Friday, 27 September 2024

What is better for SEO? Long-form or short-form content?

There is one question that has baffled business owners and marketers is- should they focus on long or short form content? Also, whether their content marketing strategy should lean towards one or the other. Both of these content types are important. But knowing when to choose what depends on many factors. These factors could be […]

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Monday, 23 September 2024

Content Topic Clusters – Success Enablers for Modern SEO

Online customer behavior has undergone a massive shift in recent years. The days of simply typing in a few keywords and getting results are gone. Now, search engines are increasingly becoming sophisticated. They demand quality content writing that covers a topic in detail. Do you wish to stay competitive? Then, it is no longer enough […]

The post Content Topic Clusters – Success Enablers for Modern SEO appeared first on Textuar.


Monday, 9 September 2024

A Handbook for Creating Content for Travel-Related Websites

Compelling content has emerged as a potent marketing enabler for various industries. It helps the business gain a massive competitive edge and gain traffic online. It has gained immense prominence in the domain of travel and tourism. If you operate a business in this space, then you would know about the colossal contribution riveting content […]

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