The content writing activity involves a series of steps to eventually result in higher visibility for customers. There are various processes that go behind creation of every piece of content and it is not just the effort of the writer that is behind each one of them. There is also an editor to check for the quality of the draft before it is published. These two form the backbone and there is no way any successful writing will emerge without these two. But, what is the difference between being a writer and an editor?
If we look at most of the small scale organizations providing content writing services India we will notice the trend of one person doubling up as both the writer and editor. However, what you need to understand is that these are two separate jobs and there is a reason why the more reputable firms providing content writing services India opt for separate writers and editors.
What is the difference between being writer and editor?
Both writers and editors need to be well conversant with the language and have a really good knowledge of grammar and spelling. However, the similarity ends there itself.
Roles of a writer
1 – Creative thinking for engrossing content
The job of a writer is to think creatively and craft a really engaging content. It is quite natural for a writer to be emotionally involved with the entire content since it is the thoughts and emotions of the writer that are being put into words.
2 – Establish connection with target readers
There is more emphasis on the articulation of words and phrases which will make the reader feel what the writer is feeling. It is true that the writer should have a good knowledge of the grammar of the language in which the content is composed; however, there are areas that are overlooked often by the writer while composing the content.
Roles of an editor
1 – Sole focus on quality of content
The editor, on the other hand, is quite detached emotionally from the content. The editor’s job is to be critical and analyze the content minutely keeping in mind the grammatical rules and the punctuation. Editors often take pride in the ability to form perfect sentences and finding out errors in the writer’s works. It is probably one of the necessities for the job of an editor as well.
2 – Focus on getting the right content published
The editor must be able to find out every grammatical error and punctuation error since the writer entrusts the editor to make the entire content perfect without losing the essence.
A writer or an editor? – What is your choice?
The question is, are you more suited for the role of a writer or an editor? While this seems like a difficult choice, it is one that needs to be made. Even though a person is great at weaving words and come up with fresh ideas while also having a sound knowledge of the grammatical and technical aspects of the language, it does not necessarily mean that the person can be both – a writer and an editor.
An editor might not be able to come up with such fresh, creative, and radical ideas. However, the job demands perfect technical knowledge about the language, vocabulary, structuring, and flow of thoughts. And that in itself is enough for a person to be an editor.
To conclude
Whether big or small, every organization that provides content writing services India needs to remember that cutting cost by hiring one person for both writing and editing job will never let you scale up and provide exceptional quality content to your clients. And those who are hiring organizations providing content writing services India should check what they are signing up for and ensure that the content being delivered is proofread by a dedicated editor.
The post To Be A Writer Or An Editor – Know Your Calling appeared first on Textuar Blog.
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