your content without flinching. Going for the kill does the trick.

  1. “Like what you see? Feel free to share it with your friends.”

To sign off

There are endless other means to endorse your blog content and make it share-worthy. Banking on the above-mentioned steps would definitely up your blog ‘shares’ stats in record-time. Do let us know which of these have you tried out in your blog writing efforts.


The post Five Effortless Steps to Make Your Readers Hit the Share Button appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Expert Copywriting Tips To Increase Conversion Rate

Skilled content developers change their writing flexibly as per the customer requirements. They know how important it is to present content in a certain manner for landing pages, blogs, product descriptions and other types. This excellence in flexible writing is what makes them effective and valuable for SEO and conversion rate.

A premium copywriting services agency offers an effective approach for targeting multiple purposes of content creation such as marketing, informing, entertaining, educating and others. In fact, they combine a gist of all the benefits in every content piece in order to grab the attention of the target audience and make them convert as desired.

In this post we would check out a few valuable copywriting tips from our professional copywriters that will help your digital marketing clients.

  1. Understanding client’s content goals

Every professional copywriter asks for the client’s goals for content creation. A business owner has a set of goals such as improving brand awareness, generating online leads, converting users to customers, attracting past customers, or boosting search ranking results.

So, a good copywriting practice is to align content creation with the client’s business goals. So, the first process of copywriting should be to understand the goals of your clients.

copywriting tips from professional copywriters

  1. Examining existing content performance

Understanding the business needs of your client completes half the job. Quality copywriting comes out of the ability to learn the demands of the target audiences and deliver the same. This becomes possible with in-depth research of the existing content that your client has.

Your job should be to define content pieces that are working well for their business and the ones that are not so good in terms of provided client goals. With that, it becomes possible to plan content creation that links the demand with client goals.

  1. Finding popular content from the competition

Competition analysis is not just limited to keyword research and link building. The content structure and its popularity among the target market can help with copywriting too. To judge the popularity level of content pieces, you need to look into the backlinks, social media shares and search engine positions of the content pieces.

After finding the popular content from competition, the copywriting features of those content pieces should be noted. These features can include the structure, the choice of words, the outline, and other copywriting aspects.

professional copywriter with keyboard

  1. Defining a clear target audience for every content piece

Audiences on the internet search with informational intent, commercial intent, and others. A professional copywriter defines a clear target audience for every content piece. Avoiding too broad targeting helps in keeping the content packed with valuable information that impresses the audience. In addition, that leads to the better conversion rate for the clients.

Meeting client needs, audiences’ needs, and competitive edge, these are the goals that an professional copywriter attains with his or her methods of writing. Finding such a copywriter is a great advantage for corporate companies that desires high-quality results in the copy creation.

To sign off

Along with all that, expert copywriters suggest these pro-level tips

1 – Maintain simplicity and effectiveness in the content. Using the right words is more important than using complex words.

2 – Discuss one central idea in one content piece. So, bringing the right logic to the table and making it easy with the right choice of words is what makes the perfect copy.

3 – Have a strong productivity system in place to service clients better

Keep all the tips in mind and leverage expert writers to get the copywriting job done the right way.


The post Expert Copywriting Tips To Increase Conversion Rate appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Friday, 9 March 2018

4 Simple Tips to Drive a Mobile-First Blog Writing Philosophy

With Google gradually shifting towards mobile-first, SEO companies are now making their mobile strategies more robust. Making website design responsive, ensuring high page load speed and other changes are valuable steps that SEO services implement for better mobile experience for the users.

However, there is one other aspect, which is really important to ensure the user experience on mobile. And that is the blog format created for official blogs of businesses.

Blog writing companies have understood the demand for mobile-friendly content. They know that people use their smartphones to find information, consume content, and make purchases. Hence, blog posts are required to become more convenient for the screens of mobile devices.

There are multiple aspects of mobile-friendly blog writing that only an expert can understand and deliver. Here is our take on the top 5 aspects that make for great mobile-friendly blog reading experience:

  1. Keeping paragraphs small screen friendly

While reading on smartphones, even a small paragraph can look dangerously large. That can reduce the interest of a reader. So, when it comes to writing blog content, professional blog writers take care of the paragraph size.

Pro Tip –

  1. Keep paragraphs small
  2. Include subheadings to break content into digestible portions
  3. Use bullets and other formatting to highlight key points and make it instantly scannable

With these tips, the professional writer can offer a smooth flow of the content. And that flow allows the readers to read the whole blog post without feeling bored or confused.

  1. Using simple, but right words

People searching information on smartphones usually desire quick results. They don’t want to spend too much time on understanding the content. So, a professional blog writer helps the mobile users with their goals by using simple words.

Pro Tip –

  1. Avoid jargons
  2. Keep sentences short and simple
  3. Facilitate quick information discovery on the content


This way, a busy reader can also go through the blog and find satisfactory information without reading for a long time.

  1. Ensuring the usefulness of the blog

There is no way a mobile user will spend time on a blog if the information is not useful. The mobile users look for high-quality content that is useful for their needs.

Pro Tip –

  1. Keep a catchy title as very few readers will continue reading if they encounter a bland headline. Here are some tips to inspire you!
  2. Discuss one central idea without straying into other areas.
  3. Keep a proper conclusion with a Call to Action so that readers don’t have a question ‘Ok done! What next??’ Check this post for expert tips.

It is blog writers’ job to ensure that the title, subheadings, and the copy are engaging and useful enough for the target readers. Only then, a mobile user will spend his or her mobile data and time on a particular blog.

blog writing services for SEO Companies

  1. Obtaining consistency in the writing style

In order to attract more readers on mobile, a blog post needs to have a certain level of consistency. Without that, a content starts looking out of context, which increases the bounce rate for the blog page.

Sure, the blog writer finds unique ways to keep the content interesting throughout a blog post. But he or she also ensures that all the variations in the writing style stay within the boundaries of consistency and context.

Pro Tip –

Apart from all the writing benefits, a blog writing team can also help with convenient meta tag creations, meaningful image selections and mobile-friendly links and call-to-action.

To wrap up

With these tips, a good blog writing company can save businesses from giving an unpleasant experience to the mobile readers. As a result, the rankings and authority levels go high on mobile versions of blogs as well.

The post 4 Simple Tips to Drive a Mobile-First Blog Writing Philosophy appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Monday, 5 March 2018

5 Struggles Of An SEO Company that Article Writing Professionals can solve

Clients turn to the SEO companies with a hope to find solutions for all their digital marketing issues. The services leverage advanced resources to provide SEO solutions for the clients. However, SEO companies also require assistance when it comes to developing compelling content such as article writing.

Interested to know why? Then read on and find out
The modern digital marketing requires a combination of SEO and content marketing strategies. Hence, smart SEO companies look for skilled and qualified Article Writing servicesThe professional content service providers help companies fight the struggles of content implementation for multiple clients.
Here are all the struggles of an SEO company that can be met by partnering with a content writing professional.
  1. Multiple industry knowledge

The quality of the content is decided by the skills and knowledge of the writer. As SEO companies obtain clients from different sectors, it becomes a challenge for them to create high-quality content without a knowledgeable team of professional content writers.
Every SEO company needs professional content writers who have a great grip on multiple industry knowledge. This is where content writing companies can pitch in.
seo article writing serivces
  1. Achieving user intent of the keywords

SEO professionals have the capacity to examine and evaluate the user intent of keywords during the research work. They can gather a huge list of relevant keywords, but achieving the same user intent in the content piece is another aspect.
The format of the content, the concepts covered in an article and even the words matter, in order to achieve the user intent provided by the keywords. And that skill comes with years of writing. That is why having a reliable content writing team proves to be an asset for SEO companies.
  1. Organic keyword placement

Apart from achieving the user intent, SEO professionals also struggle when it comes to keyword placement. The knowledge of the industry, language and the skills to make useful sentences are what make a writing service valuable to the SEO companies. They know how to organically weave in a keyword in the article that actually enhances the beauty of the content instead of looking jarring or odd.
  1. Creating evergreen content pieces

In the ever-changing environment of digital marketing, SEO professionals struggle to provide content pieces that work for a long time. This increases the hardship while working on the content strategy for a client. The professionals have to constantly put efforts in finding new ways to present content pieces. But the low skill availability leads to low content quality.
Content writing agencies provide an ideal solution for such issues. A professional content writing team with the right skills offers the ability to make evergreen article content pieces. These types of content stay effective for a long time with very few updates. As a result, the stress reduces from the shoulders of the SEO professionals.
seo content service provider
  1. Attaining comprehensiveness

Comprehensive article content is the key to obtaining high rankings and authority for any business. But SEO services struggle to implement a comprehensive content due to the lack of industry knowledge and writing skills.
A professional writer combines his or her industry expertise with the techniques of topical research. And that leads to the creation of comprehensive content pieces.
To wrap up
So, are you ready to get rid of all the struggles of article content? Take note of these pointers and enhance your SEO efficacy up by several notches.
When you have a professional article writing team like Textuar by your side, the SEO efforts become much more effective and you would be able to provide better ROI to your clients.

The post 5 Struggles Of An SEO Company that Article Writing Professionals can solve appeared first on Textuar Blog.