Wednesday, 23 December 2020

What are the Most Important Pages on a Website?

Content is the king, and quality web content writing offer us top-notch content for our website.

But have you ever raised any questions like:

1 – How many pages should my website have?

2 – How much content should each page hold?

3 – What content should be put on different web pages?

Well, the answer to both of your questions depends upon the industry you are in. And the services you offer.

Based on your industry, you can collaborate with your web developer and create a website that matters. However, there is a set of standard webpages that every website must-have. Before we move to these pages one by one, let’s take a look at how to create compelling website content.

How to ensure smart web content writing?

Remember that your website is a valuable digital marketing asset to promote your business. As web content writers ourselves, we get a familiar question from our clients – “What to put on our website.” We have a simple answer to this query.

“Your website needs to attract customers. For this, it will highlight all noteworthy points that differentiate your brand from competitors. So, you need to put all points that will help sell your business better.”

Typically web content will have 3 parts

1 – Description of the service/product

2 – Offerings under that service/product

3 – What’s in it for customers? Or the ‘Why choose us?’ section.

What pages will the web content writers develop? 

In this blog post, we will discuss these general webpages. And we will also find out what the web content writing companies will put on these pages.

1- The homepage:

The homepage is the first page that most of your visitors will see. So, you will have to make sure that it says what your company does and offers. The contents here must be fascinating enough to grab the curiosity of the visitors.

What to write here?

  • Short description of your brand
  • A short explanation of the products and services you offer
  • Maybe a bulletin or two on your customer services

2- The about page:

About page is where the visitor gains information on the people that are behind the business. Furthermore, it is also one of the most visited webpages of any website. So, work with reliable web content developers and offer more information on your business here.

What to add here?

  • Offer a summary of your business
  • Add employee bio and images
  • Display achievements that your company might have received
  • Tell them about why your service is different from others

3- The “services you offer” page:

On this page, your website content writing will list out all the services that you have to offer. Make sure to explain everything in brief. If you have numerous services, then you can add a link to the landing page. This will help you elaborate on each of the services for each service individually.

What to insert here?

  • Provide an outline of services
  • You can also add bullet points and offer a small explanation of the services, followed by a link to “learn more”.
  • Add information on how superior your service is, compared to others.web content writing

4- The “products you sell” page:

On this page, you will get a chance to add all the products you own. Ensure to start the page by offering a little summary of the products. You can even divide the product’s page into many if you have an extensive list of products.

What to cover here?

  • Offer an outline of all products
  • Include the images of all the products
  • Share a short description that leads to another linked page of more information and different images of the product.

5- The FAQ page:

If you offer services, then there are chances that your buyers will have numerous questions. Having an FAQ page will give them answers directly. Even your customer service won’t have to answer every question personally.

What to include here?

  • Add the most common question and answer the customers may have about your business.
  • Think from the point of view of your customers and questions they might have.

6- The review/testimonial page:

Having a review/testimonial page is a must. This page allows new customers to know about your credibility. They gain immediate trust in your brand by reading previous testimonies.

What to add here?

  • Add collected customer reviews
  • Make sure to add the picture and high light their names
  • You can even give a headline above each review to grab the attention.
    website content writing services

7 – The ‘Contact us’ page

This page provides the possible ways for a prospect to reach out to the brand. Can also include a small business enquiry form. In this the customer will leave behind his name and contact details, along with a small note on the services/ products he is interested in.

What to incorporate here?

  • Add address, phone, email, map, hours/days when the store is open
  • Insert all social media profiles links
  • Add a small form to collect business enquiries from interested prospects

8 – The blog page

This page serves two purposes

1 – It showcases industry authority to the readers with valuable educational and helpful information around the services.

2 – It helps in SEO. When web content writing companies add fresh and original content on a regular basis, Google will pick it up and award the site with higher ranking

What to implement here?

  • Provide helpful and information-rich blogs that add value to the customers. This way they will look forward to blogs regularly and keep your brand on top of their mind when they are ready to buy serves or products that you offer.
  • Provide newsworthy updates that impact your line of business

Bottom line

No matter what size or type of business it is, these are six essential pages that your website must include. Make sure that you collaborate with one of the professional website content development experts like Textuar Communications. This way, you will be able to fill your webpages with optimized content.

The post What are the Most Important Pages on a Website? appeared first on Textuar.

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

How to Create an Outline and Make Your Blog Writing Effective?

Content creators in the blog writing business need to manage time so that they can maximize ROI.

Project managers would relate to this daily challenge.

They have come up with a number of measures to ensure that every word delivers maximum value, not just to the clients, but also to their own business.

One such measure is the creation of an outline before beginning with the drafting process.

What is a blog outline?

Imagine if Sarah gets a mandate to develop a 4000-word blog. This easily takes 10 to 12 hours to produce and deliver. It’s as good as two FTEs engaged fully for a day or one team member busy for almost two full days on this project.

Now if Sarah simply gets started and drafts the 4000 words, it might be a risky way of doing the work. Suppose the client drops a bomb and says that 60% of the blog wasn’t up to the expectation in terms of coverage.

As a writer, Sarah will be left stranded having to do re-do the blog. She is going to spend more time that could’ve otherwise been utilized on other projects.

Is there a way to prevent such re-work and get it right the first time as per client expectations?

A blog outline goes a long way in preventing such costly re-work.

An outline is simply like a table of content or index that we see at the beginning of a book. It lists down the flow of the narrative. It is a visual cue for the writer to stay on track at all times when writing the blog. Experts support the use of outlines to make blog writing process more efficient.

When should you prepare the outline?

A blog outline looks something like this

blog writing outline

It shows many pointers –

  1. The flow of the topic from start to end
  2. An indication of what points will be covered
  3. Number of words allocated to each point (to meet overall wordcount goal)
  4. Reference URL to research more on a given point

It should be prepared at the research stage. In this stage, you collect the necessary intel to build your own blog. The outline will help you know what point to cover (and avoid duplication of coverage). It also serves as a constant reminder of how many words can the narrative cover for a particular point.

How a blog outline benefits the readers?

Readers can enjoy a well-written blog that flows from start to end in a natural and smooth way. Such blogs don’t abruptly jump from one idea to another. Also all sub-headings or ideas within the body of the content are given equal coverage.

This USP is possible because the writer had a visual cue in front of her. She knew that she had xxx words per section to total to yyy words overall. For a long form content writing, it becomes difficult for the content writer to track the progress if she doesn’t have such visual cues.

Hence, many content writing companies make it a point to integrate outline creation as a part of their research process.

How to prepare the outline?

  1. Open an Excel sheet
  2. Add 4 key headers
    1. Serial number
    2. Topic / item
    3. Words allocated
    4. Ref URL

Save and close. That’s it!

It’s so easy creating an outline.

Imagine if you need to create a 700-word blog.

You start with the research process to gather material for a blog. A draft outline would then look something like this

  1. Intro = 50 words
  2. Point A in body = 75 words
  3. Point B in body = 75 words
  4. Point C in body = 75 words
  5. Point D in body = 75 words
  6. Point E in body = 75 words
  7. Point F in body = 75 words
  8. Point G in body = 75 words
  9. Point H in body = 75 words
  10. Conclusion = 50 words

So you have intro + conclusion = 100 words & 8 points in body = 600 words

Total = 600 + 100 = 700 words

But when you go further into your research, you figure that there isn’t much material. So you estimate your blog body to have 5 points instead of 8.

Now your revised outline would be

  1. Intro = 50 words
  2. Point A in body = 120 words
  3. Point B in body = 120 words
  4. Point C in body = 120 words
  5. Point D in body = 120 words
  6. Point E in body = 120 words
  7. Conclusion = 50 words

See what has changed now?

Now the content writer knows she needs to go deeper than 75 words to meet the overall word count as there are lesser number of points to cover. This way, the writer is crystal clear on what to cover. She also knows how much to cover for each point.

Does every blog need an outline?

A blog outline is an important part of the content writing process. But it is not necessary to have an outline for all content types. We would recommend going for an outline if –

  1. The content spans more than 500 words
  2. The topic is niche, or
  3. You need an in-depth content developed

Blog writing companies make outline an indispensable part of their intel gathering or research process before starting with the draft. This way, the blog writer knows

  1. what points to write about,
  2. what materials are available online, and
  3. how much meat can she extract online to build a solid piece of copy

Also, blog writers use the word limit in the outline to avoid long winding discussion, repetition of points, and beating around the bush just to meet the wordcount.

What happens if you don’t have a blog outline?

Imagine a reverse scenario where you didn’t have a blog outline:

  1. You may go on and on one particular point. Eventually, you will be left with no words to describe the rest of the points.
  2. You may risk going over the suggested word limit. Remember that every word comes at a cost. And the client will bear only for those many words that were committed during the initial scoping of the project. So, it may happen that you commit for 500 words and end up creating 800 words, simply because you didn’t create an outline. You won’t have any visual cue to refer to during the drafting stage. The client will pay only for 500 words. The blog writer’s time and effort for the remaining 300 words will not be compensated.
  3. The content writer may have to re-work on the blog. This point will lead to a loss of productivity and hence impact earnings.

Hence, from a business perspective too, a blog outline is essential.

To sum it up

A professional blog writing service depends a lot on managing the limited time right so that it can maximize the ROI from every project. With a blog outline, the writer can ensure that the blog shapes up as per client expectations the first time. This step prevents re-working on the blog later. As a result, the writer can churn out more words within the limited time, and thus, improve the agency’s revenues.

The post How to Create an Outline and Make Your Blog Writing Effective? appeared first on Textuar.


Wednesday, 11 November 2020

How to Check Quality in Website Content Writing?

Quality content is the bedrock of SEO and digital marketing. Professionals in website content writing know the importance of comprehensive QC before they publish anything online. They know that it can make or break the brand’s reputation online. Hence the emphasis on quality.

Why is website content writing needed for digital businesses?

Website content writing should be well-written so that both search engines and users will find it worthy of a specific search query. This entails satisfying user intent and helping users with valuable and meaningful copy.

To do so, it must be new and creative, well-researched content that is grammatically correct. It needs to rely on trustworthy sources and contain links that go to the correct and relevant places.

Here are a few vital steps to ensure the quality of your web content.

1- QC for Grammar and Spelling

Bad grammar and spelling offend your readers and waste their time. It also hurts your brand’s reliability and credibility. And while Google doesn’t necessarily chide writers for sloppy writing, but the readers can.

Grammar and poor spellings tell your readers that as a writer, you didn’t make an effort to create quality content.

Tools like Grammarly would be invaluable to avoid such problems. It deals with all typos and can solve spelling mistakes in the content. Also, it will highlight your grammar errors for correction.

But relying on just tools isn’t wise. The most significant way to check for sentence structuring, flow of narrative, tonality, spelling and grammar mistakes is to employ the services of human editors.

2- Check your content for originality

It is non-negotiable to check that your writing is new, unique, and original once you finish drafting it. You simply cannot upload the content online if it is not QC is not done. And checking for plagiarism is the second step in QC (after grammar and spelling checks).

There are many tools you can use for checking plagiarism. These include Copyscape, Plagiarism Checker, and Dupli Checker.

You can even do the checking of duplication by Googling specific keywords and see what pops up. If you have finished writing the topic to death, or if some other website owns the ranking on a similar topic, you should find an alternative angle to move on.

Experts in this field will always rely on premium (paid tools) like Copyscape Premium rather than free tools. Doing so will help them offer a service differentiator.

Quality Website content

3- Check relevance and length in website content writing

The content score has nothing to do with word count. Longer posts aren’t necessarily better than short posts. Less word count content can be of lower quality, but that too is no guarantee. Aim for 1200-1500 words that explain the concept in greater depth.

You also need to factor in relevance in content. So, if users come across your site, they need to fulfil the purpose behind the search that led them to your site through search results. For example, if suppose users search for ‘blog writing’, then they should see webpages that discuss this theme instead of other concepts like PPC, search engines, etc.

4- Fact-check your content

The menace of false or incorrect information has made this point a vital factor for your brand’s success. There aren’t any tools that can test and verify the real information. For that, you’ll need to dig in and do your investigation.

Many writers find to their dismay that people on the internet can be unforgiving when it comes to false information. They will immediately point out spelling mistakes, misinformation, and other faults. And such issues will do a lot of harm to brand reputation.

You can check all information and statistics using trustworthy sources. Verify names, titles, places, etc. If you don’t have any reference and you’re unsure where to begin with, then a quick Google search will come in handy to verify if the facts are correct and relevant.

Make sure your fact displays on two or three trusted places before you complete your QC process. Also cite the sources to lend credibility to content published on your website.

5- Check your content for broken links

Before you publish an article, make sure you do the checking of links you’ve mentioned. In some of the cases, you may link some other websites in your content. So, it’s important and necessary to ensure all the links are working and indicating to the right place.

To conclude

These were some basic elements to every quality check process for website content writing. Pros in content writing services use these factors to spruce up the quality of their content. It helps make sure that every piece of your content has a clear goal that makes the audience well satisfied.


The post How to Check Quality in Website Content Writing? appeared first on Textuar.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

How to Write Compelling and Captivating Website Content?

Are you a marketer looking to enhance the promotion of your brand’s product or service? Then you would evidently begin from the brand’s site to fulfill this goal. This step needs the expertise of a competency in website content writing.

The easy-to-read, impactful, and engrossing website content helps catapult the site to the first page of Google rankings. It serves as a lead generation magnet that brings your brand closer to your potential customers.

How to Write Compelling and Captivating Website Content?

The need for professional website content writing

 As per Website Hosting Rating, there are more than 4 billion internet users (the opportunity) and 1.74 billion websites (the competition). Website content writing ensures that the opportunity comes to your site rather than to the competition

With carefully crafted web content writing you need not work hard to capture the readers’ attention. The riveting content works as an attention-grabbing magnet to ensure that the readers get the information they want to see and send business enquiries to your site.


How to ensure website content writing that drives revenue for clients?

Here are some cool (and proven) tricks that can uplift your content game.


1- Stick to writing simple and short sentences:

It is estimated that an average reader reads like a 7th or 8th-grade level. This means a lot of easy-to-read and accessible sentences. This way, the content will garner the most attention.

Keep your sentences short and logical. You can use various tools to determine your readability score. And one of those tools is Microsoft word.

Read More – How to use readability to boost SEO rankings


2- Know the audience you will write for:

You are not writing the content for yourself, but the audience. So, it becomes a necessity that you know who are going to read your blogs or articles. Ask a few questions like:

  • Who are the key readers?
  • What country are they from?
  • How will these content influence them both?
  • What information do they need?
  • Will the content serve the user intent?

Remember –

Write like a service provider


Think like a customer. 


3- “Inverted pyramid” model in website content writing:

The dwell time of an average visitor is shorter. They will make perceptions on your website within the first few seconds of visiting it. So, the best way to offer maximum yet relevant details are by following the inverted pyramid model.

Fill the uppermost part of the page with the most information. Then eventually reduce to offering distinctive, supporting details. At last, finish the page with borderline details.


4- Don’t just tell, but show examples:

No one knows your product best than you. So, when you be general and formal about product information, the chances are high that your reader may not understand it. And this will lead to loss of audience. Offer real-world examples that will help your readers to imagine your services.

For instance, if you have a food website. Don’t write just the name and use high-level statements. Instead, offer mouthwatering details, so, the readers will want to try.

The intent is to evoke emotion. This is because emotions act as a strong trigger to initiate the buying process.

How to Write Compelling and Captivating Website Content?


5- Blend the chosen words smartly:

It is possible that in the flow of writing, you may have used similar words multiple times throughout the blog. Instead, prefer synonyms of those words to enhance the text.

But ensure to keep the keywords consistent across the website. Or else you will end up confusing your audience.

For instance, if you call your customers as “client”, then keep it “client” everywhere.


6- Keep the text scannable:

Readers will never spend all their time reading a full blog. Many people prefer to scan the text and read only the information they want. And that is why many web content writers keep their blog:

  • Organized with 3 to 4 sentences in one paragraph
  • Filled with bullet points
  • Full of white spaces, to make it airy

Read more – What You Need To Know About Snackable Content


Bottom line

Writing a small email can be hard, let alone an entire content that elicits sales from total strangers. You need expertise to create impactful content that is not only SEO optimized but also provides an enjoyable reading experience.


You can hire website content writing services from agencies like Textuar Communications with your business. After all, a professional touch works its magic to elevate your brand’s competitive edge

The post How to Write Compelling and Captivating Website Content? appeared first on Textuar.

Monday, 19 October 2020

12 Trigger Words Used By Blog Writers to Ace Engagement

Marketers are increasingly implementing robust digital marketing strategies to boost their business. This strategy is made up of several elements, and content marketing is one of them. Blog writers develop content as a part of SEO to hold audience attention and prompt them to send business enquiries.

Fresh and innovative blog content targeting your product and service offerings can work wonders for your website. Stats says that

Quality Content Can Drive Traffic to a Blog by Up To a Staggering 2000%!!

Hence, it’s no wonder why blog content is deemed as the king in new-age marketing strategies. However they don’t just slap on random bits of words. They use words that add spice to the narrative. Such words make the readers go ‘Wow!’ These are what blog writers know as ‘trigger words’.

12 Trigger Words Used By Blog Writers to Ace Reader Engagement

What triggers are used by blog writers? 

Blog writing companies focus on the usage of certain words in the blog/article as it will persuade readers to take action. Some of these trigger words are listed below:

  1. New

Tech-savvy individuals have a knack for getting acquainted with new software. Similarly, content writing companies will use this to elicit an emotion of freshness and originality with the content

Including the word “new” in your articles or blog posts will attract readers of all sorts. If you use this word in the content, it is bound to have a magic effect on the readers while keeping them alert and excited and thereby, persuading to take action.

  1. Free:

This is another trigger word that content writers use in the content. The term “free” has a more significant effect on the audience than “almost free”.

With this magic word, readers perceive an emotional charge relating to the product or service. Reputed blog writing companies use this term so that the target audience can easily associate themselves with a firm’s offerings.

They sense the offering is far more valuable than it is actually. Including the word “free” in your articles, social media posts, blogs, and email letters will make the content attractive.

Your content will be appealing to a greater audience at the same time. It will also accelerate your social media campaigns, Twitter engagement, and content strategy.

  1. Proven:

The word “proven” will ignite audience engagement by helping them gain trust in the brand value proposition. When content development companies convey an idea, technique, or strategy that is solidly supported, readers deem the content as authentic. Viewers prefer to come across “proven strategies”.

When an online user is searching for some information, he/she would want the information to be genuine. There’s no denying the fact that most of the times, users bank on the content for collecting data and information fitted to their needs. This trigger word helps establish trust.

  1. Easy:

‘Easy’ is another trigger word used by content creation companies. It gives comfort to readers’ minds that the content will not be difficult to implement. This gives them an added impetus to continue reading through the blog. As a result, there will be a high likelihood that they will act upon the call to action.

Try to include the word “easy” in the headline. This will make people click on your article/blog. In this case, social media engagement is more likely to be higher and reduced bounce rate.

If a complex topic is presented easily in the content, your target audience will have a better grasp of the subject. Furthermore, if you break down the key points, it will be easier for the readers to understand.

  1. Secret:

Successful digital marketers don’t tell their secrets to anyone. But when your blog says ‘Secrets to XXXX’, it will pique readers’ interest. A secret is something that readers don’t know. So they will be interested by thinking “Ok, let’s see what does he know after all that I don’t”.

Blog writers use this trigger word to generate suspense and thus better degree of interest in the blog.

If you use the word “secret” in the content, it will make readers curious. While going through the article/blog, viewers will try to find the aspect they are unaware of. According to digital marketing experts, usage of the word “secret” in the blog post headlines and call-to-action will intrigue readers of all types.

  1. More:

Try to make your blog posts informative if you want to build a loyal audience within a short period. This will also have a positive impact on your social media engagement strategy. Also, it is bound to enhance your content strategy.

Using trigger words in the content to express one’s thoughts is desirable. The term “more” in the content shows that you haven’t finished what you are stating in the blog/article. A time may come when all ideas of yours are finished. Under such circumstances, you need to develop “more” thoughts and insights. It will come in handy while creating engagement strategies.

12 Trigger Words Used By Blog Writers to Ace Reader Engagement

  1. The:

Customers don’t look for several solutions. They look for “the” answer. Using “the” instead of “a” or “an” will make your content strong. Readers will feel that you are confident about your viewpoints. The word “the” transforms the reader’s perception at large.

Also, when you are stating the offerings of an organization, using “the” in the blog/article highlights the importance of a particular product/service/idea. In this case, you are telling readers to be focused on their approach and not to look for alternatives.

  1. Yes:

No doubt, the word “yes” creates a positive atmosphere. In other words, it’s a sign of affirmation. When you are crafting a blog/article, the term “yes” will inspire them. You can also use this word when you are dealing with customers through the content.

The word “yes” plays a significant role in audience engagement. Several experts are of the view that “yes” motivates a person to learn something new. Using this inspiring word in your content and email subject line will give you a higher click-through rate. Besides increasing audience engagement, it also conveys the message in a better and simple way.

  1. If:

This small word has so much power in it we can’t imagine. The term “if” in the content is necessary, especially when you are trying to show that your readers and target audience must possess specific responsibilities.

Most of the time, “if” showcases a conditional statement. You can also use this word to show outcomes or possibilities. During your interaction with B2B firms, always use the word “if” as it highlights your strategies will only be productive when they play a significant part in the content marketing plan.

  1. Never:

Though “never” is a negative word, it’s invaluable in certain instances. When content writers tell readers what not to do, the use of the word “never” is mandatory. Readers will be cautioned when they come across this word in the content.

It would help if you didn’t make anyone responsible for something that is not in your hands. When you are working with new clients, you need to keep this in mind.

Don’t promise something to the target audience when you are in a dilemma. You can also use the word “never” to notify your loyal customers regarding the organization’s latest offerings. Using the word “never” is also a great choice when making a surprise announcement.

  1. Imagine:

The word “imagine” can give your blog an added dimension. There is no doubt regarding this aspect. When your readers and target audience come across this word in the content, they think of achieving it 100x over.

Nowadays, blog writers and content marketers don’t piece a bunch of words together and publish it on WordPress. They need to be creative in their approach while structuring a blog or article.

The use of the word “imagine” is immensely helpful in this aspect. It is one of those rare words that make readers think beyond their boundaries. It takes the readers to a different realm where everything seems possible.

  1. Instant:

This is another trigger word you can’t afford to ignore while developing the content. The term “instant” engages the audience almost instantly and persuades them to take action.

It can be a frustrating affair for people to wait endlessly for the expected outcomes. They will want to get instant or near-instant results through your articles. This word relieves them of this anxiety. It shows that the steps or tips mentioned in the blog will yield instant results.

To sign off

There are many secret ingredients employed by blog writers to incite engagement and improve  conversion rate. Use of trigger words is one such sauce that spices up the content.

The top-notch experts in blog writing services use these words to gain maximum attention from the readers. These words create a unique spell on the readers that facilitate them in their decision-making approach. If you are a content creator then these words will definitely help you sway digital marketing outcomes in your favor.

The post 12 Trigger Words Used By Blog Writers to Ace Engagement appeared first on Textuar.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Is SEO Content Writing Worth It? Check It Out Now!

SEO or search engine optimization is an assurance that the users quickly locate your product and service through organic search results on Google. And SEO content writing works wonders to accelerate your Google search rankings to the first page.  

Once you are on the first pages of Google SERP, users will see you before they discover competition. It’s a digitalized world, and everyone is online today. It would be best if you had an impressive online presence to thrive in a cut-throat competitive landscape. 

Your online presence can be boosted through SEO content writing services. Professional content writing agencies help improve your website’s overall searchability and visibility. Hence, it is no surprise 57% of SEO experts rank content creation and content marketing as the topmost strategy to influence positive outcomes in search marketing.

Everyone seems to be talking about SEO writing for high-quality content nowadays. But do we all understand what it is all about? Let’s delve deeper into the subject.

Introducing SEO content writing 

SEO writing is like cooking up a delicious recipe, and everyone loves it. In simple words, it is the implementation of keywords and key phrases in content published on the web. Copywriters and marketers make use of SEO content writing to increase the visibility of their site. Of course, the SERP rankings also follow. As a result, brands propel their revenues through the increase in site traffic. 

The best way to write SEO optimized content is to use high-quality content that includes keywords and provides valuable information to readers. They overcome common mistakes with SEO content writing and deliver exemplary work. 

Why is SEO content so important? Let’s find out more.

SEO content writing

The importance of SEO content writing

Why is SEO content for an organic search campaign? Let us discuss the values that SEO content has to offer. The below reasons provide clarity as to why businesses need SEO content creation to establish their brand presence and customer loyalty. 

1 – SEO writing is the secret to increasing leads

Inbound strategies work best for B2B and B2C. They work as the most encouraging source of leads. With readable text, the writer can engage better with readers. As a result, it boosts lead generation with phenomenal results.

2 –Establish your brand with the help of SEO writing

The more your brand is visible, the people are aware of your business. And it is common knowledge that 1st-page rankings hold the maximum visibility. More and more customers want to visit your site from Google search results page, and this way, your brand establishes a concrete presence online. When a majority of your target audience know your brand well, you can be assured that content has worked successfully to boost your web presence.

3 – SEO content is key to a higher rate of conversions

High ranking of your site on search engine result pages can assure you of more conversions. Your target audience becomes more aware of your brand. And, this happens as long as you maintain a top of the list position on the search engine results with quality content published consistently on your brand website. Skilled content writers can use various techniques to master SEO content writing, and this proves to be a game changer for the brand.

4- Avail better cost management with SEO

Inbound leads can lower the cost of lead generation, according to studies. On the other hand, outbound leads can increase your expenses. In this way, SEO content writing can help you with better cost management.

5 – Lower your marketing costs with SEO techniques

SEO helps to reduce your advertising and marketing budget. When you have high rankings on search engines, you don’t have to think or spend more on the advertising of your page. You continue to stay on top of the pages with high-quality content. Users enjoy visiting your site and reading high-quality content. And this, in turn, leads to better online business for your brand.

6 – SEO content writing leads to better user experience

There are various ways in which you can improve your website and optimize the user experience. This step involves providing your audience with relevant information. SEO content creation agencies use many secrets and tricks like in-depth research and unique brand voice. Applying such tips improves engagement with readers. They get informative and engrossing content to read. As a result, your brand enjoys a high volume of site visits and better conversion rates.

Number of people who click on search results or click-through rates (CTR) by position on results page:

1 – First position – CTR = 28.5%

2 – Second position – CTR = 15.7%

3 – Third position – CTR = 11%

SEO helps you aim for the 1st three positions that generate more than half the overall clicks on a search results page. And high quality content is what gets you there (well, one of the enablers if not the only one….)

SEO content writing
How does SEO content writing help to boost business

How to hire SEO content writers?     

Companies have to agree that content should be their top priority. Stats show that content creation boosts indexation rates by more than 434%. This translates to a higher likelihood of your site ranking higher on Google SERPs. 

They should know that a successful SEO campaign will need regular posting of fresh, original, and high-quality content. SEO needs weeks and months to deliver results and content is the backbone for its success. Despite this knowledge, only 38% of marketers are posting content once or more per week. The reason is simple – they cannot handle the time-intensive task of regular content creation that is engaging to read.

To meet this demand, you must have the best content creation agencies working for you. Before you start your search, here are some factors that you have to bear in mind. These guidelines will help you choose the best content writing professionals.

1 – Check on the published track record

It feels good to highlight great work. Most writers prefer to present a few of their articles online as a portfolio of their past works. You can use this page to check if they are capable of generating the high-quality content you are looking for. If not, then you can move to the next option.

2 – Select a content writing company that has the potential

Explore how every company goes about its procedures. Ask for their workflow and see what process they follow to deliver superior quality content. The best content writing company will use premium tools such as Grammarly and Copyscape, to elevate the quality of their content. Look for a distinct trait that holds reader attention. Find a unique flair in the content that pulls in the target audience. Such a company will be an ideal choice. 

3 – Zoom on the best writing technique

Search for the best talent that uses SEO optimized content writing techniques applicable for the current times. Settle for an agency that is in sync with the latest web-based wiring skills. Ask about their SEO-writing tactics. Check on the ability to have the right information on the importance of keyword density. The right content creation agency will be able to create highly riveting content that manages to hold reader attention and make them act on the call to action.

4 – Check for consistency and continuity in SEO content writing  

SEO content writing should be consistent. The tonality, sentence structuring, vocabulary and choice of words must be unique and written with the reader in mind. Also, the content writer needs to have access to resources that can help him churn out a high volume of quality content every day.

5 – Engage the readers with interesting text

The content has to appeal to the readers. Unnecessary stuffing of keywords may put off the visitors to your site. Instead, let your writers focus on a clear language. Genuine work speaks for itself. You don’t have to be focus entirely on SEO- strategy. You have to bear in mind that it is human beings that read the content. It’s wise to have information that’s is full of zest and enthusiasm.

It’s a profitable way to present text that raises the bar and carries relevant information in a catchy and straightforward style. Such content is deemed valuable for a business’ inbound marketing objectives.


For the final word 

SEO is not a single thing. It encompasses many tasks done strategically to achieve a stated outcome. Content writing is one such activity that guarantees amazing SEO results. Every day, you face competition in different ways. You have to stay in the race and even make it to the winning post. This requires efforts. You can engage with SEO- content writing services and emerge a winner. Reaching the top is hard work, but staying there is a challenge. Let the experts devise ways and means for your website to stay there longer.

Hire the expertise of professional SEO content companies like Textuar to make SEO campaigns successful. This way, you ensure that the content for your site holds reader attention and provides a brand recall value for your company. Such interesting pieces of content appeals to the readers, and have them coming back for more.

The post Is SEO Content Writing Worth It? Check It Out Now! appeared first on Textuar.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Why the Best Content Writing Companies Use Grammarly for QA?

Content without proper spelling or grammar is like fish without water; it tends to die soon. There are millions of pieces of content out there.

How do you stay afloat?

Remember that the World Wide Web is an ocean where you are one of the fish. You have to be a shark in the form of one of the best content writing companies around. You have to learn the moves.

Similarly, to rank high on SERP, you need to post content that’s perfect on all counts.


Why ideal content matters?

There are more than 3.5 billion pieces of content in the form of blogposts, web links, and news stories, etc. shared very week on social media. Errors can hurt your prospects by losing return visitors and getting fewer referrals.

If you are reading a blogpost with several grammatical mistakes, would you share it with your friends?

The answer is a definite ‘No’.

Hence, professional content writing agencies rely on feature packed tools like Grammarly to spruce up their work.

Let’s understand how Grammarly checks influence blog posts and the results it intends to achieve.

How Grammarly powers up the efficacy of the best content writing companies?

Bloggers need Grammarly to perfect their blog posts, social media posts, and every other kind of professional writing. Grammarly is an online grammar checker and proofreading tool. It helps the blogger avoid mistakes.

Let’s see how Grammarly helps content writers

1 – Grammar and punctuation

Grammarly detects grammar and punctuation mistakes in your blog post. And then it offers practical suggestions on the corrections.

For example, take a sentence

“Let’s eat grandma!”

Now, this would suggest that you are about to eat grandma. If you use the right punctuation marks, it will clear the confusion at first glance,

“Let’s eat, Grandma!”

Read more – Common Grammar Check Misses to Avoid in Website Content Writing

Another good example is – Its and It’s

Improper use of its / it’s can be one of the easiest and overlooked mistakes in writing.

  • ‘Its’ is a possessive form of ‘it’, as in- Its network is down.
  • It’s is a contraction of ‘it is’ as in – It’s vital to understand the equation.

If you are unsure which form to use in your sentence, replace its/it’s with ‘it is’ to see if the sentence makes sense.

2 – Spelling mistakes

Grammarly is a strong spell- checking tool. This keeps your blog posts free from misspelled errors. Often you find this kind of spelling mistakes in blog posts and web content. You can run the copy through the spell checker.

Can you spot the spelling mistake?

  • Your and You’re – this is another commonly misused word.
  • Your – this word shows possession, as in, I read your book
  • You’re – it is a contraction of you are, as in You’re going out?

Question yourself on what you are trying to say when using this word. Do you mean, ‘it belongs to you’ or do you mean ‘you’re responsible for doing this work’.

Read more – Content writers Beware! Of these Grammar Misses

Why the Best Content Writing Companies use Grammarly for Proofreading

3 – Writing style

Grammarly helps the best content writing companies to edit their work. The tool assists you by providing real insights and sentence structures. This brings in finesse in the overall readability of your blog post.

It evaluates essential things for a high readability score. These include transitions, repetitive words, comma placements, and sentence lengths. Word overuse is a standard error that plagues good writing. Grammarly will help you eliminate these issues by elevating your proofreading efficacy.

Read more: How Proofreading elevates content quality

4 – Plagiarism check

It is yet another useful Grammarly option used by the best content writing agencies. Plagiarism means the blatant lifting of material from another site. Grammarly compares your work with thousands of websites to detect if plagiarism has occurred.

One of the essential qualities of being a professional blogger is ethics. As a genuine blogger, you jot down your experiences and your thoughts. When you write your ‘content’, it shows that you have out in your professional expertise to create an angle for discussion on a theme. This enhances your credibility as a reliable content writing agency

Read more: The Basics of Plagiarism in SEO blogs

5 – Improved vocabulary

When you make use of more and better words, it shows that you are a good communicator. Grammarly offers value words and suggests synonyms. Besides, Grammarly can spot words that don’t add much value to your text.

Nowadays, Grammarly suggests replacing with a better version. This way, you learn a new and better way to write a sentence that you find unappealing. You can use this idea to add more spice to your blog post.

6 – Removing of passive sentences

Look at the following example.

He has done a great job.

When you use this kind of sentence in your text, Grammarly will detect it as a passive sentence.  Passive voice is not a grammatical mistake. However, some readers prefer to read in the active voice. Instead of using the word ‘done’ you can rephrase the sentence as

He did a great job.

Here, the subject (he) acts.  So, it’s easy to identify.

Let’s take another example.

The food was eaten by me.

You can now replace it with a better active voice sentence.

I ate the food.

This sounds better than when you write- The food was eaten by me.

Where does Grammarly work?

Grammarly works everywhere. One can use it on a computer and mobile devices.  It is available both as an app and a browser extension in Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. You can use this tool to write a blog post, tweet, or post on Facebook.

It also works on

1 – Email

2 – Documents and projects

3 -Social media posts

4 – Websites

Steps to use Grammarly software online

Visit the Grammarly site and click on ‘Log in’

Why the Best Content Writing Companies use Grammarly for Proofreading

1 – Create a login and password as the first step. Use your Facebook or Google login for quick access


Why the Best Content Writing Companies use Grammarly for Proofreading

2 – The first screen you see is the workspace for Grammarly. If you have opted for premium version then you must a blue strip on top left corner marked as ‘Premium’. Click on ‘New’ to get started.

Why the Best Content Writing Companies use Grammarly for Proofreading

3 – Paste your text in the empty space now. Suppose if we paste some text as below, we see 9 spelling / grammar alert (in red underline), with an overall score of 76. This score will keep improving when we remove the mistakes.

We should aim for a maximum score of 99Why the Best Content Writing Companies use Grammarly for Proofreading

4 – Start making the rectifications. The tool does two things here

  1. It shows possible corrections
  2. When you click on the button it makes the correction in the workspace itself

Why the Best Content Writing Companies use Grammarly for Proofreading

Take this example

Here are two screenshots.

  1. The upper half is the suggestion.
  2. The lower half is the corrected portion of the same text.

With this we are now left with 8 instead of 9 issues in the text. We have to keep removing all issues as applicable

The best content writing companies are vigilant when using Grammarly

Two points worth noting here. Grammarly is just a tool. We cannot blindly accept all changes suggested by the tool.

We need to use our brains to determine –

1 – If the suggestion provided is actually valid or not

2 – If the context and meaning of the sentence remains same even after making the changes

If writers feel an issue with any of the two points above, they can safely ignore the particular suggestion and move to the next one.


In today’s world, most of the conversations are happening through blogs, tweets, and Facebook posts. Making use of proper grammar is crucial as it reflects on the writer’s credibility. It also shines a light on the brands authority online.

If you want to engage readers and carry on the conversation, it is essential to use proper grammar to avoid embarrassments.

This is where Grammarly helps.

What’s exciting about Grammarly is that it offers value to get your writing on track. It makes you appear like you have been an expert writer, always.

Grammarly is the other name for proofreading- it will help you gain credibility and build loyal patronage of readers and followers. Make sure that the best content writing company you select for your content writing projects uses premium Grammarly.

The post Why the Best Content Writing Companies Use Grammarly for QA? appeared first on Textuar.

Monday, 28 September 2020

Outsource Content Writing: Tips for Finding Writers that Add Value to Digital Marketing Campaigns

Consider these stats that present a compelling case to outsource content writing

1 – 51% of B2B buyers rely on content to make purchase decisions [2016]

2 – Half of B2B marketers outsource at least one content marketing activity [2019]

“Content creation is the activity B2B marketers are most likely to outsource

84% of marketers outsource content creation. This is regardless of company size or content marketing budget. Such techniques also spell overall content marketing success.

Recent reports from 2019 say that 91 % of marketers from more than 35 countries are spending on content marketing. Content is ruling the roost in every sense of the word. Content marketing is here to stay and, it has become more result-oriented. B2B marketers prefer to outsource at least one marketing pursuit, and that’s content development.

outsource content writing

Why outsource content writing for content marketing?

Creating content is arguably one of the most challenging tasks in marketing. In a survey, amongst half of those surveyed, more than 80% of marketers admitted that they outsource content needs. Outsourced content creators work like specialists and serve as the best investment for the future.

The result of this business model adds value to your business at many levels. Let’s check out some advantages of outsourcing content creation to professional writers.

1 – Rapid production of content

It may happen that an urgent need may arise for the creation of content. This emergency may be to meet a specific requirement related to your business. A vendor partner will definitely clear up its plate to accommodate such urgent requests.

Such scenarios highlight the importance of outsourcing. It helps bolster content marketing strategy. As a result, your campaigns get efficient performance powered by quality content. This is why you need the expertise of skilled writers .

“Outsourced content creation agencies can scale up production as per your specific demand.

This is one of the best USPs of outsourced content writing.

2 – ETAs are easy when you outsource content writing

Content writing agencies are always there to supply their services.  One of the significant factors is their ability to meet deadlines. Expert writers can save you the trouble of endless thinking on topic ideation. They can come up with unique and fresh content ideas on a daily basis.

3- Quick turnaround and multitasking abilities

Outsourcing content marketing can save both, time and money. The third-party content writing companies offer swift turnaround times with on-time completion of projects. Sometimes, in-house employees may take longer time to complete a task. Whereas, an outsource partner may take shorter time to deliver the same assignment.

4- Proficiency and mastery

It is difficult to find a qualified person who suits the job.

“Professional content writers offer immense value from day one of the engagement

When you outsource, you forget the worries of hiring new people and training. The content writers will be able to write on a range of topics across different industries.

All the expertise that you need is available at hand.  Outsourcing also assures that the content will be checked thoroughly for grammar and readability. Such content will comply with Google algorithm updates and SEO norms.

Read more – Common Grammar Misses to Avoid in Website Content Writing

5- Superior ROI when you outsource content writing

Businesses can rely on outsourced content creation to pull in more traffic. The engrossing and in-depth copy can keep readers engaged and get more leads. Good content has the ability to rope in new customers. They also help retain the old ones with quality content that’s informative and interesting.

6 – A credible content creation partner

When you join hands with the right outsourcing partner, you build a bankable relationship. When it comes to content marketing, a dependable and trustworthy partner in content writing makes a huge difference.

“Vendors involved in content creation on your behalf will put in the right efforts to harness maximum value out of your content.

7 – A wide range of content

Outsourcing of content allows you to quickly expand the scope of content writing to span different areas. Some of the common types of content include

Developing this kind of sheer versatility in-house will take months (if not years). It is best to outsource content development to expert writers. They have prior knowledge of these types of content.

Such freedom lets you experiment with various types of content. Your business gets the benefit of new forms of content.

It might happen that you are not able to fathom which form of content suits your brand. In such a scenario, your outsourced associates can help. They can sum up your needs and suggest the best type of content that works.


Tips to find reliable experts to outsource content writing

Selecting content writers for your brand can be a daunting task. The material can differ from industries like finance, real estate, medical, hospitality, etc. Here are some guidelines to follow for hiring the best talent in the industry

1 – Versatility

If a writing company has prior experience on these aspects then it can be a great choice –

  1. Many industries covered
  2. Different types of content created
  3. High volume of content delivered on time

For instance, a landing page needs to pack a concise copy. It will be created to incite the target audience to act. Whereas, an in-depth study of a theme would require a commanding white paper to influence readers.

Similarly, a copy on a technological apparatus for the medical fraternity will carry a different tone. Whereas, a copy for an organic food outlet for health freaks will be worded differently. A valuable writer will adapt to the changing styles with practised ease.

2 –Fact-finding skills

An excellent sense of research and investigation is essential for superb material development. The research adds to integrity and merit. It’s crucial to build ethical information from credible sources. This helps readers to establish trust on your brand.

Read more – Why Blog Writing Research is Critical for Web Development Companies

3 – SEO skills

A talented content writing company will develop fresh and unique content in line with SEO trends. This way, your content is positioned higher in SERP rankings. Hence, you enjoy better visibility. You get a higher volume of site traffic when you outsource content writing.

A writer will know all about

  1. SEO-helpful terms,
  2. meta tags,
  3. use of keywords and
  4. be in sync with the algorithm updates Google.

Read more – ‘How’ and ‘Why’ to Update Content for SEO?

4 –Organising skills

Good organisational skills ensures total dedication to the craft. A good writer is one who is in command in all the projects undertaken. Hence, he will keep tabs on the schedule and knowing the deadlines. This results in many advantages. An efficient writer in an outsourced content writing agency will return an assignment on time. He will ensure that the content will adhere to all quality benchmarks. He uses many tools to speed up the work. This is done without compromising on its quality.

Read more – 6 Free Tools and Resources Used by Content Writing Companies

5 – Talent to concentrate

It is tough to build focus to help produce an articulate and well-written copy. You should get an expert content writer who has a clear-cut approach to the task on hand.

To test on the scale of sharpness, start with smaller project. Once it meets your quality benchmarks you can assign a  higher volume of challenging projects in content writing.

6 – Proofreading competency

Proofreading adds finesse to the text. The prowess calls for a firm hand and a hawk-eye for detail. A fine writer is one who writes as per the reader persona. He makes sure to avoid the below issues

a – grammar or spelling misses

b – logical sentence construction that is sensible to read

c – use of obsolete and repetitive words

d – English tonality as per B2C or B2B audience

Editing is as crucial as research and drafting process in the entire content creation workflow. You need to find a writer that does manual proofreading as well as tool based QA with online software like Grammarly.

Read more – How Proofreading elevates content quality?

7 – Quality strategist

A smart creator is one who knows how to develop quality content. The right skills make an article compelling to read. They do not have any grammar or sentence construction issue. An efficient writer is one who believes in delivering on time. As a result he offers a strategic content writing mechanism.

outsource content writer

Questions to ask when outsourcing content writers for content marketing

1 – What are the types of content they can create?

2 – Do they have the requisite experience?

3 – Do they have the domain expertise?

4 – Do they have an understanding of SEO skills?

5 – Do they have any revision policies?

6 – Can they deliver the brand tone and voice consistently?

7 – Do they have basic digital marketing knowledge?


There are many benefits a reliable content creation agency provides. USPs like lower costs and enhanced productivity boost your marketing RoI. Such benefits help you decide in favour of white label content writing. This post has made it clear on what you need to do when you begin your search for great quality writers. Zero in on a professional writing agency like Textuar. We will help you leverage maximum value from this approach of outsourcing content creation.

The post Outsource Content Writing: Tips for Finding Writers that Add Value to Digital Marketing Campaigns appeared first on Textuar.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

How to Write Fashion Product Descriptions That Delight and Sell?

According to Statista, the global online fashion market was worth $533 billion in 2018, and is predicted to grow to $872 billion by 2023. The humongous demand means that you need quality fashion product descriptions. Such quality content can stand apart from others and act as a magnet for shoppers online.

Your chances to convert your customer to the purchaser are bright if you have engrossing product descriptions on your fashion retail site.

9 ways to use fashion product descriptions to gain shoppers’ attention

Most likely, a customer in on your page searching for the perfect product that fits his or her needs. The strategy you adopt can win hands down when the customer clicks the ‘add to cart’ button.  How does it happen? With a compelling product description.

It’s time to get started with some tactics in fashion product descriptions.


1 – Enable conversation to establish a connection

The personal touch always works great in product descriptions. The warmth of words breaks through the barriers. Fashion content writers will write as if they are talking directly to the shopper. The detailed features, the material, and the numbers, are covered in detail but in a riveting format.

Take the case of Zara – the powerhouse in fashion. The brand leads in its ability to give customers what they want.  Their hold on immaculate storytelling and customer connect is the reason shoppers keep coming back for more.

It is not surprising that because of such content strategies, Zara got a boost in engagement. It engaged in 255 user conversations and received a positive 81 percent response from the audience.


2 – Lure them with the benefits, not specifications

Product specifications are important. But customers can shy away from mundane features. Instead, try to focus on features that stand out.

Customers want to know about the benefits and experience. Some of the features are more important than others. These are known as the highlights. Use them to your advantage.

Check this instance of a great product description from Modcloth.

Fashion product description

See how words like ‘snuggling,’ ‘coziness,’ ‘comfortable’, ‘chic cocoon’ show that the sweater will engulf the shopper in warmth on a chilly afternoon.


3 – Use adjectives to describe the product

With fashion and apparel products, adjectives work wonders. Adjectives have the power to create lovely phrases of expression.

Your customers cannot feel or touch the product. Your language and description have to meet this requirement. The proper use of words can go a long way in influencing the shopper’s desire to purchase.

The choice of beautiful descriptions can fuel the imagination. Customers will imagine the quality of the product. Adjectives are the keys to unlock the doors to better fashion ecommerce business.

Take these instances of words aligning with target audience persona:

  1. For bridal dresses, you can use words like
    1. ‘radiant’,
    2. ‘magnificent’,
    3. ‘gorgeous’,
    4. ‘rich’
  2. For affluent brands, phrases like these would work well
    1. ‘connoisseur’,
    2. ‘sophisticated’,
    3. ‘panache’,
    4. ‘high-street’
    5. ‘in vogue’
  3. Men’s fashion use balanced words like
    1. ‘understated’,
    2. ‘elegant’,
    3. ‘timeless’,
    4. ‘classy’

On the same lines, the fashion content writer would know when not to use certain words.

  1. Men’s fashion will never use words like ‘gorgeous’ or ‘chic’
  2. Women’s fashion will not use words like ‘strong’ or ‘dapper’


4 – Spin a story with fashion product description

Present an exciting story for the customers. As you are aware, stories always fascinate. You have an opportunity to convert a customer to purchase. However, retain their interest. Tell them about the inspiration behind the design.

People should be able to relate to your content. It has to stir the reader’s inner feelings—the manufacturing details, the raw materials, and how you keep in mind the ethics, etc.

The emotion counts. Tell how it will make your customer feel to own such a piece. Work to stir an emotional desire that prompts a purchase.


5 – Keep a consistent length of the description

Keep the size of the information in the product description consistent. It will provide a stable user experience. Two products must have the same length in their story. One long and the other short may leave the customer confused.

You must maintain the same amount of text in all your product descriptions. It allows a uniform allocation of words.


6 – Delve into the mind of your target customer

Think about how a customer thinks while shopping. It will help you to arrive at the right decision. Imagine yourself on the other side of the deal. Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. Now you will know what the customer is looking for.

This tactic will let you know what the buyer is looking for in your product. You can also have a look at the customer reviews about similar products.

Check out how Oxford Shop creates riveting product description with a niche target market ‘men who travel for business’. The use of words like ‘travel’, ‘resist wrinkling’, ‘wear or pack’, and ‘business trips’ all evoke a sense of outdoor travel for the shopper.


Fashion product description

This way, you will get better information about what is necessary for a customer when buying your product.


7 – Your product description should be scan friendly

According to research on how many people read websites, it was found that 79 percent of users scan a new page; only 16 percent read the entire content.

So, the writing has to be loud and clear. It would help if you made your content or description enjoyable. Here are some tips that may help:

a – Use short, catchy and enticing product names

b – Ensure white space in the copy

c – Make use of bullet points for specifications

d – Keep the description concise

e – Use a font size that’s easy to read

f – Check on the formatting part

Make your product description an ‘easy to read’ affair. It has to be just like any other marketing copywriting. It is known as the formatting part. Use spacing between the lines. Avoid long blocks of continuous texts. Add sufficient breaks.


Read more – How to use readability to boost SEO rankings?

Instead of a long list in sentences, use bullet points. It can make things easier to grasp.  Go bold or underline essential phrases. Use white spaces for the best effects.

Take the case of Myntra and its well-laid out presentation of details in the product description for the attire.

Fashion product description

Customers may scan through the description. So, formatting may help them to go where they want, precisely. You have to make smooth sailing for them. Keep the same format for all your products.

Highlight essential qualities in a separate paragraph. Fit the description in the product page. Let your customer glide faster to the Add to Cart button.


8 – Consistency with the brand voice

What is a great product description? It is nothing but an extension of your ad campaign. It should be consistent throughout the process. Find the best strategy through your marketing funnel.

Keep the same tone throughout. If your brand voice is humorous, retain the same flair into your product description.

If your brand is inspirational, your product descriptions should carry the same voice. Consistency is the key here.


9 – Optimize fashion product description for SEO

Search engines will crawl through your fashion product descriptions. You have to make sure they have the keywords for your product.

The right key phrases will describe your product in the best way. Use them at least once in the description. For example, if you are into garments or winter clothing, use words like ‘red cashmere sweater’ or ‘pencil skirt.’

Think about using phrases that your customer might type on the keyboard while searching for ‘stylish black leather boots’ or ‘V-Neck t-shirts’. Add these words to your product description.

Optimize your product description with SEO. Chances are a potential customer may search for your type of product. It will lead to the discovery of your fashion brand.


To wrap it up

The product description is one of the essential aspects of your online store. When you curate looks for your collection, let a fashion content company amp up the pizzazz with engrossing product descriptions.

Agreed, a good product copy is hard to write on your own. Hence you need to make a smart move and hire professional product description writers.

An expert’s role is to convince your customers about the good points and increase your sales. And who better than a fashion content writer to get this done?

The best product description wins. If you don’t do it right, somebody else will race ahead and acquire more customers.

Radiate your industry leading personality in haute couture fashion with show stopping fashion content writing from the content experts. Digital content agencies like Textuar can provide immense value in this regard. Their team of proficient writers help your brand come closer to your target audience.

The post How to Write Fashion Product Descriptions That Delight and Sell? appeared first on Textuar.