Friday, 26 February 2021

How to Get the Best Long-Tail Keywords for Your Next Blog?

Just the other day, I searched for “Which is the best laptop to buy under Rs. 30000 in India in 2021”. As a marketer with expertise in blog writing services, it got me thinking. “Will I get apt results for such a long keyword?” 

But surprisingly, I got 7 million results! And all of them precisely answered my specific query without digressing into unnecessary stuff on the search results page. 

The outcome – I got my answer and bought a laptop online after my research.

This is the power of long-tail keywords.

Let’s cover this example again.

Short tail query – “Best laptops” shows 447 million results.

Long-tail query- “best laptop to buy under Rs. 30000 in India in 2021” shows 7 million results.

As users, we see how much clearer the results are when we type long-tail queries. 

blog writing services

Users no longer type a single word for their search. Now they may use long terms, three to four words, or a phrase to arrive at the right page. It is here that a long-tail keyword makes an entry. So, it’s time you shifted your focus on developing long-tail keywords. 

Reasons to focus on long-tail keywords in blog writing 

The 2017 Hummingbird update places emphasis on contextual search. This is driven by longer keyword, also known as long-tail keywords. Its usage enables Google to index your page for such queries and reward your blog writing with a higher SERP ranking. Plus, it makes the site visitors happy as they get the information they want.    

Here are some more reasons for you to shift focus on long-tail keywords. 

1 – Intent to search 

As per studies, most searches use long-tail keywords and are not limited to one or two words. If you need answers, you have a question in mind, and queries are longer. So, the answers are right. 

You have to look upon a search as the users do, with a specific focus. 

2 – Better conversion rates 

We know SEO helps in many ways, but sales have to be the ultimate goal. Bringing more people to your website is the sure way to get new leads that may become customers. And long-tail keywords help lead to the prospects. 

3 – Blog writing services use it to achieve first page ranking 

Long-tail keywords can easily help you get the top rank on the search results. How? Each long tail keyword is specific to the need of some users. It is the best way for you to market your wares to be found in the searches. 

4 – SEO Optimization with semantic search 

Long-tail keywords help with semantic search. Everyone today uses voice search, where long-tail keywords prevail, so its time mot cash in on the trend. 

This perhaps explains why 70% of all web searches are long-tail keywords 

blog writing services

How to identify long-tail keywords in blog writing services?

1 – Explore Google Analytics 

The use of analytics is the best way to know if visitors are being directed to your site or not. Go to your analytics and find your long-tail keywords. For example, you can start with using words like- why, what, where, etc.

2 – Bank on Google- related searches 

The same rules apply here only with a slight twist. You notice suggestions appearing on the bar when you type your keyword. The google auto-suggested searches also appear at the bottom of SERP. 

You can easily pick up a suggestion for your long-tail keywords from this section. 

3 – Questions and answers 

Question and answers are the best ways to find your long-tail keywords for your product or service. Q&A sites like Quora can develop unique ideas on how to place or ask for what a customer is seeking. So you can take hints from questions and even cook up queries regarding your product or service for more visibility. 

4 – Check on your competitor

If your competitor is gaining leads, then find out how it’s working for them. Think about how they are thinking; after all, you are in it together for business.

5 – Go to Wikipedia

It is the best resort when you are thinking hard about any information. When you go to Wikipedia, you will see so many suggestions to work for your product or service.


Leverage the immense value of long tail keywords with professional blog writers

Long-tail keywords are ruling content creation strategy for blog writing companies. It’s time you realize their importance and make them the base for an impressive online presence. Utilize the assistance of blog writing companies like Textuar to rank high and outpace competition with the help of long tail keywords. 



The post How to Get the Best Long-Tail Keywords for Your Next Blog? appeared first on Textuar.


Monday, 22 February 2021

Two Secret Words Used by Blog Writers to Win Over Their Audience

As a blog writer, you may be looking for ways to come closer to your customers because they need to be convinced about your credibility and authority. I am going to tell you 2 secret words that blog writing companies can use to. It helps you to elevate the degree of engagement you obtain with your content.

PS – Both words are used in the first sentence itself!

two secret words used by blog writing companies



The 1st Secret word is “YOU”

The word “YOU” plays an essential role in writing the content. Check out this post’s introduction to see how the word “you” occupies an important place. It makes the readers read the content with involvement because the ultimate aim for the readers is to fulfill their needs for which they came online. 

So now you can understand the importance of the secret word. Using this word gives life to your content. 

Using the word ‘you’ means that the blog writing companies are shifting the focus from ‘I’ or ‘me’ to ‘you’. As a result, the content now focuses solely on answering the user’s query on the Google search bar. Every blog or article is now developed to answer specific needs and queries of the reader for which she came to Google in the first place. 

As the word you are connected directly to the readers, it easily attracts them, and it motivates them to read more. The underlying premise is simple.

“Readers won’t care about your brand, unless you constantly offer them valuable content.” 

The result? Your brand forms an instant connection with the targeted readers with such copywriting. This transformation from a casual prospect to a loyal brand advocate happens only when you have made the effort. The effort will be to focus on the reader queries than on your solution. And the word ‘you’ will emphasize this fact. 

How to ensure the word ‘you’ drives engagement?

After your blog draft is ready, add a proofreading step. Count the occurrences of ‘I’ and ‘Me’. Then count the occurrences of ‘You’ or ‘Your’. If ‘You’ is way more than the former, then you are doing a good job as a professional blog writer. 


The 2nd Secret word is “BECAUSE”

The second word is “BECAUSE“. Smart blog creators would pepper the content with this crucial word within their content. 

It is important to use this word because the arguments you present after it provides the gist of this critical question from the reader “Ok, but what’s in it for me??”

While writing the content, you have to explain the topic specifically. You can’t write the content generally. So by using the word because you can specify your thoughts in the contents. The word ‘because’ is one of the powerful words. It gives you the answer for the readers and also gives the reason why? You can explore the topic by using this content. 

How to ensure the word ‘because’ drives engagement?

Take, for example, a real estate site that offers tech-enabled features for property walkthroughs. Here’s how the blog writing companies would list the features: 

1- High def 4k resolution 

2- 360-degree home views

3- Video walkthroughs of the property 

Here’s how the benefits would look like:

1 – You get high def 4k resolution views from the comforts of your home. Because of this, you need not participate in open houses anymore and hence save time

2 – Due to the 360 degree home views, you get a fully immersive, life-like 3D tour experience 

3 – You can view every inch of the property as if you are physically present on the property, because of the video walkthroughs. 

So, ‘because’ encourages you to talk about benefits (i.e., why they should buy the product with these features). Experts like Ryan Deiss at Digital Marketer concur that people simply wouldn’t want a product or service until the blog writers articulate the benefits in a way that people can easily understand.

Add this secret word to your content and see the marvelous results for your content. The word ‘because’ will elevate the blog content to a compelling new level altogether.



These 2 secret words amp up the persuasion power of creative blog writing skills. Blog writing companies have effective writers who can compel readers to be hooked with content that resonates with their needs. This way, they end up trusting your brand and move closer to a successful conversion.

The post Two Secret Words Used by Blog Writers to Win Over Their Audience appeared first on Textuar.


Tuesday, 16 February 2021

9 Things You Need To Know When Hiring A Writer For Your Blog

Is your blog page showing no improvement in the rankings even after uploading new content every week?

Then it is about time for you to hire a blog writer.

According to statistics, blogs are responsible for 434% increase in indexed pages and a 97% increase in indexed links  hence it makes total business sense to hand over this requirement to a professional content writer that has the experience to deliver the outcomes you expect.

Can you delegate this crucial task to any writer?

You just can’t hire the first writer you come across. You need to consider a lot of characteristics before hiring a writer for your blog. If you hire a novice, it might have a significant negative effect on the blog page and also your company’s reputation.

A good content writer can improve your page ranking. But a bad selection of writers will show a negative impact on your blog page.

hire a blog writer

How to pick the right blog writer?

So, with the motive to help you in the hiring process, here are 10 things you need to about when you look to hire a blog writer.

1) What are Your Requirements from the Writer?

Every business owner wants to have the best blog writer for their blog. So it is essential for you to know what type of writer is your best blog writer. Before you start-off the hiring process, you need to prepare a list of desirables you want the writer to have.

2) Details about your Brand and Tone of Voice

To obtain the best results from your writer, the person needs to be familiar with your brand business. For that, you need to know various aspects of your business like your target audience, goals, tone of voice, etc.

3) Know Your Terms Of Commitment

It is important for you to decide whether you want the writer once a week or more than that. Decide your terms of commitment before you advertise about the hiring process. Some businesses hire writers for one blog per week, while some may hire for one blog every day.

4) Which Type of Writer to Hire?

There are multiple sources from where you can hire a blog writer. It is up to you to decide which one you want. Do you want an in-house writer, a freelancer, or do you want to hire a content writing agency like Textuar?

5) Draw up the Hiring Plan

When you are preparing a hiring plan for your hiring process, it is crucial that you make the job description as detailed as possible. The advertisement for open positions should be able to attract competent writers. When your requirement is spelled out elaborately, it will attract the most appropriate talent for your team.

6) Research About the Desired Candidate

After a good project plan is advertised, you will start receiving resumes of many experienced and well as novice blog writing companies and freelancers. Shortlist a few of those writers based on your requirement and research about their previous work. Find out which one among them is best suited for your blog page and connect with that person.

7) Interview the Candidate

Following are some questions you can ask the candidate during the interview.

  1. a) Which niche are you most comfortable with?
  2. b) What do you know about SEO?
  3. c) What work schedule do you prefer?
  4. d) How much do you charge and on what basis?

These questions will tell you about the knowledge the blog writer has about their work. You can also frame your questions based on your needs and goals. Some people might even ask for a demo or sample write-up from the candidate before hiring.

8) Provide Proper Briefing

Even if you hire a well-experienced content writer for your blog, the individual still needs to know about the parameters to work in. Proper briefing about the word count, topic, keywords, layout, etc., needs to be given to the writer for every project.

9) Update Their Contact Details

This step is very important if you hire a freelancer. The contact details of your team need to be updated so that the writer can conveniently connect with your team members. It is preferred to have a single point of contact to deal with the writer. Doing this can also save your time as you won’t have to save the contact details freelancer time and again. This is also beneficial during emergency situations.

To sign off

Looking at this list, you might think of giving up on hiring a  blog writer. But, all the hassle included in the hiring process will justify itself when you start reaping rewards with multiple advantages. A good blog writer will deliver on important KRAs. These span higher search engine results rankings, better brand visibility, and industry authority associated with your company. When customers trust your brand, they will convert from strangers to customers.

Go ahead! Get this advantage to work in your favor with blog writing companies like Textuar.

The post 9 Things You Need To Know When Hiring A Writer For Your Blog appeared first on Textuar.


Tuesday, 2 February 2021

How to Improve SEO Blog Content With Transition Words?


Readability is one of the most important indicators of overall quality for SEO blog content. As a content editor, you need to make sure that all of your website’s content is clear, concise and easy to read. And this is where transition words come into the picture.

Ensuring that your content is optimized for readability makes sure that the audience interacts with your posts. If your work focuses on SEO, then the readability is an essential consideration that you will have to make.

Read more – How to use Readability in SEO blog writing

The Importance of Readability in SEO Blog Content

One thing that you have to consider at all times is the fact that the reading levels of your audience are not as high as you think it is. According to research conducted by the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), mean reading levels across countries are not very high. This means that you should not be using complex language as it can scare off customers and readers. For a brand, this means a business opportunity lost forever.


It is an excellent idea to keep your written language straightforward and conversational. One grammar trick that can help your text become more conversational is a transition word or phrase. Such types of words help make the flow of the blog narrative seem more natural.


SEO blog writing companies use this grammar hack to improve the content’s readability. Since they connect the ideas and sentences, the flow becomes smooth instead of being jarring and abrupt.


What Exactly Are Transition Words?

First things first, you should know what exactly transition words are. In the English language, conjunction words like “and”, “but”, “so”, etc. are called transition words.


The most basic transition words in SEO blog writing are conjunctions. They join two phases or clauses together. Again “and”, “but”, and “or” become examples of conjunctions that double up as transition words.


Apart from transition words, transition phrases like “as a result of that”, “in spite of”, etc. These are highly important as they help showcase the relationship that exists between different sections of your text. They help to introduce a natural flow, which enhances the overall readability.


Examples of Transition Words/Phrases

Here is an example that will be able to illustrate exactly how a transition word/phrase works. “I tripped over a stone. As a result, I fell and hurt my knee.” Using the “as a result” phrase, you will communicate to the reader that the two events are connected. It is an effortless way to illustrate that these two disjoint sentences are talking about the same process. They are handy tools.


Transition words are very versatile, and they don’t always have to be placed at the beginning of your sentences. Your transition phrase can even take the form of a simple conjunctive word, such as “and” or “because”.


Consider this sentence, “I like talking to him because he makes me laugh.”


Over here, the word “because” is connecting two separate clauses. But it still manages to convey the intent very well. These words can be used to link paragraphs as well.

How to Improve SEO Blog Content With Transition Words

Why are Transition Words Crucial for SEO Blog Content?

Content writers who focus on content quality for better rapport with readers will present their ideas in a structured and organized manner. If your text seems to ramble, then your reader might end up getting frustrated or confused.


Using transitional phrases like “firstly”, “secondly”, etc., you will also be able to show your readers the relationship between your arguments and your conclusions.


You will see that people find transitional content significantly easier to read, rather than a chunk of text with no discernible sequence. Even if your content has no sequence within itself, you can always give a semblance of order to make things easier for the reader.


Simplifying the reading level for your readers can be a great way to help your brand appear approachable and establish a human connect with inbound marketing.


Showing the exact relationship between your different paragraphs and sentences helps the readers to be engrossed in the content that they enjoy reading it till the last word.


How Transition Words and SEO Structuring Go Hand in Hand 

Even though transition words themselves do not directly bear on SEO, they play a massive role in your content’s overall readability and simplicity. If the content on your website is readable and of high quality, it will rank better on organic search engine results. At least 93% of all online experiences begin with a Google search. This is the primary reason why you should optimize your content in the best way possible.


As a content editor, you must also know how important the structure of your text is. As has been mentioned before, transition words can lend structure and reason to your content. Readers will see a logical link emerging from one paragraph to the other. They will understand what you have written, and they will be able to glean all the knowledge in the best way. It will attract readers to your blog and help you to enhance traffic and conversions.


Types of Transition Words

Depending on the type of transition you are looking to make in your writing, there are many words at your disposal. The English language is extremely versatile, and you will find multiple choices at your disposal. Depending on the context in which they’re used, the transitional words can mean different things. If you are not a native speaker of English, you will have to be careful while using such transitional words yourself.


1 – Cause and Effect

Examples include “as a result of”, “therefore”, “consequently” and more. These phrases and words are a great way to showcase cause and effect properly. Here’s an example – “He was exhausted. Therefore, he went to bed early.”

2 – Clarification

These phrases are used to provide some clarification to the minds of the reader. Examples include “in other words”, “to clarify”, etc. Here’s an example – “I hate school. In other words, I’m going to bunk classes today.”

3 – Contrast

This is an exciting category of words that allows the writer to introduce a concept and then provide a contrasting concept. Here is an example for you – “I don’t like eating chicken. However, I am fond of chicken nuggets.”

4 – Example

This is one of the most commonly used transitional words. Examples include “for example” and “for instance”. Here’s an example – “I want to do something fun this evening. For instance, ‘I was thinking I will go catch a movie.”

5 – Emphasis

These can be used to emphasize a specific thing you said before. Emphasis words can be used to nudge readers’ behavior also. For example, “You should always wear your helmet. Above all, it keeps you safe.”

6 – Chronology

Another transition word type is chronological, where you give the reader some idea about the order of events. Examples include “during”, “subsequently”, “then”, “consequently” and more. Here’s an example – “I was famished. Consequently, I ordered two whole burger meals.”

7 – Similarity

Examples include “similarly”, “likewise”, etc., and their objective is to show the similarity between two different ideas or sentences. Here’s a great example. “Star Wars is a great science fiction movie. Similarly, I think Star Trek is great too.”

8 – Summarize

This is a type of word that you can use to summarize all of the things you have said and provide a proper conclusion. Some good examples include “in conclusion”, “last of all”, “to sum up”, “in short”, etc. Here’s an example – “To sum up, you should exercise daily.”



To sum it up

In conclusion, the most effective way to apply transition words to your content is by knowing the words themselves. If you know the different words and phrases and the contexts in which they are used, you will apply and make the most of them. It is also essential to be aware of what you are writing. Try to maintain a running logical link right from the beginning, so that readability is ensured.


The post How to Improve SEO Blog Content With Transition Words? appeared first on Textuar.
