Do you want to post more
articles that are well-written online?
Looking for low-cost
or free assistance tools to aid in your article writing services?
6 Article writing
tools that can help you find typos and make your article posts easier to read
are described in this article.
1. Clarity jargon buster
You can use Clarity
Jargon Buster to find and eliminate jargon from your article posts. By dividing
the number of buzzwords found by the total number of words in your text, the
tool can determine the jargon-density score for your text. This tool can
identify jargon in any type of business content, including white papers,
brochures, and marketing materials. It uses its own 800-plus word jargon
dictionary and concentrates on overused business jargon.
Grammar Checker
provides one of the most thorough spelling and grammar-checking services. It is
a free online tool that is surprisingly thorough. It can be utilized to review
entire article posts. It is made to let you correct multiple errors with a
single click, from simple to complex, nuanced ones.
Copy and paste your
text into the text box at the top of the page to use this tool. Then click
Check Grammar after checking the box to confirm that you are not a robot. If a
pop-up box appears, select OK to send your text for review.
3. Headline emotional value analyzer
Evoking emotion is one
of the best ways to get your readers' attention. You can enter a headline and
choose an industry category on the Emotional Value Headline Analyzer, which
will then calculate your headline's EMV (Emotion Marketing Value) score and
display the percentage of emotional words it contains. Additionally, it will
reveal whether the emotive language in your title will pique readers'
intellectual, spiritual, or empathic interests.
4. Hemingway
Hemingway is a
similar-looking but different tool to Grammarly. It's an editor that you can
use to draft your article posts or paste them into for a quick scan and review.
Hemingway is more
concerned with style and tone than Grammarly is with spelling, Grammar, and
language usage. Passive voice, excessively complex sentences, the use of
adverbs, and even a "hard to read" check are all things that the tool
will flag.
is one of the more ethereal terms that Google estimates. Because it is based on
a very American-centric understanding of literacy, it isn't really a great
Running an article
post through this tool is how you use it. You can copy and paste a post into it
or link to one you've already published, and it will check it for readability
6. CoSchedule headline analyzer
One of the best
content marketing firms is CoSchedule, which has tons of useful information and
resources. It is the same with this analyzer. Your headlines should be entered
to compare their strength, attractiveness, and quality.
The tool also
evaluates the title's length and word count because titles that are too long or
short lose their effectiveness. Although CoSchedule generally prefers shorter
titles, that isn't always possible.
With the help of these
tools, your Article writing services can take a leap for good. Must try them.