Monday, 21 August 2017

6 Benefits of Choosing the Best Content Writing Services

A frequent question going through your mind would be “Is a Professional Content Writer worth it” or should I write the content for my Website or Blog myself. Is it wise to pay for something, which I can do it on my own? Here the catch. Most people think that writing is a simple activity, but it’s not the case. If you ask professional writers, it’s one of the most difficult things in the world. There are enormous benefits in taking the help of professional content writing services in India. We will list some of them below:

1) Get high quality content published regularly

Creating content and publishing it regularly is a big hurdle for business owners. Also they have to keep quality under control whenever they publish the content online. Business people neither have the time nor the resources to do this.By getting high quality content published regularly, they can leave the hassles to a provider of content writing services in India, while they focus on what they do best i.e. grow their business.

2) Get on top of the rankings

Providing perfect keyword centric content is one of the important aspects of a professional Content Writing services company. Google search ranking is a very competitive field. To come on the first page of a Google search drastically enhances the company’s profile. To provide proper and only relevant keywords only a professional writer can do. Also unnecessary use of keywords can block your site from Google search.

content writing services in india

3) Good Content is shared more often

Most content articles or blogs going viral are typically due to good quality content. By sharing bad quality content, a person risks his/her reputation. That’s why bad content is hardly shared. Good quality content with a positive message can spread much faster. So it’s advisable to give your content to more proficient writers.

4) Content writing is an “art”

Like not everybody can be cricketer, neither the same way nor everybody can be artist. If you see two paintings of an artist and a non artist on the canvas, you can immediately recognize which painting belongs to the artist. In the same way, a reader is able to recognize good work from bad.

5) You don’t have to worry about fresh content

Thinking about new and fresh ideas for your site’s content can be a big headache. By bringing in professionals, this issue can be solved easily.  By looking at your target audience and their challenges, they can deliver fresh ideas for content writing. With a great partner in content writing services in India, you can engage better with your prospects and enable a better degree of conversion.

6) Deadlines are adhered to strictly

Suppose you are launching a new product or a service and you want your content published within a particular time, you will not give your content to a freelancer to write. As you know, they can’t be trusted with deadlines. So you know where to come for content writing services in India if you need content to be developed within tight deadlines.

Reading through these pointers, you will be able to appreciate the importance of engaging an expert content writer in India. You can get a world class professional content writing services which can sharply improve your brand’s image and deliver incredible RoI.

The post 6 Benefits of Choosing the Best Content Writing Services appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

To Be A Writer Or An Editor – Know Your Calling

The content writing activity involves a series of steps to eventually result in higher visibility for customers. There are various processes that go behind creation of every piece of content and it is not just the effort of the writer that is behind each one of them. There is also an editor to check for the quality of the draft before it is published. These two form the backbone and there is no way any successful writing will emerge without these two. But, what is the difference between being a writer and an editor?

If we look at most of the small scale organizations providing content writing services India we will notice the trend of one person doubling up as both the writer and editor. However, what you need to understand is that these are two separate jobs and there is a reason why the more reputable firms providing content writing services India opt for separate writers and editors.

content writer or an Editor

What is the difference between being writer and editor?

Both writers and editors need to be well conversant with the language and have a really good knowledge of grammar and spelling. However, the similarity ends there itself.

Roles of a writer

1 – Creative thinking for engrossing content

The job of a writer is to think creatively and craft a really engaging content. It is quite natural for a writer to be emotionally involved with the entire content since it is the thoughts and emotions of the writer that are being put into words.

2 – Establish connection with target readers

There is more emphasis on the articulation of words and phrases which will make the reader feel what the writer is feeling. It is true that the writer should have a good knowledge of the grammar of the language in which the content is composed; however, there are areas that are overlooked often by the writer while composing the content.

Roles of an editor

1 – Sole focus on quality of content

The editor, on the other hand, is quite detached emotionally from the content. The editor’s job is to be critical and analyze the content minutely keeping in mind the grammatical rules and the punctuation. Editors often take pride in the ability to form perfect sentences and finding out errors in the writer’s works. It is probably one of the necessities for the job of an editor as well.

2 – Focus on getting the right content published

The editor must be able to find out every grammatical error and punctuation error since the writer entrusts the editor to make the entire content perfect without losing the essence.

A writer or an editor? – What is your choice?

The question is, are you more suited for the role of a writer or an editor? While this seems like a difficult choice, it is one that needs to be made. Even though a person is great at weaving words and come up with fresh ideas while also having a sound knowledge of the grammatical and technical aspects of the language, it does not necessarily mean that the person can be both – a writer and an editor.

An editor might not be able to come up with such fresh, creative, and radical ideas. However, the job demands perfect technical knowledge about the language, vocabulary, structuring, and flow of thoughts. And that in itself is enough for a person to be an editor.

To conclude

Whether big or small, every organization that provides content writing services India needs to remember that cutting cost by hiring one person for both writing and editing job will never let you scale up and provide exceptional quality content to your clients. And those who are hiring organizations providing content writing services India should check what they are signing up for and ensure that the content being delivered is proofread by a dedicated editor.

The post To Be A Writer Or An Editor – Know Your Calling appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Monday, 14 August 2017

How to Optimize Your Content for SEO

With the progress of Internet marketing and evolution of search engines and complex algorithms, it has become imperative to incorporate quality content to ensure the success of any website. Whether it is about ranking them at top few searches in Google or pulling more traffic to the website, you need to optimize your content with SEO content writing services in order popular search engines to reach to potential customers.

Here are five tip to help to develop an SEO optimized content

  • Keyword is the key

The most essential criteria to build a SEO savvy website is to use the right keywords at the right places. As any competent content writer will attest, SEO writing is now beyond keyword densities or simple meta descriptions or mere algorithms. Every keyword should be relevant to your product or services and should be used wisely throughout the website for the search engine to crawl your website.

  • Concentrate on quality and not quantity

Once the keywords define the core of your business you must ensure that the content does it too! High quality content with perfectly placed keywords can be developed by providers of SEO content writing services! See to it that the content is relevant and customized perfectly to voice your brand. Increasing volume with unrelated content will simply turn off your readers; even the search engine will can penalize you by pushing down the ranking of your website.

SEO content Writing Services

  • Content for both human and spider!

Today, every successful SEO campaign focuses on two target audiences-the human readers as well as the web crawlers (spiders). While your primary focus should be to make the content exciting to read, it is equally important to make it SEO friendly so that the search engine crawlers can crawl and list your website in the top search engine ranking. This way SEO content writing services lets more people discover your business.

  • Attract links of high quality

It is important for you to choose high quality, relevant and popular sites which can link back to your website so that you can improve your chance of being at the top rankings. Make your content as unique and comprehensive as possible for readers to read, reread and then keep coming back to your website.

  • Be social with your content

Social Media has a huge role to play to make your website SEO friendly. Top search engines including Google believe to take cues from popular social networks as a huge number of potential audience surf them on a regular basis and get feedback of the content it ranks. If readers like your content and popularize it on different social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram Google can track these activities and push your site on the top results as they seem to be more popular among regular site visitors.

There are thousands SEO content writing services providers available in the market today who claim to offer the best quality SEO content writing services, may be at a reasonable price too. Be careful to use only a good content writing agency for your business and ensure to check their portfolio too. Remember, the first impression is the last impression and you have to impress your prospective customer at the first go! An impeccable website with some amazing content can only do the trick!


The post How to Optimize Your Content for SEO appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

6 Amazing Blog Writing Tips to Grow Your Client Base

Are you passionate about writing or do you want to help brands engage with their customer? Then blogging is for you. Blogging derives its origin from the two words “web” and “log”. Whether you are new to blog writing or an experienced blogger, there are some basic rules to follow in order to have your blog read by many people. If you are interested to know about these rules, then you are at the right place.

Blog Writing tips that generate results

It is seen that most of the blogs are abandoned midway through reading the blog, due to lack of captivating content. Hence, it becomes paramount to catch and hold the reader’s attention. Here, we will show you some amazing tips that can change the way you blog and drastically improve your blog writing skills.

6 Amazing Blog Writing Tips to Grow Your Client Base

  1. Captivating headline

The first thing a person reads whenever he opens a webpage is the headline. Now, the headline should be so written that the reader thinks twice about it and continues reading. One practical example would be a cake displayed on a shop’s glass shelf, which attracts a person and induces him to buy, even though he had gone there to buy something else.

  1. Design of your blog

In a world of millions of blogs, you need to assess what it is that distinguishes your webpage from others. It is the design or layout of your blog. Keeping an uncluttered yet smart design would be preferable.

  1. Write to build trust

As the Net has grown over the years, so has the menace of fake news. So, it becomes imperative that the blog presents genuine and correct information to its readers. This helps build trust with the reader.

Once the trust is built, he will visit your blog often looking for a particular kind of information. Suppose you are a mobile blogger and a new phone arrives, yours would be the first blog he would visit to read about the phone’s review as he has complete trust in you.

  1. Timely blogs

It is imperative to regularly update the content of your site through blog writing, so that it doesn’t look jaded. If you can’t provide the information regularly or on time, the relevance of the topic will be lost, and the reader would move on to another blog. It’s very important to be updated to be relevant. For example, an electronics blogger who blogs on televisions will need to remain updated on what brands are launched daily and what’s the specification of the televisions.

  1. Crisp content

Always keep the blog content short and crisp. While the acceptable wordcount varies, it should be meaningful, relevant, and not be repetitive. A blogger should keep his topic in mind and not deviate to other topics. As the attention span of an online user is low, a short blog helps maintain the reader’s interest.

  1. Ability to dissect the content

Like a human body, a good blogger should be able to dissect a blog into three main parts. The head would be the headline in a blog. The middle body would be its main content, while the lower portion would be its conclusion. Following this approach helps in maintaining an easy to follow style for the reader to read.

Also, check your online presence to see how many people read your blogs. This can be done with the help of analytics metrics available online.

Follow these helpful pointers for your blog writing. With these tips, you can shine in the blogosphere and grow your client base.

The post 6 Amazing Blog Writing Tips to Grow Your Client Base appeared first on Textuar Blog.