With Google gradually shifting towards mobile-first, SEO companies are now making their mobile strategies more robust. Making website design responsive, ensuring high page load speed and other changes are valuable steps that SEO services implement for better mobile experience for the users.
However, there is one other aspect, which is really important to ensure the user experience on mobile. And that is the blog format created for official blogs of businesses.
Blog writing companies have understood the demand for mobile-friendly content. They know that people use their smartphones to find information, consume content, and make purchases. Hence, blog posts are required to become more convenient for the screens of mobile devices.
There are multiple aspects of mobile-friendly blog writing that only an expert can understand and deliver. Here is our take on the top 5 aspects that make for great mobile-friendly blog reading experience:
Keeping paragraphs small screen friendly
While reading on smartphones, even a small paragraph can look dangerously large. That can reduce the interest of a reader. So, when it comes to writing blog content, professional blog writers take care of the paragraph size.
Pro Tip –
- Keep paragraphs small
- Include subheadings to break content into digestible portions
- Use bullets and other formatting to highlight key points and make it instantly scannable
With these tips, the professional writer can offer a smooth flow of the content. And that flow allows the readers to read the whole blog post without feeling bored or confused.
Using simple, but right words
People searching information on smartphones usually desire quick results. They don’t want to spend too much time on understanding the content. So, a professional blog writer helps the mobile users with their goals by using simple words.
Pro Tip –
- Avoid jargons
- Keep sentences short and simple
- Facilitate quick information discovery on the content
This way, a busy reader can also go through the blog and find satisfactory information without reading for a long time.
Ensuring the usefulness of the blog
There is no way a mobile user will spend time on a blog if the information is not useful. The mobile users look for high-quality content that is useful for their needs.
Pro Tip –
- Keep a catchy title as very few readers will continue reading if they encounter a bland headline. Here are some tips to inspire you!
- Discuss one central idea without straying into other areas.
- Keep a proper conclusion with a Call to Action so that readers don’t have a question ‘Ok done! What next??’ Check this post for expert tips.
It is blog writers’ job to ensure that the title, subheadings, and the copy are engaging and useful enough for the target readers. Only then, a mobile user will spend his or her mobile data and time on a particular blog.
Obtaining consistency in the writing style
In order to attract more readers on mobile, a blog post needs to have a certain level of consistency. Without that, a content starts looking out of context, which increases the bounce rate for the blog page.
Sure, the blog writer finds unique ways to keep the content interesting throughout a blog post. But he or she also ensures that all the variations in the writing style stay within the boundaries of consistency and context.
Pro Tip –
Apart from all the writing benefits, a blog writing team can also help with convenient meta tag creations, meaningful image selections and mobile-friendly links and call-to-action.
To wrap up
With these tips, a good blog writing company can save businesses from giving an unpleasant experience to the mobile readers. As a result, the rankings and authority levels go high on mobile versions of blogs as well.
The post 4 Simple Tips to Drive a Mobile-First Blog Writing Philosophy appeared first on Textuar Blog.
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