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Showing posts from January, 2022

Top 4 Mistakes to Avoid in SEO-Optimized Article Writing

Table of contents Mistake # 1-Not Going after Long Tail Keywords Mistake # 2-Optimizing Content for SEO and not Readers Mistake # 3-Not Doing Internal Linking Mistake # 4-Not providing enough backlinks in the content   Are you tired of writing articles that don’t get read? Have you optimized the content fully for SEO but still lack traffic? Do you need an effective way to get more traffic to your article content? Then this post is for you.   We look at a few mistakes that we should avoid in order to get higher traffic and more interactions on SEO-optimized article content. Mistake#1 – Not going after long-tail keywords Yoast has done a splendid job of showing what are head terms and what are long-tail keywords. Content writers often target just the head term when writing articles. But the mind-boggling competition means that you need to create an insane amount of content to get a minor movement on traffic. Conversely, going after long-tail keywords...

How to do SEO for High-Quality Website Content Writing?

Website content writing is not easy, as it takes up a lot of time to do keyword research, draft the article, perform quality checks, and publish the article. Therefore, be careful while drafting because if you do not get the traffic as expected, it can be a major letdown. 96% of content marketers have reported that content marketing  has helped them generate leads, build a loyal customer base, and ensure the clients trust their brands. Hence, it is clear that you need quality website content writing to enable traction online.  But there is one major factor that determines how well your content reaches your target audience. That factor is SEO optimization of the website content as per the latest SEO trends.  Since the main aim of drafting good content is to rank highly on Google, SEO is the bridge that will help you reach your goal.  Why is SEO optimization for website content important?  SEO is important, and the fact that around  64% of marketers are...