Monday, 8 April 2013

IT technologies to watch out for in 2013

With ever changing technological landscape it is very easy to get bogged down by the plethora of options available today for developers for website and IT software development. I am sure by the time this goes to press, a handful of technologies would well be on their way out! Yes, that’s the massive changes happening daily in IT field.
Here goes my list:
#3 – Responsive web design – Those who predicted an early demise for smartphones and tablets are sadly mistaken big time. Tables, smartphones, and other Internet-enabled hand held mobile devices are growing at a relentless pace and see no signs of slowing down in the near future. With this growing proliferation comes the challenge of a web developer to create websites that are compatible with the varying screen sizes of different. This is where responsive web design comes in. With fluid layout dynamics, HTML5 and CSS3 are the primary languages that enable responsive web design  

#2 – Transformation of the television – A huge change is underway with the idiot box being smartened up over the last few years  and 2013 promises to be no different. While Internet access is already a standard accessory in a television even in a developing economy such as India, what makes the whole thing more interesting is the endeavors of different providers to change the television from a sole content distribution medium to an “Internetworked” device with apps playing a significant role. Providers such as NetFlix and SnagFilms provide unique content mechanism through innovative apps.
#1 – IT with a human touch – Gone are the days when IT was considered as a project. The recent trends see a growing number of stakeholders requiring IT to encompass their key business functions and give them results that not only provide direct benefits but also play a key role in providing intangible benefits in form of rigorous planning, implementation and after-sales support

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