Content is the king, and quality web content writing offer us top-notch content for our website.
But have you ever raised any questions like:
1 – How many pages should my website have?
2 – How much content should each page hold?
3 – What content should be put on different web pages?
Well, the answer to both of your questions depends upon the industry you are in. And the services you offer.
Based on your industry, you can collaborate with your web developer and create a website that matters. However, there is a set of standard webpages that every website must-have. Before we move to these pages one by one, let’s take a look at how to create compelling website content.
How to ensure smart web content writing?
Remember that your website is a valuable digital marketing asset to promote your business. As web content writers ourselves, we get a familiar question from our clients – “What to put on our website.” We have a simple answer to this query.
“Your website needs to attract customers. For this, it will highlight all noteworthy points that differentiate your brand from competitors. So, you need to put all points that will help sell your business better.”
Typically web content will have 3 parts
1 – Description of the service/product
2 – Offerings under that service/product
3 – What’s in it for customers? Or the ‘Why choose us?’ section.
What pages will the web content writers develop?
In this blog post, we will discuss these general webpages. And we will also find out what the web content writing companies will put on these pages.
1- The homepage:
The homepage is the first page that most of your visitors will see. So, you will have to make sure that it says what your company does and offers. The contents here must be fascinating enough to grab the curiosity of the visitors.
What to write here?
- Short description of your brand
- A short explanation of the products and services you offer
- Maybe a bulletin or two on your customer services
2- The about page:
About page is where the visitor gains information on the people that are behind the business. Furthermore, it is also one of the most visited webpages of any website. So, work with reliable web content developers and offer more information on your business here.
What to add here?
- Offer a summary of your business
- Add employee bio and images
- Display achievements that your company might have received
- Tell them about why your service is different from others
3- The “services you offer” page:
On this page, your website content writing will list out all the services that you have to offer. Make sure to explain everything in brief. If you have numerous services, then you can add a link to the landing page. This will help you elaborate on each of the services for each service individually.
What to insert here?
- Provide an outline of services
- You can also add bullet points and offer a small explanation of the services, followed by a link to “learn more”.
- Add information on how superior your service is, compared to others.
4- The “products you sell” page:
On this page, you will get a chance to add all the products you own. Ensure to start the page by offering a little summary of the products. You can even divide the product’s page into many if you have an extensive list of products.
What to cover here?
- Offer an outline of all products
- Include the images of all the products
- Share a short description that leads to another linked page of more information and different images of the product.
5- The FAQ page:
If you offer services, then there are chances that your buyers will have numerous questions. Having an FAQ page will give them answers directly. Even your customer service won’t have to answer every question personally.
What to include here?
- Add the most common question and answer the customers may have about your business.
- Think from the point of view of your customers and questions they might have.
6- The review/testimonial page:
Having a review/testimonial page is a must. This page allows new customers to know about your credibility. They gain immediate trust in your brand by reading previous testimonies.
What to add here?
- Add collected customer reviews
- Make sure to add the picture and high light their names
- You can even give a headline above each review to grab the attention.
7 – The ‘Contact us’ page
This page provides the possible ways for a prospect to reach out to the brand. Can also include a small business enquiry form. In this the customer will leave behind his name and contact details, along with a small note on the services/ products he is interested in.
What to incorporate here?
- Add address, phone, email, map, hours/days when the store is open
- Insert all social media profiles links
- Add a small form to collect business enquiries from interested prospects
8 – The blog page
This page serves two purposes
1 – It showcases industry authority to the readers with valuable educational and helpful information around the services.
2 – It helps in SEO. When web content writing companies add fresh and original content on a regular basis, Google will pick it up and award the site with higher ranking
What to implement here?
- Provide helpful and information-rich blogs that add value to the customers. This way they will look forward to blogs regularly and keep your brand on top of their mind when they are ready to buy serves or products that you offer.
- Provide newsworthy updates that impact your line of business
Bottom line
No matter what size or type of business it is, these are six essential pages that your website must include. Make sure that you collaborate with one of the professional website content development experts like Textuar Communications. This way, you will be able to fill your webpages with optimized content.
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