Monday, 17 January 2022

Top 4 Mistakes to Avoid in SEO-Optimized Article Writing


Are you tired of writing articles that don’t get read?

Have you optimized the content fully for SEO but still lack traffic?

Do you need an effective way to get more traffic to your article content?

Then this post is for you.


We look at a few mistakes that we should avoid in order to get higher traffic and more interactions on SEO-optimized article content.

article writing

Mistake#1 – Not going after long-tail keywords

Yoast has done a splendid job of showing what are head terms and what are long-tail keywords.

Content writers often target just the head term when writing articles. But the mind-boggling competition means that you need to create an insane amount of content to get a minor movement on traffic.

Conversely, going after long-tail keywords has proven to be more effective for content writing companies. They use LSI keywords and delve deeper into sub-topics within the head term to write articles that generate traffic.

For example: –

1 – Shoes – Head term

2 – Nike shoes – Head term

3 – Nike Air Jordan Retro 1 high red – Long-tail keyword


Look at point3. Imagine what kind of user will type this long a query?

Obviously, one who is ready to purchase.

He has sifted through all options and feels that he is now ready to make a purchase (the last stage of the buyer journey).


Now imagine, if your shoe store has written articles with this long-tail keyword. It will appear on the first page of Google search results page. The searcher will visit your site and make a purchase.

long tail keywords

A caveat though.

Your content can add head terms only if:

  1. You have a lot of authority on the industry
  2. You don’t have a lot of competition in your industry


Now, only 2-3% of the companies in their respective domains will fulfill these two criteria. For the huge 97% of the remaining companies, it makes sense to go after long-tail keywords in article writing.

Your article writers need to delve deeper into the sub-topic of a head term.


Read More – How to get the best long-tail keywords for your blog


Mistake#2 – Optimizing article writing for SEO and not for readers

Yes, many content writers will be surprised at this flaw. But it is true. Optimizing for search engines means that your article isn’t keeping the reader at the centre of the action.

This is wrong.

No matter how much you optimize the article writing for on-page SEO, it will not deliver results till it is considered a valuable content by the readers.

As an article writer, you need to keep the readers in mind when writing content. You need to the know search intent behind the query. With this information, you can develop relevant content that helps meet the exact intent.

Google too emphasizes article writing based on search intent for brands.

There are three key types of search intent.


1 – Informational search intent

Searchers are looking for information.

For example

“How many calories in kale juice?”

“What is the time in Florida?”

“Tips to hire article writing companies”


How to optimize content for informational intent?

1 – Write long form articles with a lot of tips and helpful information

2 – How-to- guides and videos

3 – Elaborate step-by-step articles

4 – Data-rich infographics


2 – Navigational search intent

Searchers are looking for a specific website. They enter the site via Google results rather than typing the URL in the browser’s address bar.

For example


“Textuar blog writing”


How to optimize content for navigational intent?

1 – Add brand name to content

2 – Use keywords like <search query> + <brand name>

3 – Write case studies and e-books where these keywords can be fitted organically.

4 – Product demo videos and landing pages too will help


3 – Transactional search intent

Searchers are looking to make a purchase. They may have the exact product name or the generic name with a ‘buy’, ‘purchase’, or ‘order online’ keyword next to it.

For example

“Order iced coffee maker”

“Pizza delivery” (interestingly, many local searches are transactional in nature!)

“Buy HP Envy laptop”


How to optimize content for transactional intent?

1 – Add ‘buy’, ‘purchase’, or ‘order’ after the keyword

2 – Landing pages and signup pages

3 – Sales persuasive web content writing with a clear CTA

4 – Optimize transactional search content for local searches


Mistake#3 – Not Doing Internal Linking

When you are writing an in-depth article, chances are that you get an opportunity for internal linking.

These link to contextual and relevant pages. Such pages in your own site has more in-depth information for a specific sub topic presented in the article.

Suppose if you are writing an article on ‘Social media marketing”. In this article, one of the paragraphs you wrote about is “Instagram marketing”.

Now, if you already have a post on “Everything about Instagram marketing”, you can easily do an internal linking to this page.


Be careful though. The link should be contextual, i.e., it should discuss the same topic/subtopic that was covered in the point where the reader was diverted from the main post.

Read More – All You need to Know about Internal Linking

(PS – See what we did here? We have a nice big juicy post on “Internal linking”, that readers can read once they have consumed the point#3 on this post)


Mistake#4 – Not Providing Enough Backlinks in Article Writing

Many well-written articles languish in SERPs simply because they don’t have a backlink to an authoritative site. Remember guys, that backlink is one of the most important ranking signals for Google.

If you keep adding relevant and authority backlinks to your article writing, your site will definitely rank higher over a period of time. An Ahrefs study showed that 66.31% of the pages they analysed didn’t have any referring domains (aka backlinks).

backlink and traffic by ahref

As article writers, you need to add at least three or more backlinks, to expect traffic boost. Of course, the main mantra here is that the backlink should be authoritative and speak about the same topic or genre that you are presenting in your article content.

For example, if an AC installation expert has two backlinks – one from cat videos and another on an air conditioner buying guide, the latter will be relevant to the AC installation expert.

So go by three thumbrules to determine if your backlink is helping your article writing or not:

1 – it is a high-traffic site

2 – it is relevant to your article content

3 – it is an authority in its industry vertical.


If your backlink satisfies these three conditions, then you can be assured that it is a quality link worth pursuing.


To conclude

These were a few pointers that many SEO webmasters and content writers were doing wrong. Make sure that your article content is devoid of these issues.

This way, you can be assured of high-quality content that generates traffic, leads, and conversion for your site.

Contact an experienced article writing company like Textuar to develop compelling SEO-optimized articles that takes your brand visibility to the next level of ‘wow!’

The post Top 4 Mistakes to Avoid in SEO-Optimized Article Writing appeared first on Textuar.


Tuesday, 11 January 2022

How to do SEO for High-Quality Website Content Writing?

Website content writing is not easy, as it takes up a lot of time to do keyword research, draft the article, perform quality checks, and publish the article. Therefore, be careful while drafting because if you do not get the traffic as expected, it can be a major letdown.

96% of content marketers have reported that content marketing has helped them generate leads, build a loyal customer base, and ensure the clients trust their brands. Hence, it is clear that you need quality website content writing to enable traction online. 

But there is one major factor that determines how well your content reaches your target audience. That factor is SEO optimization of the website content as per the latest SEO trends. 

Since the main aim of drafting good content is to rank highly on Google, SEO is the bridge that will help you reach your goal. 

Website Content writing

Why is SEO optimization for website content important? 

SEO is important, and the fact that around 64% of marketers are actively investing in SEO should speak volumes about its importance. 


Let us put the above stat into perspective. A study conducted by the 2020 Search Engine Journal found that the clickthrough rate is around 25% for the first website on the result page. The same number is dropped to 15% on the second website link, and it goes down to 2.5% by the tenth number website on page one.

Although the number gets even down by the following pages, this alone proves that it won’t be recognized if your website isn’t on the first page. Your chances of consumers finding your website also decrease drastically. 

Some newbies do not give SEO enough credit and rather focus on paid advertising. However, such advertising has its ups and downs, and it comes with a cost. 

In contrast, SEO is free, inexpensive, and organic. If you have the required tools and the professionals, it would cost you less than half of what you’d spend on advertising. 


How do you optimize website content writing for SEO?

These figures aptly denote the immense importance of SEO.

So now the question arises – How do you optimize website content writing for SEO?

Read on to know a few ways how you can optimize your web content for SEO.


1- Your headings should pack a punch 

With the average reader’s attention span less than that of a goldfish, it is natural that they will soon be bored of long winding content. Hence you need to provide bite-sized information with a lot of section headings. 

And yes, did we tell you about the massive importance of blog titles on the reader’s psyche? If not, then please take note.  


Headings are very important because they help differentiate different sections of the body. Headers are also important because it helps Google’s web crawler know what the article is all about and clearly understand its section. With proper headers, you will bifurcate the blog into several parts like H1, H2, H3, etc.


2 – Your title tags and meta description matter…a lot

Moz says, “Title tags are the second most important on-page factor for SEO, after content.”. Even experts like Neil Patel support this fact. Many website content experts find it interesting that it is such a small element, but yet, makes such an enormous impact. 

Website content writers can easily create suitable meta titles and get better SEO rankings for this effort. This title will show up on Google search results page. 


Hence, web content writers need to utilize the limited space to make an impact. Make sure you utilize the 60 characters limit (around 8 words) to explain what the page is about and have a keyword added in. 

Similarly, a meta description is an important meta tag worth spending time on. You can get more information on this post – 6 Tips to Write Compelling Meta Descriptions.


3- Don’t forget readability 

Website content that blends educational information with subtle sales persuasion is considered a winning strategy. But very few can master this intricate form of content writing. 

Professional content writing companies like Textuar have the forte to develop high-quality website content. We have a key motto for developing such type of content – factor in the readers and not Google.


So we need to ensure that the readers have an enjoyable time reading the content. It should not be a draining experience where the readers get tired by the time they reach the CTA at the end of the content. 

Your website content writing should use words that are free of jargon or heavy technical words. The use of simple words and short sentences tends to stick better in the readers’ minds. And it is this quality of high-quality website content writing that brings in more business for the site.   


4- Enable social sharing

Enabling social sharing will link your website content to social media platforms of the business. This way, readers get more opportunities to explore the brand further. If they like what they see, they should have ready access to share it on their network and spread the good word about your brand. Such sharing will increase the reach of your web content.

Make sure to have social sharing buttons added for all major platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.


When you get shares, comments, and likes, you convince Google with these social signals that your brand is credible. As a result, you can expect a rankings boost with such measures.


How website content comes into the picture – you may ask? Well, when they get directed from the website to the social media platform, what is it that they see or be influenced by? It is content. So, well-written social media posts too help you gain visibility boost and enable better lead generation with higher ranking web pages. 


5- Use easy to understand language

When you remember all the SEO guidelines, you might forget that the target audience reading this article will be humans, not search engines. While drafting your article, you must always remember this, and the tone should be informative, depending on the article. 

Your high-quality web content should have proper sections, headers and scannable sections. Most importantly, it should be easy to navigate. Always remember what the buyers want, their personas, and their challenges. This will help you write better web content and convey your ability to solve their problems.  



Bottom line

By now, we are sure you must have understood that quality matters the most, but so does SEO. Therefore, you must seriously think about implementing these tips to add more muscle to your website content writing.

To get the best SEO-optimized website content writing, you can always rely on our expertise from Textuar Communications.


The post How to do SEO for High-Quality Website Content Writing? appeared first on Textuar.
