Wednesday, 12 August 2020

SEO Content Development – What is the Ideal Length of a Content Piece?

Did you have a query – “How much content is needed for SEO content development?”

Did you do a Google search and land on this blog?

Then you have witnessed the power of quality content in your information search goals. SEO content companies use keyword optimized content to rank higher and be discovered by more users.

But what is the suitable length of a piece of content.

Turns out, it is not a single factor but many variables that determine the correct answer to this query. And to find the answer, you don’t have to ask Google. This post will be able to assist you!

Ideal content length for SEO development

Why is content needed for SEO?

If you have decided to search for this post, then we are sure that you understand the importance of content. You might have also understood how SEO content writing helps the page to be ranked higher and be found by the search engine users. Google bots look for keywords optimized into the content. They then rank the content higher for user queries and semantic searches.

It is easy to grasp the importance of the content on each page. However, it is tough to understand how much content is just enough when developing content for a website.

Consequently, it becomes daunting for many website owners and SEO content writers to create multiple unique pages. This is because coming up with ideas to draft content for every page requires a lot of effort. On top of this, filling the web pages with blocks of text may seem intimidating too. Thus, it leaves you in a situation where you have no idea about how much is adequate.

What do the professionals say about ideal length in SEO content development?

If you proceed to do an internet search on the question, “How much content is needed for SEO?” Then trust us, you will come across various numbers. Your search is bound to confuse you even more than you were before.

For instance, many sites claim that longer content with 1,000+ words has the capacity to aid the websites by showing up sooner in the search results.

On the other hand, Forbes stated that an average content with 600-700-word count per page is more favourable for SEO.

Another study by Buzzsumo showed that blogs with more than 3000 words are shared the maximum on social media sites. Such content is in-depth and cover the topic in greater detail. Hence, if any user is looking for information then such long form content definitely aids in providing rich information.

It also mentioned that a website with fewer than 300 words per page is termed as “thin,” according to Google’s algorithm. And these pages are more likely to lack behind when it comes to ranking. SEO content writing companies take note of this point and develop between 800 – 1000 words of rich and contextual information.


What factors influence content length?

It is recommended that you develop your website based on various important factors. This is better than just focusing on the word count. This is because, at the end of the day, you are interested in adding value to your clients’ time online. And Google considers a website worthy only when the audience finds it worthy.

But you must also note that various factors openly affect the amount of content you write for SEO, and these factors are:

1- What line of business you are in?

If your business deals with publishing information on the philosophy, key services, literature, etc. then you will have to add information based on these facets. This means that each content may require extra detail, thus, increasing the word count.

Similarly, the doctors and dentists come up with elaborate content. They have information on services, their benefits, types, etc. In these cases, the content may contain 80% text and some diagrams or images.

For travel agencies, home improvement companies, food and fashion sites, photographers, etc. it is different. The site will focus more on images or videos. The text length here will be in a medium to lower range.

2- How easy is it to explain a topic via SEO content development?

Your content must be audience-centric. This directly means you have to answer their questions. So, you may want to provide rich contextual information on a particular topic. In such cases the content length will span the complete, in-depth coverage will determine the word count. Until you complete the content, you won’t be able to pin-point the length accurately.

Also, SEO content development companies should never offer only a shallow overview of a topic. Make sure that you properly dive deep into the topic. This way, you will gain credibility. Because such content offers factual based information that is favoured by everyone.

You can also share your perspective on a topic. Or share your service process and answer customer queries.

Ideal length for SEO content development

How much content do your customers need to read?

If you have this question, then we understand where you are coming from. And having this question is undoubtedly expected because, as we know that Google is very clear about its expectations from a website. It is more focused on the audience’s needs than the site. And this makes every other website owner stuff their webpages with a huge volume of content.

But rather than thinking how much content your customers need, think the other way around.

The right question should be

“If you are on a website searching for something, how much information is enough for you to understand a concept properly and satisfy your information need?”

Accordingly, proceed with SEO content writing.

For instance, if you are a travel agency, and you add content “Beautiful travelling spots around the city,” then this content will gain immense value.

But this content is incomplete if you just mention the name of the place. Instead, add rich information for each place like

1 – How to reach there

2 – Nearest railway station / airport

3 – 3 to 4 popular hotel choices

4 – Preferred months to visit the place

5 – 3 to 4 landmarks worth visiting for the tourist

Now if the reader comes across such an in-depth blog, he/ she will surely be excited to explore the place enough to call the travel agent for a business enquiry.

This is how rich content can enable inbound marketing and aid in conversion.

But keep in mind that you do not deviate from the topic because that will be just a clutter of unnecessary information.

What is the desired content length for higher SERP ranking?


Did you notice a key trend? Websites that receive higher rankings organically have a common trait. They have more text-based content on every page than other websites.

So, we recommend that you have landing pages for each of the specific services or products you offer. In addition to that, make sure there are supporting articles, blogs and FAQs too. This way, you will offer easy to navigate interface while clearing all the potential doubts your customer may have.

In fact, many websites have hundreds, if not thousands of pages. So, go ahead and give your website a content makeover with SEO content writing.

But the bottom line is clear

More than the length, focus on the quality of the content

How to ensure quality in SEO content development?

Sometimes content length will not matter if your content has enough information. Your content should have a sharp focus on quality over quantity. Each and every word should be useful in conveying information or educating readers. Do not over exaggerate, beat around the bush, or repeat the same thing simply to reach the word count.
Here are some ways to ensure quality content –

  • Keep your content readable
      • Divide lengthy lines in small chunks.
      • Avoid creating long paragraphs.
      • Keep them simple by offering necessary pauses after 2 to 3 lines.

Read more – How to Use Readability in Blog Writing to Boost SEO Ranking?

  • Do not borrow your contents. Instead, borrow ideas. Then offer a fresh perspective to it. This way, you will use your competitors’ strategies while avoiding plagiarism.
  • Add statistics and numbers (along with their sources). This helps you to justify a point that you are trying to make
  • Keep a mindset of genuinely helping people with your mastery over a particular subject. Don’t just superficially touch upon the topic. Do a deep dive to cover the content deeply.
  • Add examples or real-life cases. This way, readers can relate to a particular theme or topic.

Read more – 6 Tips for Writing Long Form Content That Engages

How will investing in website content writing prove beneficial?

Gone are the days when people visited libraries to gain information or read a new book. Now they are getting everything on their fingertips, which means traditional methods do not have similar results as the latest ones. Consider these stats:

a- Almost 69% of businesses accredit their lead-generating triumph to blogging.

b- 71% of bloggers claimed that they were able to increase their website’s visibility between their industry by maintaining their blogs regularly.

c – Businesses that have 401-1000 web pages experience 6x extra leads than businesses with 51-100 web pages.

This shows the importance Google places on website content developed by SEO content writing professionals.

Bottom line

Even though we have kept all the information in front of you. We would like to add a note, make sure that the minimum word count of your web page is around 800 – 1000 words. But these words should be informative and valuable. This way, you will be able to encapsulate every keyword without them being noticeable.

However, understand the individuality of each page. And then develop them accordingly. Because you may come across pages that may require less content, and others may require a lot. So, let your SEO content development focus on every page with a different attitude but the same goal – of genuinely helping client address their problem.


The post SEO Content Development – What is the Ideal Length of a Content Piece? appeared first on Textuar.

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