Wednesday, 27 November 2019

The Basics of Plagiarism in SEO blogs

Are you a content creator or an owner of a blog? Are you aware of plagiarism and the damage it can do your SEO blogs’ reputation? Well if your answer is no and you are unaware of the perils of plagiarism, this post is for you. Find out about the basics of plagiarism before it takes a toll on your career.

What is plagiarism in SEO blogs?

In simple words, plagiarism means copying from someone else’s creation. This is done without giving the writer his or her due credits. Moreover, he claims it to be his own.
Plagiarism is not a new problem as such. This issue has been there almost ever since the beginning of the print media. However, what has changed over the years is the extent of plagiarism. Plagiarism has especially multiplied after the advent of the digital media and the internet. Have you read the same content in two different SEO blogs? Well, that is what plagiarism actually is.
plagiarism in SEO blogs
Now with the advent of the internet, the amount of material flowing in each day and each minute is immense. SmallSEOtools reports that 30% of the 5.1+ billion web pages have plagiarized content!
Millions of writers across the globe produce fresh materials each day. Of course it is possible that with so much of material flowing in, someone may knowingly or unknowingly produce a content that has already been produced in the past. In fact, the importance of plagiarism check in  content writing services and SEO blogs has increased a lot. This increase led to an emphasis to make plagiarism check tools easily available to everyone working in copywriting and blog writing industries.

What are the two key types of plagiarism?

Now that you are aware of what plagiarism is, you may be interested to know that there are different forms of plagiarism. They are as below:
  1. Content scraping

The most common type of plagiarism that seems to be existing today is content scraping. In this type, a whole portion of the actual text is lifted out and incorporated into new SEO blogs to pass it off as one’s own.
This is a black hat content writing method. If any agency offers this type of content, remember that Google has severe penalties for plagiarized content. Instead of a rankings boost, you may be relegated to the bottom of search engine results pages (SERPs) where no one will discover you or engage with you.
  1. Spun content

In spinning, the materials can be both manual and automated. Only the sentence structure or certain words are changed here and there so as to steal someone else’s work and pass it off as one’s own.
This type of plagiarism is usually observed in the various blogs that are owned by individuals. It is fairly easy to do this kind of plagiarism if the person is equipped with a dictionary. Sometimes even machines are used in order to do this and get a word-to word synonym for the existing material.
However, the quality of the plagiarized material is often degraded and does not match up to the standards of the original work.

How to avoid plagiarism in SEO blogs?

The best blog writing services agency will exercise extreme caution when dealing with content quality in general and plagiarism in particular.

1 – Cite sources

You may sometimes want to increase your blog’s weightage with compelling statistics or numbers. If these are coming from secondary research sources, then make sure to cite the sources by creating a hyperlink to the source URL.

2 – Use plagiarism check tools

Tools like Copyscape are emerging as the new best friends for SEO blog writers. This tool scans billions of web pages in a matter of seconds and throws up parts of the text that are occurring on some other published sites.
PS – make sure to use premium versions so that you don’t suffer from the free tools’ limitations
Read more – Interesting facts about Copyscape – the ultimate plagiarism check tool

Plagiarism is punishable

It may surprise you to know that plagiarism is a punishable offence. Hence, it is necessary that you make every possible attempt to avoid it.
A September 2019 update to Google guideline states that these content relates issues make the website eligible for a ranking downgrade
  1. Scraped content
  2. Automatically generate content
  3. Pages with little or no content
  4. Pages with irrelevant keywords
Further, plagiarism also reduces the quality of a writing. The issue may even hamper the reputation of the writer or content creating agency as a whole.
So avoid these issues and use skilled content to get a positive ranking boost with fresh and plagiarism-free content.

Why use SEO blog writing experts for plagiarism-free content?

If you are relying on an outside source for your writing, rely only on the best blog writing services. They will ensure that they deliver plagiarism-free unique work that lets your SERP soar and outrank competition.
The post The Basics of Plagiarism in SEO blogs appeared first on Textuar.

Monday, 11 November 2019

5 Proven Ways to Use Existing SEO Content

Every company wants to promote its business online to gain more visibility. This, in turn, propel their expansion and growth. More and more companies are investing in professional content writing services to restore their existing SEO content and blog posts. Such re-purposing of content will help to increase site traffic and be on the top rank in the SEO search.

How to use existing content to boost SEO content rankings?

Repurposing of the content may seem like a good option over creating a whole new content for the website. It would seem easier to use the existing evergreen content to increase the traffic on any website.

Use existing SEO content to boost site traffic

Here are a few ways to increase website traffic using the existing content.

1 –  Improvise the SEO content format

When the existing content is not getting the desired highlights, an effective solution would be to change the format of the content. This can be easily done with the help of a professional content writing for SEO and improve the visibility and ranking of the site with SEO optimized content.

So, your videos can be repurposed to a blog, a blog can be converted to a listicle, a video can also be transformed to an infographic (with some research on the key data around the topic)

This technique requires less work as compared to creating something from scratch. All it needs is a little hard work and research on how to work with SEO and great good content.

Read More – How to give old content a new life?

2 – Make it long form content

Everyone loves to read good material. If you get in-depth information on solving a particular business/ personal problem, you will view the site as an authoritative one. Even Google loves authority websites and rewards it with higher SERP rankings and better competitive positioning on Google research results page.

Long form content (between 1200 to 2000 words) allows you to add more value to a central theme. The trend was to publish between 350 to 600 words in 2013. So if you have a 2013 blog that is applicable even today, then it makes sense to convert it to a long form content. Since such content will be of high quality, it will easily outrank competition for the same keyword.

While we may think that people won’t have time to read such content, the statistics is contradictory! Buzzsumo states that content with less than 1000 words got around 4,800 shares on Facebook while 3,000 – 10,000 word content got a staggering 8,859 shares! This stat depicts the immense importance of long form content. How good it would be if you got this advantage from your existing content itself?

Read more – Long form content writing tips


3 – Upgrade the SEO content for current trends

It is important to upgrade the content through content writing services and make it in a way that highlights the essential information. In this way, the user does not have to strain or invest a lot of time in searching for materials where they can access this information that is highlighted and displayed on their web search.

For example, if you published a blog “Top SEO trends of 2018”, and now want to write on “Top SEO trends of 2020”, you can repurpose the same blog. All you need to do is retain evergreen topics like link building and add newer topics (for e.g. growing influence of visual search on SEO)

With the changing trend, it is essential to be on top when it comes to displaying the content. Using different graphics techniques, styles, to make the important point pop so that it catches the eye of the viewer.


4 – Use Similar Theme for Guest Posts

Using similar themes of existing content and re-writing it for guest posts is one of the most common tactics used by companies to promote their business. It allows the business owner to publish their content on someone else’s website or blog. This helps in expanding their audience and widening their reach. It is a great way to connect with different audiences and understand their likes and dislikes. Make sure to do a thorough plagiarism check to ensure there is no duplication of content.


5 – Target similar strings of long tail keywords

Long tail keywords account for 70% of all search queries. Professional blog writers use them to outrank competition and perform better than single word terms. When re-purposing the content, you can see if some words can be replaced with others in the content to improve its SEO prospects. So if your 2017 blog keyword focused on Virtual reality, you can see some trending topics for 2019 like virtual reality in gaming, best VR headsets, and best VR games of 2019. They will bring back the relevance to the content and help it rank better.



SEO content writing has made it convenient for any business owner to gain recognition and increase traffic on their website. With the help of existing content, you can gain immense traction to keep yielding outcomes and gain big on Google rankings.

As a rule of thumb make sure to check on blogs older than four months and see if new text can be added to make it relevant and meaningful to the current times.

The post 5 Proven Ways to Use Existing SEO Content appeared first on Textuar.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

8 Secrets for Success in SEO Article Writing

SEO article writers play an important in building web relationships to influence the online audience. The importance of well-crafted articles for SEO supports the stat that 60% of B2C marketers are committed to content marketing.

One of the challenges a company faces is to produce sufficient volume of quality content to maintain the freshness of the website. Producing fresh content consistently is one of the top 3 content marketing challenges. This is why they revert to professional SEO article writing services experts for handling this important marketing function.

8 Secrets for Success in SEO Article Writing

What are the secret sauces of a good SEO article writer?

It is tricky to produce good quality content just by throwing in a bunch of creative words. The right usage of words will grab Google bot’s attention and give your brand the rankings boost

Many article writing services provide different resources that can help to become a professional SEO article writer. Here are a few steps to consider to become a good SEO article writer.

1 – Is the Keyword Research done?

Keyword research is one of the most important aspects of SEO article writing. Invest time in understanding what are the keywords or phrases people would most likely use during a search.

Keep track of how many times those words or phrases are used and apply the same in the article. He/she can use different tools to check their ranking in the search engine result pages.

2 – Are the Keywords Used Optimally?

After exploring and researching the keywords, it all comes down to how to use those keywords in an article or content. Make sure to use the keywords in the right places, this will help in highlighting the article while a user searches for the related topic.

3 – Is the SEO Article Compelling and Captivating?

All the above are important for a professional SEO article writer to get the article in the search engine result pages. But the most important aspect is the quality of the article.

It is important that the keywords blend with the article rather than sticking out like a sore thumb. Here, one can take the help of article writing service experts to provide the right guidance and assistance. Just like a blog, an article too needs to be in-depth and add value to the time spent by the reader in reading the content.

Read More – 5 Interesting Components of a Good Blog

4 – Does it Meet the Word Count Mandate?

Ensure that the article has the required word count that can help the search engine highlight the article or the blog. Usually, search engines prefer long blogs and articles. It gives its reader more valuable information and increases the chance of showing the article on search engine result pages.

5 – Is the SEO Article Writing Proofread Rigorously?

If writing content is a task then proofreading is even a bigger task. Make sure that blog has undergone rigorous editing and proofreading. Only then, should the publishing happen. No viewer like to read an article that has any grammatical error, as it reflects badly on the business. Hence, it is important that the article or blog has gone through proper proofreading and editing.

Read More – The enormous importance of plagiarism check in article writing

6 – Has the SEO Article Been Shared on the Right Platforms?

It is surely exciting to create an article and it is unfair to not share it with the world. Promotion starts with sharing the link with family and friends, and if the article is good then the chain keeps growing bigger and bigger. This does not require a paid domain; it can be shared on a social networking site or via email.

7 – Is there Enough Focus on Improvement in SEO Article Writing?

To become a professional SEO article writer takes time. It is not something that one can learn overnight. Hence invest time in learning and exploring more about how SEO functions and improvise on the content or article skills. It is through practice and experience that improves one’s skills. Therefore, it is important to constantly work on articles.

8 – Can it be Outsourced?

Training gives an in-depth insight about the keyword research (“how to do keyword research”, “how to use them in articles”, and so on). However, if your focus is to grow business at a rapid scale, then you cannot have your focus diverted to training on a new skill. You can delegate this activity to SEO article writing professionals and get exemplary results.

Read more – Top 5 Advantages of Hiring Professionals for Quality Content

To conclude

To becomes a professional SEO article writer needs time and focus. Publishing unique and original content is a continuous process. In case you don’t have the resources to do a good job in-house you can connect with a content writing agency such as Textuar to use article marketing and reach the hallowed top spot in Google SERPs for related search terms.


The post 8 Secrets for Success in SEO Article Writing appeared first on Textuar.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Top 8 Content Optimization Tips to Win Google’s Featured Snippet Box

Are you finding it difficult to build referral traffic from Google? Then, you must not be aware of the recent algorithm changes of Google – Featured Snippet Box. To increase your blog or website traffic on Google, you must closely follow Google’s frequent updates.

Obviously, everyone wants to be the #1 on Google but have you ever considered the power of being #zero i.e. going above the top-fold and featuring before the #1 ranking result?

This is the exact value proposition of Google’s Featured Snippet Box and is certainly a topic of interest for SEO content writers.

Here, in this article, we have covered the top 5 content optimization tips for ranking in Google’s featured snippet.  So, read on to learn how to adapt it.

What is Google’s Featured Snippet Box?

Google’s featured snippet box is the divine grail of rich organic search results. They are larger and more informative than standard organic search results. They are a field of information that tries their best to provide answers related to the user’s query. They appear at #0 position above even the #1 organic search positions.


Google Featured Snippet

Google Featured Snippet – the Rank 0 result in Google search

Importance of Featured Snippet Box

Featured snippets are a significant part of any search engine optimization strategy. They offer much more visibility to your SEO content even if your content is ranked lower on the page. Google reads featured snippets out loud in response to voice search queries so they can help with brand recognition by leading to increased site traffic.

Tips to Optimize Your SEO Content for Featured Snippets in Search

There is no exact process to create featured snippets but you can follow the below SEO content writing tips for formatting your featured snippets.

content optimization

  • Headers Play a Major Role

While optimizing content for featured snippets, your questions have to be in a <H1>, <H2>, <H3> header tags.

  • Use Paragraph Tags

Another content optimization strategy that you can use is, place the answer instantaneously after in a <p> tag. Preferably, your answers should be between 54 to 58 words long.

  • Provide Logical Answers to Questions

Ensure that the answer you provide to a particular question is clear and concise on your webpage content.  Discover related content and include them into your content to support the question it is answering. Try to offer your readers what they are actually looking for.

  • Fill Your Webpage With High-Quality Images

If you want to give Google the best graphics options for a featured snippet then use high-quality images. Even your readers will also appreciate it too.

  • Utilize Strong On-Page SEO

Content that appears as featured snippets in a search result is usually pulled from pages that already have a high organic search ranking. So, make use of an on-page keyword optimization to boost your webpage’s organic ranking.

  • Show That Your Page is Authoritative

Try to get as many high-quality backlinks as you can because it sends authority signals to Google and shows that your webpage is a valuable search result.

  • Target Long-Tail Keywords That Are Questioned

Most featured snippets in search results comprise information that offers an answer to a question. So try to create evergreen content that targets long-tail keyword phrases that start with what is, how to, why is.

  • Format Information in a List or make Use of a Table Structure

If you want to increase your chance of showing as a table featured snippet then create your content structure in a table format by using <table> tag. If you want to increase your chance of appearing as a list featured snippet then outline your content in a list format.


In summary, when your web pages emerge as featured snippets in Google search results, it will considerably increase click-through rates and drive more organic traffic to your website.  So, if you are intended to drive more traffic to your website then use the above-discussed tips and tricks for content optimization.

Of course, your webpage will not get featured overnight. It will take time and require thorough planning and research. Although, it’s not sure when will you see the desired outcomes; maybe you won’t be able to land your content in this spot( Google’s featured snippet box) but by following the above tips you will be definitely able to create super sharable content for long-term organic SEO results.


The post Top 8 Content Optimization Tips to Win Google’s Featured Snippet Box appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

4 Ways Proofreading of Content Dramatically Impacts SEO

Meticulously crafted content that scores high on readability is crucial for online businesses today. Whether one owns a website or blog, content delivered by a good content writing services company becomes the prime and spine to achieving first page rankings on Google SERPs. An attractive site without good quality content may lead the visitors to drift away and an opportunity lost forever for a brand.

The Importance of Proofreading for a Content Writing Services Expert

Proofreading is a critical process in developing readable content. It ensures the overall quality of the content, helps in bringing out the significance of the topic, and intensifies the value of the content.

To create excellent content, one must focus whether the reader can understand the text and its relevance. In other words, the focus should not always be the keywords but also on its readability. Proofreading also plays an important role to attract viewers or customers to the website or blog. Hence, it is important to avoid any form of spelling errors, typographical errors or grammar mistakes.

Expert proofreading by a content writing services expert helps SEO

Interested to know how proofreading of content dramatically impacts SEO? Then read on.

Check out some more advantages of proofreading and its importance for SEO:

1 – Proofread content = Better industry authority

Content that is riddled with grammar issues and spelling mistakes lowers the brand’s credibility. Readers find it an insulting waste of time to indulge in incorrectly framed blogs or website content.

Proofreading allows you to enhance the content’s precision, thus elevating its readability. It is necessary to proofread and maintain the readability of the content to build brand trust and industry authority.

How proofreading in content writing services helps SEO

2 – Google appreciates flawless content

To impress search engine bots, create a unique, relevant, and SEO optimized content that is well-written. This will help to boost the search engine ranking and would likely help to increase the flow of traffic.

A piece of content can be compelling and termed SEO friendly only if it is correctly framed by a content writing services agency. 2-3 rounds of proofreading on the content will ensure a SEO friendly content.


Read moreHow top optimize keyword for SEO?


3 – Builds Brand Reputation

In the digital landscape, your content becomes the soul to develop the business reputation. The relevance of the content gives a possible client a reason to come back and build engagement. This way, SEO optimized proofread content helps improve the potential to convert strangers to visitors, to customers.


4 – Proofreading enhances readability

Sure, many software programs can help check grammatical and spelling errors. But, it does not help determine if the content can establish a genuine emotional connection with the reader. Apps and tools can most definitely help the user to solve simple grammatical errors. However, there is no guarantee for readability.

Re-reading the content and re-framing words to make it more personalized to the reader’s sensibilities will help in meeting this psychological KRA. When this KRA is achieved, you will see a definite improvement in site traffic.


Read moreHow to proofread content on Big Data

4 Tips for Proofreading Content

1 – Keep some time gap between drafting and proofreading

Take a tea break, relax a little and read the content with a fresh mind. This helps to avoid any form of typing or grammar errors in the content draft.

2 – Edit it as soon as you spot it

Out of sight, out of mind – this maxim holds true for proofreading. To create a flawless content, make sure to edit an error as soon as you spot it. this is better than waiting to read the whole document.

3 – History can be a good teacher

Being mindful and attentive can prevent recurring errors in the text. This will help you to understand potential editing issues to look out for in the future.

4 – Take Help from a Content Writing Services Agency

Hire a professional content writing services expert. They will take care of all grammar and spelling issues, in addition to improving the content’s readability.


To sum it up

Sure, proofreading is not easy work. You may have to do and redo the content until it reaches the level quality that appeals to people and search engines.  Take the help of the content proofreader or hire a professional service to ensure the high quality of your work and drive better traffic to your website.

The post 4 Ways Proofreading of Content Dramatically Impacts SEO appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

8 ways your content can induce engagement successfully from readers

Engagement with the target audience is a vital KRA for the content writing service provider. If done smartly, it can help market the client’s brand better and enable higher volumes of conversions.

Communication is the daily diet of the business, but if done smartly it can help you to market your business better. Here, in this article, we provide you tips and tricks on how to write the content effectively.

1 – Be a storyteller

Stories have always grabbed the attention of the audience. Their short duration and engaging format have made it a popular way to capture the audience’s interest. It helps humanize the conversations so that the reader can relate with it to develop trust in the brand. After all, everyone would like to deal with a brand that personalizes its marketing messages to the reader, rather than cold, impersonal messages.

2 – Identify the target audience

The best way to improve the engagement level is to identify the target audience and write content according to their needs rather than writing generalist information.  Your target audience could be senior citizens, young families, small and medium scale businessmen, entrepreneurs, women, parents, etc. So, it would be wise to understand them and write accordingly.

3 – Understand the types of consumer and offer them a solution

In this digital world, the content writers need to go beyond the obvious and understand the socio-economic background to which the customer belongs to. It will engage the audience better and help them to target their audience in a better way.

content writing service provider

4 – Write the topic according to current relevance

Though your content writers might have created a content calendar well in advance but it would be wise to add any topic of current relevance to drive user engagement. This will create a strong impact on the business.

Read More – Why fresh content is essential for business websites?

5 – Embrace subtlety

The best way to engage the audience is to balance the thin line that exists between promotion and engagement. The professional content writing service provider captures the funny bone of the audience and makes them feel engaged. Today, the audience doesn’t like face to face content. So, it is better to write content in a way that strikes the interest of the audience.

6 – Re-purpose content in line with trends

Search Google Analytics and find out the posts that have generated huge likes and leads. It is a great way to capitalize on your business. You can make the most out of these posts by re-publishing it once again with updated news.

Read more – How to repurpose content well?

7 – Make content scannable

On average, a content reader’s attention spans 8 seconds. Make this short timeframe count by making your content scannable to keep readers hooked

  • Have a catchy headline
  • The reader needs to know in the intro itself about the central theme of the content
  • Use headings and subheadings and mark them in bold for quick visual scanning

8 – Be different from other content

In the field of content writing, differentiation is the key to generate the reader’s interest. Hence, the best way to engage the audience is to craft compelling content. You should write a powerful attention-grabbing headline that instantly generates interest.


Today, we are moving away from the world of static content and we are shifting towards rich content that combines different types of media. The businesses have to adapt this if they want to communicate with the audience. The professional content writing agency can up the engagement quotient by switching to the modern method of writing.


The post 8 ways your content can induce engagement successfully from readers appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Top 5 Advantages of Hiring Professionals for Quality Content

Content Writing has emerged to be a creative fuel that fires up digital marketing campaigns of today’s times. It requires creating readable and compelling content that readers can relate to. Since it’s not everyone’s cup of tea to craft amazing content, it is wise to hire a content writing company that can provide you with exemplary services. The expert content writers curate the content in a way so that it is easy to understand by the users and provides helpful information to them.

Here are some reasons why high-quality content is valued in the field of digital marketing:

1 – It helps understand the demand of the real audience

Good quality content writing services place secondary emphasis to conform to the Google algorithm. Their topmost priority is to focus on the readers who are real human beings.

Original, fresh, and informative content writing helps the brand to engage better with their target audience and open up a new avenue to indulge in meaningful conversations.

Gone are the days, when the writers used to repurpose or rephrase the content and stuff it with keywords. Nowadays, the writers have to brainstorm the ideas to understand the demands of real audience and write thought-provoking content in order to survive in the business.

This is a great plus point for any brand hiring the services of a content writing agency.

2 – The investment delivers long term ROI

Content writing is a long-term investment. The high-quality content writing attracts the audience for an extended time-period. You can rework on the existing content and upgrade it to attract the attention of your buyer with minimal effort.

When you draft classic content that is evergreen, it continues to bring in traffic and boost SEO objectives, long after the content has been put up on the site.

The helpful and contextual nature of the content means that it finds new readers regularly to keep hooked and thus improve toplines for the business.

3 – High-quality content is well-researched

There was a time when web developers used to create large volumes of meaningless words. There was no room for talent, creativity, or the intent to help readers. The writing task was limited to assemble and reassemble the words again and again.

Nowadays, if the company wants to succeed in its respective field, it is important to put together well-researched content that strikes the needs of the audience. At Textuar, we have a team of in-house professional content writers who consistently write meaningful and relevant content to enhance your brand reputation and help readers to resolve their specific issues.

Also Read – Why research is helpful in blog writing?

4 – Promotes industry leadership position of the brand

Authoritatively written content is subtle enough to showcase the brand’s industry authority potion without appearing too overbearing or boastful. This is a thin line that can be expertly handled only by a seasoned content writer.

With the right amount of technical words mixed with readable content, the writer will ensure that the readers gain trust with the deep knowledge and hence don’t think twice before awarding business to it.

5 – Drive Massive Organic Traffic

An experienced content writing company like Textuar can help you to build organic traffic. They will share key features and benefits of your products in the form of case studies, video testimonials and success stories. Once the customer is convinced he or she can directly browse the relevant product on your website and learn more about it.

Content writers use specialized tools that help create impactful and relevant content. This, in turn, accelerates your organic traffic objectives and boosts your SEO campaigns without investing in paid campaigns.

Also, read – Top 4 Off-Page SEO techniques


Today, businesses are steadily acknowledging the need for content writing to get a competitive edge online and acquire new customers with organic traffic. A good content writing company can present helpful information with a compelling narrative to hold their attention. This prompts them to be attracted by the content and send business enquiries or make a purchase decision with the brand.

The post Top 5 Advantages of Hiring Professionals for Quality Content appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

The 5 REAL Advantages of Guest Posting

Guest posting is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies riding high nowadays. By creating content for another website, one can boost up recognition and influence of his/her own website. It helps in spreading the brand message and winning the trust of the target audience.

Not convinced?

Of course, there is a question in your mind why you should invest your time for creating content for someone else’s site?

The reason is simple: content is king. It can be your most valuable asset in the marketing journey. Guest posting is one of the powerful ways of establishing strong-high-quality, long-lasting professional relationships. It helps in developing business opportunities, setting brand-value, and gaining of link juice.

It offers many major advantages – both for your company and you.

Let’s have a look at the top 5 benefits of guest posting.

  • Improves Authority in the Industry

Guest posting helps business in building authority. The more high-quality content you get out in the wild, the more people trust your brand. Authority is one key element to a strong and influence marketing strategy. But, of course, quality of guest posts is prominent for making website popular and relevant. It itself become an authority on the subject. So, focus on the quality of the content.

  • Builds Backlinks

Search engine algorithms give importance to quality backlinks. And, it is the main reason why many people dive into guest posting. It helps them to create good backlinks. High-quality and relevant backlinks are a boon to SEO. Contexts matters and you should ensure that your guest posting makes sense for both you and the website owner.

guest posting

  • Increases Organic Traffic

It is obvious that the more backlinks your website have, the better your webpage will perform in search engine. Each relevant backlink helps in increasing organic traffic. It helps in shortening the sales cycle as you can introduce your brand’s value proposition in your guest post. So, you don’t have to wait for potential leads to come to your website.  But, you have to be smart in selecting or pitching topic ideas for your guest posts.

  • Increase Awareness of Your Brand

It is a bitter truth that no one will spend money with your business if they don’t know it exists. Guest posting helps in increasing your brand awareness. It helps in getting your name out. As per experts view it takes 5 to 7 impressions before someone remembers your brand name. So, make every best effort to write a relevant, high-quality guest post as often as possible to make the greatest impact.

  • Network Expansion

In business, it’s not only important what you know but it is also equally important who you know. Networking is an important component when it comes to building brand authority. Guest posting can help you in creating networks from other website’s readers and owners.  This network expansion can definitely lead to collaborations which have an even greater impact on business relationships.

Signing Off

In summary, just because your content is written for someone’s website and is on someone’s website doesn’t mean that it’s not serving a purpose. Backlinks, brand awareness, authority and more are all advantages which are derived from the guest post which you have written on another site with your name on it.

So, without a doubt, guest posting is an essential step for online marketing success. Once you properly understand its advantages, give it a shot, and try your best to make most out of it for your brand.

The post The 5 REAL Advantages of Guest Posting appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Monday, 17 June 2019

21 Tips for Exceptional Writing Web Content

In the age of the internet, a website is the face of a company. Website content is crucial for the success of the company’s online endeavours. The idea is simple: if your web content writing is sloppy or dull in any manner, you won’t be attracting as many visitors as you might have liked.
Eventually, you lose sales prospects, you lose potential clients, and you lose business profitable ventures. There’s basically a lot of loss involved.

On the contrary, if you have impeccable content on your site, your blogs will garner more shares, likes, and as a result of which you will also earn a lot of backlinks. More visitors will start clicking on your site, and your online presence will thrive.
A lot of entrepreneurs believe that content has nothing to do with sales. But only the ones who have made the cut to the highest SERP ranking know that the difference between good and bad content impacts brand perception immensely.

21 tips for impeccable web content

A web content writer is not the one who merely inhales these tips, but rather understands the motive behind these and implements them when and where needed. Website content is dynamic, and one needs to flex according to the changing requirements.
Once you start implementing various versions of the tips mentioned here onwards, you will find yourself evolving as a professional content writer every day.
professional web content writer
  1. Begin with keyword research, always

    You would never want to feel lost midway through a journey now, would you? Writing an article or a blog is a brand’s journey to make a sale through the written word. And keywords are your guides. They direct the reader towards the central point of the blog, and also keep you from going wayward with your ideas.
    In a nutshell, keyword research helps you build a frame on which you can construct your whole piece. The framework is practically everything; else your piece just looks shoddy.
  2. No keyword stuffing

    We have heard that inserting keywords is nice for a piece. But just like that extra Jim-jam you try to steal from the jar kept high above, too much of anything nice is never good.
    Google has algorithms in place to detect such discrepancies, and if spotted on your site, keyword stuffing would achieve the opposite of what you set out for.
  3. Lure them in with interesting Call-to-action

    The obvious trait of a good web content writer is to evoke an action among those who read. A good call-to-action is something that calls your audience to do what you suggest. Instead of blatantly putting it out as, “Sign up for our Newsletter” you could subtly say, “Would like to hear more from us? Leave your email address here”When you make it more conversational, there is a higher relate factor, which translates into more people signing up to your site.
  4. Minute differences

    Language is dynamic, and hence writing is supposed to change accordingly. Web content writers need to be hip about what they put out. They got to put out information in the least offensive manner – like adhering to “her and his” is no longer considered polite. In the wake of “Pride”, accounting for all genders using “They” is the new norm.Adapting to such trends makes content more agreeable and impacts website traffic positively.
  5. Always paste evidence with the statements

    When you present a fact or two, make sure you always hyperlink the source. This way, you accomplish two motives.Firstly, you make it clear to the audience that the fact you present is something you did not assume. And secondly, you give them a point to go and conduct their own little research.
  6. Make the reader feel

    A lot of write ups online feel robotic. That is because articles and blogs are increasingly becoming jargon oriented. Break free from the shackles of being merely technically correct and insert some emotion into your writing.When you come up with a piece, what’s a good practice is to ask yourself, “What’s so good about this story? Can I do to make this emotionally impactful?”
    Not everything has to be mechanic.
  7. Write using an active voiceIf as a child you missed out on that Grammar class at school, you better catch up on it if you intend to be a professional content writer. One of the oldest tricks in the book, it still remains to be the most effective: always write using the active voice.The difference it makes is immense. The passive voice focuses on the object of the sentence, instead of the subject. This makes the agent in the sentence come across as an afterthought, which sort of defeats the purpose of writing.Example:
    Passive voice – The village was attacked by the lion.
    Active voice – The lion attacked the village. website content writer
  8. Make sure your links do not go off

    Links over time die. Whether you use internal links to boost your internal linking network, or link to other pages to boost your SEO, you need to go back to your links every once a while and update them with newer links.You would not want a certain reader being on a blog, clicking a link and getting nowhere.
  9. A good SEO suite is the need

    You would have to loosen your purse a bit to invest in good tools to crunch data the right way. Just relying on free tools you get over the internet is not enough. Finding the right SEO suite is also crucial. Some SEO tools generate way too much data than you would need, and others generate far too less.As a professional web content writer, you get to take the call on this and decide which tools work in your favour. In the end, it is data that would help you craft better pieces.
  10. Bear SEO practices in mind

    While remembering SEO practices can be hard sometimes, especially when you are constructing a creative article, there are tools available to make it easy. Tools like Yoast can actually help polish your web content writing that complies with Google Algorithms.
  11. Paint a picture for the readers

    When readers see a lot of words, they get fuzzy in their heads. Paint a good picture before you delve into the technicalities. Don’t start off with jargon. If you are writing a piece on “How to reach out for heart attack emergencies” don’t plainly begin with the steps.Make the reader feel it.
    Example opening:
    “And in the dark of that night shone two hues intermittently – blue and red. I knew an ambulance was upon me, but who had called this, and why?
    “My brain could not match up to the pace of the events occurring around me. It came to me much later, that I had a heart attack and my grandchildren knew how to reach out to emergencies in due time.”

    You see how visual this is? It makes the reader fall into the shoes of the person and the intensity of the article keeps them hooked, even through all the jargons.
  12. Good intros set the pace for your piece

    Imagine your most favourite novel or film. If you notice, each of them had an interesting intro – something you never heard or had seen before. Put your creativity to test and pull off something like that with your articles.People chose to be on your site because they found your website appealing. And by appealing, we mean different and yet interesting.
    You could simply sweeten the deal for them with interesting website content and you would then be left with loyal subscribers and readers who follow every activity you post on your site.
  13. Punctuate well

    The whole internet is filled with Grammar Nazis for a reason – because there are that many Grammatical errors. You would not want that reputation for your website. Spell check every line you write, if that is how weak your Grammar and spellings are.There are specialised tools to help you out with spellings, grammar and punctuation. Implement as many tools as you can to spruce up your writing.
    It is so with Grammar as it is with life – you can just never be too sure.
  14. Use the dictionary

    Remember those good old days when you referred to your Dictionary to write meaningful essays in school? Just because you are a graduate now does not mean you fall out the habit.We do not have an inherent store of synonyms in our minds. Also, there is a tonne of other words that have come into the picture since you abandoned that poor little dictionary.
    Look words up on the internet if the dictionary bores you, but for your sake and for the sake of all those who read what you write, use the dictionary to use meaningful words.
  15. Double check on the minute aspects of language

    While there might be debatable aspects of language, like where to insert an apostrophe and where to splice things up with a comma, you could always try to learn.Look things up over the internet if you are not sure about something. A professional web content writer never shies away from accepting that she wishes to learn.
    website content writing
  16. Keep away from Verbiage

    The last thing you would want to do on your website is unnecessary elongation of letter clusters only to make sentences seem longer and the piece looking grander than it should.You see how pretentious it sounds?
    Rather, follow the simplest rule in writing – KISS. Now, don’t actually go ahead and do that to the person sitting immediately next to you, but KISS stands for “Keep it simple, Silly.”
    Don’t call it an “elongated yellow fruit” what could be simply be known as a banana.
  17. Revamp older posts for better results

    Never underestimate the edit button. What you post is not the by-all and end-all. Once you post something out, you garner reviews in the form of comments and likes.If those are not in the favour of your article, or if your customers think it could be worded better, learn from your errors, and revamp your posts. This might even get you newer visitors, which is quite a win-win.
  18. Get your basics right, before you write

    What do you write for? A website or web site? For all intents and purposes, you write for a website. So, don’t space it up just to fill in words. Okay? Okay.
  19. Notch it down

    We get it. You’re the Dickens of the New Age world. You like brandishing your thick vocabulary. But the internet audience prefer sailing low-key. So might as well give them what they like?Hinting back the original cue – KISS (Keep it Simple Silly).
  20. Whenever possible, don’t self-edit

    You would find everything to be right with your work. But that might seldom be the case. Make someone else go through your work at least once before hitting Post.If no one’s around, then we suggest taking a few hours off and then getting back to the piece with a fresher perspective. Website content is all about perspective, so get as many opinions as you can.
  21. Learn newer skills

    SEO algorithms are forever changing. Just because you think a certain strategy works, does not mean it always will. Complacency has never been recommended anyway.Sharpen your skills all the time, and put them to use diligently.
Offer valueAn interesting approach to content would be, “what am I offering that isn’t there already?” Once you draft your pieces with this mindset, you will create articles that are different from the millions already present out there.
The whole idea behind content creation is to offer value. If you are just hell bent on plagiarism, then we would recommend you to stop right away.


Use these ideas to improve your content writing skills, and with persistent usage of these tips, you will grow to be the best web content writer that can drive engagement and enable better conversions for your online business.
Good luck!
The post 21 Tips for Exceptional Writing Web Content appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Friday, 31 May 2019

Top 4 Off-page SEO Techniques

You may have heard a lot about SEO. But how well do you know off-page SEO?

There are two types of SEO, on-page Search Engine Optimization and off-page Search Engine Optimization. Both are important to increase the ranking of your websites.

An on-page SEO deals with increasing the ranking by what you can do on your websites. Off-page SEO what you can do on other peoples website to increase your search ranking.

On-page and off-page SEO both are essential. It ensures that when someone searches for business like yours, your site comes up top of SERPs.

Off-page SEO techniques

Characteristics of off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is something you don’t do on your website but it is about linking your content on other websites, which in return generates traffic to your site. This helps in increasing the ranking of the site in search.

Off-page SEO is all about what other people think about your websites when they search on Google. The more valuable content you link to other sites, the search engine will conclude that the content you have will deliver value for users.

The difference between on-page SEO and off-page SEO

On-page SEO consists of page titles and headings. Images are added to it. Meta descriptions are added and HTML is tagged which summarizes the page’s content.

In off-page SEO, internal linking is done so that a person can navigate from one page to another page on the same website.

In both cases, there is a common principle – The SEO content is regularly updated and it is of high quality.

Here are four factors to keep in mind when your work on off-page SEO

The key factor that boosts off-page SEO is high quality backlinks that support your site. The more backlinks you have the better. But remember what matters is not quantity but quality.

Backlinks from sites that have higher domain ratings will boost your search rankings.

There are different ways to get backlinks to your website.

  1. Social media

Social media may not be the direct link to increase the ranking. However, it is an indirect way and helps to boost your search.

It all depends on how good and valuable your content is. If your content is great, there are chances that it will be shared numerous times which in return will give more backlinks to that particular content.

Social media helps in gaining a lot of free exposure as far as your content is worth reading and sharing. The more shares likes and comments the content gets chances of the search ranking increasing are high.

Off-page SEO

  1. Guest blogging increases off-page SEO

Guest blogging is by far the most effective way to build backlinks. It has been used for a very long time and is still used today as the results are the best.

The blog quality should be excellent to keep it simple and give it a personal touch. Keep in mind the industry you are catering your blog to. Write about the topics that the blog is looking for and add some links that you have published on your site. Let the editor know how your blog can be beneficial for their readers.

[Read more – How to craft an outstanding guest post]

The idea is to keep publishing your guest post from one highly ranked blog to another thereby giving you more backlinks.

The motto behind off-page SEO is to get maximum backlinks from high ranked sites that lead to your site. This all leads to site domain authority. This predicts the ranking score of a site based on search result pages. The score is from one to a hundred, the closer you are to one hundred the more authoritative is your site.

Ensure your blog has quality. Don’t just write anything in your blog to get links. Take enough time to write your guest blog and create a fantastic piece you will see that the backlinks will automatically follow.

Here are top 7 guest post sites worth considering

1 – Outbrain

2 – About

3 – CoSchedule

4 – Small Business Trends

5 – Kissmetrics

6 – Thought Catalog

7 – Mashable

It is important to target sites where your potential audience is likely to be. For instance, any topics about love, life, or travel will not feature on Kissmetrics (they deal in digital marketing exclusively)

  1. Influencer marketing for off-page SEO

Influencers are people who have a large and loyal group of the audience following them. They have a huge impact on their audience; they follow whatever the influencer says.

So imagine that using a marketing influencer will help you reach to a larger audience. The influencer will pitch about your brand and making an opportunity for people to try out your brand.

It’s very simple just like your sister or someone you trust asking you to try a new brand. You are likely to try the new brand rather than seeking advice from Google.

Influencer marketing involves three steps

1. Finding the right influencer

2. Reaching out to them

3. Negotiate with them to talk about your content

There are two types of influencers paid and non-paid. The non-paid influencers are given products and in return, they speak about your product and content.

Paid influencers come into an agreement, where the business and influencer have mutual benefits.

Recent research states that influencers have the capacity to generate ROI 11 times more than traditional advertising on banner ads. This is beneficial for off-page SEO and increases the ranking in search.

To get backlinks from these influencers what you can do is to mention them in your blog. You will notice that they loved to be recognized and possibilities are they will link to your blog.

What you can do is work with them and make a video or content. Both of you can post the content on different social media sites and cater to a larger group of audience, this will help to get more backlinks which will result is search ranking.

  1. High quality content for off-page SEO

None of the above strategies will matter or have any value if the content you create is not of high quality or shareable. Good quality content should be made on a regular basis.

This is the core factor to increase the ranking of your website. If your content is great, chances are that it will be easy for you to guest post on high ranked websites and blogs. Your content will get shared on social media and influencers will speak about your work and they will want to collaborate with you.

How to create high quality content?


  1. Long form content matters

Write a long content or blog of two thousand words. The reason being they get ranked better on the Search Engine Result Page.

  1. Use of images

When making content use images, as content containing images get shared on Facebook 2.3 times more.

  1. Give answers to questions

While creating content try to answer difficult questions and be bold.  Have proper data to back up your arguments.

  1. Understand buyer persona

Know who your readers are, make a blog keeping them in mind and knowing what they are interested in. This helps in establishing a connection between you and your readers.

  1. Keep it simple

Keep the language simple so that it is easy for the readers to understand the content. Read the comments in your blogs and similar blogs. Figure out what words are being used. Use the words in your content. This will optimize your content and match the queries that are typed in the search engine.

  1. Be helpful, not pushy

The objective behind the content is to build trust and not sell your product. Once your audience has gained trust over you, they will automatically search your product on Google Search.

  1. Their search queries = your keywords

Funnel down the questions asked by your customers and create a content keeping those keywords in mind. They are likely to use the same words in the search engine to find your product.

  1. Be regular

Create content on a regular basis as the more content you create the more search queries you get which in return increases your ranking.

  1. Be creative

Think outside the box and get creative this will help in producing higher quality content. This will help in your content getting noticed than other content.

Try to include these points when you make your content. You will find it easier to get backlinks that support your content irrespective of any kind of off-page SEO strategy you use

The bottom line is

Working on your site will help with search ranking. However, in addition to this, it is vital to see how well you can link your content on other sites. If you get a lot of backlinks then it adds to your site’s credibility and you are rewarded with higher SERP rankings.

The most important thing is how well your content is able to answer your users’ questions. Figure out what are the most frequently asked question by your users, these questions can be found on other social networking sites.

Once you have done this, create a good quality content that can be linked to another website, this will boost your search ranking

Search Engine Optimization needs a lot of hard work, it may not pay off instantly, but the effort you put today will reap in the future boosting your search engine ranking and putting you on top. You need to have patience when you work on off-page SEO and SEO content writing.


The post Top 4 Off-page SEO Techniques appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Advantages of Creating Quality Website Content

Creating quality website content has become the need of the hour.

In the 21st century, small businesses and start-ups have easy access to create a business website with a variety of tools and products. But what’s the point if it doesn’t attract potential customers, boost engagement, or encourage conversions?

The power of high quality website content writing

When your audience visits your website, it mostly comes with a definite agenda in mind. As a business owner you need to ensure that your website content stimulates interest in their minds.

Your website content will impact your audience whether they would return in the future or be a loyal customer.  Content quality is crucial because makes your website easy to be discovered by search engines thus giving you a good rank in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

So, it’s safe to say that without content, your website is incomplete and it’s inevitable to invest in good quality content to get the dual advantage of customer engagement and Google algorithm compliance.

website content writing

Top advantages of investing in good quality website content

  1. High-Quality Content provides more value to your audience

Even if your business fits a certain domain or niche you still face heavy competition for your audience nonetheless. Good quality content will attract your readers from a pile of poorly drafted content. Aim for the below pointers

  1. Website content writing needs to be relevant to the time, geography, customer preferences, and prevailing trends
  2. All spelling and grammar misses must be avoided at all costs
  3. Keep short sentences, short paragraphs, and simple words to boost readability

These aspects will help in delivering value to your customers and help you have a good hold of your targeted audience. This increases the site usability and the influx of visitors.

  1. Increases lead generation and improve your ROI

Significance and the USP of the business of your blog depend on the way you craft your content. When we talk sales and ROI generation, good content can be functional if you acquire the skills of drilling down your target audience and help them taking sales decisions.

As per an estimate, 38% of customers will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive. Aim for building your website with product exclusive content such as

  1. FAQ’s,
  2. Product reviews
  3. Instructional videos of blog posts

Such assets can help encourage prospective buyers and convert them to leads.

Generally, a prospective buyer’s initial website visit will not be compelling enough to make a sale. But amazing and relevant content will serve as a host for your prospective customer to return to your site in future thereby converting into high sales over the period.

  1. High-quality content has a long-life expectancy rate.

Eternal content is a qualified content that sustains for a long time and its utility for your site remains for many months or even years in the future.  Eternal content can be classified in a various format consisting of “How to Articles, “Top Ten list”, instructional videos and case studies.

For instance, you write an article having a technology niche. It’s obvious that after a certain amount of time the technology or IT skill you’re talking may become null and void as technologies keep on upgrading in a fast-paced IT market. However, if you create an article of “How photography helps you building your creativity?” it becomes applicable for years.

The features of a well-crafted content such as product or event reviews still retain significance for readership even though they inclined to have a shorter span of life. Thus, sustaining a balance between new website content and eternal content is conducive to grow high engagements in your website.


When you invest time in high quality website content writing you enable likely customers to trust you and empowers them by providing them good value. Get on board a content writing agency to add magic to words and pull customers towards your brand.


The post Advantages of Creating Quality Website Content appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

4 Vital Tips for Boosting the Impact of Fashion Content Writing

It is a proven fact the fashion e-commerce sites can boost their organic search rankings by improving the product description and category pages.

By peppering it with keyword-rich content, you can ensure that your brand pops-up right at the time you target customers are searching for a particular attire or fashion accessory.

This perhaps explains the resounding success faced by They had employed a content staff to polish their product descriptions. Doing so for just 10% of the products led to a dramatic jump of 84% increase in organic traffic.

That is the power of relevant and riveting content for fashion brands online.

What tips to consider in fashion content writing?

Here are some tips that your content writers can adopt to ensure that they extract maximum engagement from fashion shoppers

1 – Is the content personalized?

You need to know who you are writing for. Imagine if a lady gets a newsletter content discussing tips to maintain a beard!

In the fashion industry it is important to create compelling copy that targets a specific demographic.

If you are writing for a suit brand, its best to discuss topics around men’s fashion. If you want to write for a ladies’ shoes brand then all content must focus on female-centric information.

This will bring down the blog’s bounce rate and help engage with the intended audience for longer.

2 – Is the brand personality factored in?

Did you know that there is a distinct brand perception around every fashion and accessory label?

So, a Nasty Gal may have a funky yet brash appeal, another store like Shein may have a formal tone to every product description.

Make sure that as a content writing expert, you get to know the tonality to be followed. This way, the content will stay in line with the brand personality

fashion content writing

3 – Are all areas of fashion content optimized?

There are different forms of content that can create an impact on the shopper’s mind. Make sure that the content writer pays attention to all of them rather than just focusing on the main product description

As recent study showed the below 6 areas that can sway purchase decisions with crisp and informative content. These forms of content are considered most important factors when making a purchase from a site or app:

  1. Product Specifications – 76%
  2. Reviews – 71%
  3. Images – 66%
  4. Sales information – 38%
  5. FAQs – 28%
  6. Videos – 13%

4 – Does the copy match the actual product description?

A common example in fashion content writing is the way brands get mixed up with leatherette and faux leather. These are two similar looking yet completely different materials.

Make sure that the fashion content writers know the product well before they write the copy for the same. Give as much information as possible to the content writer in order to craft accurate product descriptions.

The copy you choose to display on the site will impact the amount of satisfaction a customer receives upon receiving the product.

This explains why 50% of the shoppers have returned an item they bought online, simply because it didn’t match the product description.

More worrying is the stat that 54% of the people are less likely to make a repeat purchase from a seller if they have returned an item.

Make a smart move and get professional copywriting assistance

These tips are likely to elicit a higher percentage of conversions and lower bounce rate or cart abandonment. As an outcome, compelling content can be a direct influencer on your fashion label’s topline.

Make sure to get on board a competent content writing agency to generate maximum ROI on this challenging objective.

The post 4 Vital Tips for Boosting the Impact of Fashion Content Writing appeared first on Textuar Blog.