Wednesday, 24 October 2018

5 Tips to Build a Compelling Blog Headline

A book is known by its cover. In the same way, a good piece of content, if it is supported by a sound catchy headline, adds to its existing value. The headline not only summarizes the content, but it also helps in boosting the readership of the page. Hence, headlines add the much-needed edge and value to any good write up. Here are some simple steps to keep in mind while creating an effective headline for any blog or content.

  1. Catchy and curious

Did you know that there are 2 million blogs published every single day?! The ever-increasing virtual crowd and the flood of competition make it necessary to support one’s write up with an eye-grabbing headline that generates intrigue.

  1. Include numbers

According to a Outbrain and Hubspot survey, headlines consisting of numbers generate better click volume as compared to those without numbers. Numbers and figures add a boost to the content, making them more specific and accurate, thus invite more readership. This also ensures the write up getting good viewership.

Let us cite an example to support this point. Here are two likely headlines.

  1. Some tips in app development
  2. 7 tips in iOS app development

No prizes in guessing, which may be more apt for the headline slot. Headline B is more descriptive and hence provides more information to readers.

Create a compelling blog headline content

  1. Use of brackets

Most of the reputed and well-placed bloggers use brackets or parentheses in their content. This ensures attention towards the same. The Outbrain and Hubspot survey took a look at 3.3 million paid links and found that headlines with brackets performed 38% better than headlines that didn’t have the brackets. Of course, the relevance and context has to be there when you insert the brackets in the headlines.

  1. Bold statements and strong words

Always use bold, creative and controversial statements when you are framing a headline for your write up. This tends to give it an extra sense of curiosity n the reader is very likely to go through the entire content, in order to know more and satisfy his queries. In the same way, let the words be strong and add apt and appealing adjectives to enhance the readership of your content.

  1. Consider other competitive headlines

The ideal blogger usually scans and considers going through, his competitors, their headlines. Thus, keeping himself abreast of the right trending norms in headlines writing, he creates an impactful headline to his writ up. Therefore, a sure visit to other similar related pages can broaden and widen the views thus enabling him to come up with suitable and crisp headlines.

Signing off

Keeping in mind, these pointers, a blogger can actually come up with the right headlines that can give an extra edge to his articles. This will enhance its readability online. After all, even Copyblogger has corroborated that “on average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest”.

The post 5 Tips to Build a Compelling Blog Headline appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

6 Free Tools and Resources Used by Content Writing Companies

There was once a time when the typewriter was only the piece of machinery a writer had at his disposal. But now, the world of internet opens another wide world of several apps, resources, and tools which a writer can use to make his content’s quality exceptional. Content writing companies can vouch that the task can be challenging for some because the content not only needs to be top-notch but should be well-articulated and unique.

Additionally, every writer has a different form and style of writing and needs to craft his content accordingly. Therefore, the tools and resources which a writer uses for his content writing services differ from person to person.

What tools power up content writing companies in India?

To make it simple for you to make your choice among these content writing apps and tools, here is a list of the most effective among them used by the best content writing companies in India.

  1. Grammarly

Grammarly is one of the world’s best online tool to check grammar. It not only provides the best features for best-in-class grammar checking but also is also free for personal use.

The app, though named “Grammarly”, goes beyond just fixing misspelt words and overlooked grammar mistakes, it also identifies words which have been used in the wrong context, even though spelt correctly.

Therefore, it ensures that the quality of the content written by you is not diminished for any reason and helps you in providing the best content writing services.

6 tools and resources for content writing companies

  1. Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor is a tool which can be used either online or by downloading its app. It is a simple proofreading and word processing tool which can be a boon for writers. The app uses color codes to highlight the issues and common errors in the content and helps the writers in writing in a simple and clear, yet powerful manner.

It detects all kinds of errors like the occurrence of adverbs, tough to read sentences, complex words or phrases, the presence of passive voice within the text and many more. It also has many formatting features and offers the facility to write directly in the app.

This app is a must-have for content writing companies as it will help in making the content more professional and well-articulated.

  1. Ilys

While writing in Ilys, you get control over almost everything using a dashboard. It also has a “Ninja Mode”, which turns off everything else on the screen while you type so that you are not distracted by any letters or words.

The main feature, although, is its unintuitive clever central feature, which literally forces the writer to never look back. The only thing displayed on the screen is the last letter you typed and you don’t get to look at the whole text until you’ve reached the word limit you entered.

This is an excellent tool if you are providing content writing services where you have to be innovative and break your block.

  1. Calmly writer

Calmly writer is the best tool for you if you easily get distracted. It is streamlined and simple and makes you focus entirely on your writing. It provides the most basic content writing tools

The application is designed to help you in concentrating all your ideas on the screen without any other things to worry about. It also has a “Focus Mode”, which makes everything else on the screen blurry except for the paragraph you are working on.

  1. DupliChecker

Content writing companies, as a general rule, do not accept any plagiarized content as it is a serious offence in academic circles. Therefore, it is essential that you check your text for any similarities with other works.

Any duplicate content is detected by this software and it helps in making your content original. It is convenient and easy to use and gives instant results.

  1. ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid provides a lot of features and acts as your grammar guru, style editor, and personal writing coach. It checks your writing for vague words, overused words and sentence length and suggests hundreds of improvements.

The tool is able to identify almost all types of write-ups by checking spelling and grammar errors, plagiarized content and contextual mistakes. It also has a built-in thesaurus and a word explorer.

The great functionalities built into ProWritingAid help the users in expressing their ideas more clearly and at the same time learn and expand their vocabulary. It is hands down one of the must-have software for all writers.


To sign off, if you are serious about writing professional and pursuing content writing in India, these are some must have tools. At Textuar we use them in making our content more accurate and engaging. We are sure that these tools will definitely improve your skills as a content writer.

The post 6 Free Tools and Resources Used by Content Writing Companies appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Monday, 8 October 2018

How Content Writing Agencies can Augment e-Commerce Business Topline?

It took India only a decade or so in the 21st century to step up with other nations when it came to developing a digital base for market and promoting E-commerce. The challenge back then continues to stand in the way even after years of advancement i.e. generating enough traffic on their websites and to cultivate the very essence of e-commerce into the customer’s mind. This in turn, would help to generate sustained interest and engagement for the online retail site.
Some of the best Content writing agencies in India have been providing a viable avenue by generating inbound marketing for e-commerce via blogs and articles. Blog writing services are increasingly emerging as a recommended marketing strategy to scale up the business and give the brand a medium to connect with their target audience.
It is now a common concept for business enterprises, no matter the size, to have a blog on their website.This blog section promotes and retains their web presence simultaneously. It also provides the customers with valuable information that improves brand engagement. In fact, business experts are inclined to believe that blogging can set the course of your e-commerce business. This helps in cementing the crucial aspect of the need for content writing agencies.
blog writing for ecommerce

A Simple Blog Can Expand Your Business –How?

Unless your e-retail company is well-established and has a niche in the market, it is fairly obvious that no customer will have full idea about your business enterprise, let alone knows the name of it. And it is blatantly foolish to think that it would occur naturally.
This is precisely where your content blog plays its magic in bring in valuable traffic and allow them to discover your e-commerce store. An expert content writing agency will put up a blog keeping in mind to improve your SEO.
The more you blog, more is the probability of the search engine to rank your website in its search algorithm, gaining a lot of search and attention, say on Google. Blog writing services in India will work continuously in promoting different arrays of products and brands, keeping in mind the diverse demographic of the Indian population.

Create Your Blog and Get Noticed

One of the great ways people use blogs to get noticed is included community pages and links to social media which boosts the digital marketing and brand consciousness among the customers, which should signal to the search engine.
A good attractive post containing the piece of content may get a good press which is invaluable and promotes a good image for the content writing agency. These may include high profile-bloggers and writers, reporters complimenting it.
Take for example- the Shopify blogs. They have a well curated list of trending topics on which they write periodically. Even for a popular e-commerce development portal, Shopify has managed to compile a great list of blogs, covering themes like how to sell online or e-commerce taxes.
ecommerce blog writing

Build an e-Commerce Audience with Blog

There is one more good reasoning for assigning blogging agencies for content creation. It is the content’s ability to build loyal consumers which will end up being repeat buyers of that brand and strong brand advocates. The basic construct of a blog usually consists of a header which should be catchy enough to lead the reader’s attention to the expected narrative. It may be accompanied with social media posts, pictures, an animation or a video which adds on like a cake icing.
The contents of a blog should be descriptive and almost in a storyline format which will tug on the emotions of prospective consumers meanwhile carefully slipping in the specifications of your product. Adding history, a context to the foundation of your business, in your blog is so much helpful to increase web marketing.


It is imperative for an agency to have the content writing done in a thoughtful, eloquent way, in a strict, simple sense. A content blog should –
  • Contain relevant contents that should be targeted towards a particular demographic of the population. It could be informative, entertaining, and open to discussion forums and should be focused on the needs and requirements of the customer.
  • Your blog should have a concise goal. A content writing agency like Textuar would focus on SEO improvement, luring in the readers and establishing a long-term customer loyalty to drive up the sales of the business they are working.
  • Content blogging is a quintessential step for brand creation and cementing online digital marketing. It can be used to harness the customers into buying and believing in the brand with its storytelling narrative.
  • Make sure the content posting is consistent; it can be monthly or weekly as per the need.
The post How Content Writing Agencies can Augment e-Commerce Business Topline? appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Monday, 1 October 2018

8 Golden Rules of Effective Article Writing Services

Content writing for SEO and digital marketing is a combination of art, science and a bit of common sense. Currently 63% of online marketers struggle with generating traffic online. This is where the expertise of professional content writers comes in handy. Great content developed by article writing services experts makes your customers come to you rather than you go after them. Be it social media content or articles, businesses are increasingly relying on captivating content to get the ‘pull’ factor for their brand.

And this is why content writers are needed to develop a ‘wow’ kind of article. Well, it was more of the smart work than the writing work. But then how to get the best of the write-up? How to get your content heard out? How should it mark its powerful online presence? Here are the tips to make your writing effective and make it stand out of the crowd:
  1. Headings matter…a lot

Whenever you are on the search for something online you get to view catchy headings like ‘Things you never knew but existed,’ ‘Things you have being doing wrong all your life’ or the simple adjectives-based headings in an article.
It is these headings which prompt you within to at least try and click on the link. These are nothing but a clickbait from the people engaged in the article writing services. They just know the right topic which will garner attention, get the ‘most searched keyword’ award to itself. So try to make the heading to be appealing.
  1. Get to the point and stay on it

This is another mistake in article writing. The content just does not sync with the headline, and readers have to wait and wait. A good expert in content writing for SEO will vouch that it is best to get to the point within 1st 2-3 sentences and stay on a central idea throughout.
Golden Rules of Effective Article Writing Services
  1. Divide (the content) and rule

This is just not an idea by the Britishers, but a golden rule for effective writing. If you are in the article writing services, you must know that the reader won’t go on to read every line just because it is there.
So divide your write up into pointers, smaller paragraphs with some sub-headings. It makes the content interesting to read and lets the readers find the exact information they are looking for. This way, readers stay on the article post for longer and are prompted to check back later due to the helpful layout of the content.
  1. Go by the trend

No matter how repeatedly has a topic or phrase or content been in use, if it is trending, professional content writers will use it in the articles and readers will be sure to consume the same.
Be it business, economy, fashion, or entertainment, it makes sense to cover trending topics without losing relevance of your business industry.
  1. Know Your Customer Persona

Professionals in article writing services keep in mind who they are writing for. Knowing the buyer persona will help you as writers to focus on the customer when generating content.
Knowing about the target audience demographics, company, goals, roles, challenges, and behavior patterns among other vital questions will help the marketing team target the potential leads better via well-articulated article content.
  1. Simplicity still rules

Professional content writers sometimes write articles which showcase their vocabulary, grammar and language proficiency. But what’s the point if the reader doesn’t understand it?
Your content needs to resonate with a wider audience. Even a low-literacy person needs to remain holed with great content that he/ she can understand well.
  1. Maintain a smooth and cohesive flow

Even when you get all the above-mentioned tips in article writing, you may not be able to link the paragraphs well. Every ending line and the starting line must make some connections so that the flow from one paragraph to another is smooth.
It shouldn’t appear as if random paragraphs are stuck in one go. Cohesiveness has to be maintained as it increases the stay time of the reader.
  1. Authenticity matters

Imagine you are reading something online, and facts mentioned on another website proves your content to be wrong or incorrect. It immediately impacts the credibility out of your website and content in a negative way.
If you need to propel to be the best article writing services in India, you need to research well for your topic.  In case you are taking references, statistics, or figures from another site, make sure to cite the sources.
To sign off
These tips are sure to augment the impact your content has on your client’s online bottom lines. Happy writing and make a solid mark in your expertise in content writing for SEO!
The post 8 Golden Rules of Effective Article Writing Services appeared first on Textuar Blog.