Monday, 18 February 2019

4 Skills a Content Writer Must Have

Agencies offering specialized content writing services have to look at several factors while writing any type of digital marketing content. Like any other profession, this job also has certain characteristics and features. They should always know what they are doing. Nowadays, many content writers have no clue about what they are doing and what their job is all about.

Key focus on creating compelling content that drives conversion

Ask any content writing agency and they will tell you this – A writer not only has to write meaningful content but also, engage the audience. The primary motive of content writing is to provide helpful information first and factor in Search Engine Optimization (SEO content writing) later.

The whole process requires a lot of creativity, focus, and research.

Some areas of focus for experts in content writing services

Interested to see what areas does a content writer need to excel at? Then read on and be informed:

  1. Pulse of the readers

Professional content writers know what their target audience would like to read about. They don’t focus on information that they are expert in providing. They rather pay attention to information that the readers are searching for.

This way, when the readers go through the content, they feel it is well worth the time spent.

professional content writer skills

  1. SEO knowledge as a part of content writing services

Content writing is not just restricted to provide information about products and services. If a content writer is writing content for digital marketing purposes, it should consist of keywords.

These keywords will help the audience search the content easily. The top ranking of the Google search depends on the quality content and use of keywords in a proper proportion.

So, the writer should how to keep blend the keywords into the content. The keywords should not pop out of the context, it should be fitted in between in a seamless manner.

The content writers can use popular keywords in the blog for obtaining high reach of the content. Google Trends can help them in finding out the trending keywords. Writing topics using these keywords will enhance the reach of the content. For writing successful content the writer should consider using keywords so that when readers query in these words, they discover the customer brand that the writer is writing for.

  1. Good research skills

Brands from many industries approach content writing companies for writing blogs, website content, and articles. Content writers have an array of industries to write for. However, they may not necessarily be aware of these industries.

So, before starting the process they should properly research the given industry topic. They should only deal with the use of appropriate facts and a deep study must be done about the topic.

If the writers include wrong information in content, it can directly affect the reputation of the company publishing it. It’s the writers’ duty to provide the reader with contextual and accurate facts.

They should also include relevant pictures, figures, and charts. This will grab the reader’s attention. Facts and figures add meat to the content which the readers are interested in.

  1. Editing and proofreading

A content writer should be good at editing the written content. There are times when the sentences are ill-framed with meaningless prepositions, and improper format.

Skilled writers always look for mistakes after writing a particular content and edit them if found. After writing the content draft there is a need of proof reading to rectify the basic mistakes.

Doing this will result in delivering quality content by the content writing agency. This will also ensure complete satisfaction to the clients.

Parting views

Professional content writers can adhere to these expert level guidelines and extract better mileage from the content that they work hard to produce. With these pointers, they can ensure better engagement and propel their customers’ marketing objectives.

The post 4 Skills a Content Writer Must Have appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Friday, 15 February 2019

Here’s How to Focus on Topic Modeling Instead of Keywords in 2019

Everyone probably knows that online content development is important for SEO. To match your subject with exactly what people are looking for is very much essential to drive traffic to your website. However, search engines are continuously evolving and adapting progressively more sophisticated technology. That’s why today, the practice of only focusing on keywords is no longer effectual to attract and retain customers to your website.

Search engines’ highly developed systems now reward those who craft truthfully related content and they do so by employing topic modeling.

What is topic modeling?

The term topic modeling may sound like a simple phrase but it’s a complex concept.  It is a type of ranking system that not only focus on keywords but also focus on context. This topic modeling is based on Google’s latest algorithm Hummingbird.

How Hummingbird Algorithm Works?

For example, if you are trying to remember your favorite cartoon from childhood but you don’t remember its exact name. But you have the knowledge to describe the idea. So you write in Google’s search bar,” Cartoon in which cat and mouse run after each other”

By solely judging your intent, search engine loads the result with Tom and Jerry’s Wiki Page, YouTube Videos and more. Google does this magic by using its Hummingbird algorithm. Hummingbird accesses huge amounts of data and information and employs logic. The algorithm pays attention to every word in a query and provides results that answer needs.

topic modeling in content writing

Important Factors of Topic Modeling in Content Development

When search engines like Google put into practice a topic-modeling algorithm Hummingbird for content development, they take the following into consideration:

  • Physical Distance of Keywords
  • Citations and Links
  • Anchor Text Connections
  • Search Queries
  • Clicks, Visits, And History by the Searcher

Optimizing your Webpage Using Topic Modeling

With the introduction of Hummingbird, quality content development became considerably more imperative than keyword density. Content developers at the present give attention to a few key elements with an intention to get Google to connect them to the correct searchers. This topic modeling approach ensures improved user experience. To optimize your webpage with topic modeling you should follow the below steps.

  1. First, choose a longtail target keyword.
  2. After that, discover the phrases that are semantically associated with that phrase.
  3. Consider those phrases as you plan the scope of your content.
  4. Make use of target phrase in your title, header, and body text.
  5. Utilize semantically connected phrases throughout your article writing
  6. Answer as many questions correlated to the broader topic.

Evaluate the content to ensure that it is answering users’ questions. Search engines will rank content that straightforwardly responds to queries more constructive. It will increase your probability of landing in the Google Answer Box. If you follow these steps, your content will rank for the target keyword as well as the broad topic.

Wrapping Up

Topic modeling for SEO may look like it is more complex than the older methods we’ve used for years, but in actuality, it’s just a more classy approach in which center of attention is on keywords and customer intention. If your focal point is on generating informative, helpful content which is helpful for your target audience, then your customers and Google will be in high spirits. Google desires to provide their clientele, content that helps them obtain what they require – and if your content provides that, you’re golden.

The post Here’s How to Focus on Topic Modeling Instead of Keywords in 2019 appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Monday, 11 February 2019

6 Benefits of Blog Writing for a Business Website

In the earlier times, blog writing consisted of the fun experiences shared by people. Now the days have changed; blogs have emerged as powerful digital marketing enablers to help a brand gain visibility

In today’s times, the businesses have recognized the need for blogs on their website to power their SEO campaigns. Blogs not only provide information about a central theme but, also create awareness about the company as an industry authority. This improves trust, build engagement, and improved conversion ratio online.
How blog writing service provides a competitive edge?
To compete in the digital space, blogs play a vital role to help any business. Let us take a closer look on, how the blogs benefit the business of any organization.

6 benefits provided by blog writers to business
  1. A blog enhances search engine ranking
Blog writing has the caliber to boost the visibility of any business in digital space. The search engine rankings are improved by adding blogs regularly to a website. With the right primary and long tail keywords, blogs can reach out to the target audience when they need your business the most.
  1. Links in blog promote your brand visibility
Blogs can direct the audience to other websites with the help of backlinks. Such links can be other social media handles of the company or a related blog of an industry authority with a huge number of followers. Links in blog also make it convenient to provide readers with enhanced information.
benefits of blog writing in business
  1. Cost-effective marketing tool
Blog writing is an affordable option for inbound marketing. Once a blog is published it becomes an asset which remains there. The best part is that it can be repurposed to other forms of content, thus multiplying its efficacy to multiple channels.
  1. Blog writing builds trust
Blogs have the power to help readers with information that can add value to their business or personal lives. With relevant and meaningful content, the readership for blogs keeps increasing every year. This explains why B2B companies that blog 11+ times a month got 4x leads compared to those who blogged just 4 times a month.
  1. A blog helps build a brand image
In today’s times, there is a lot of competition which results in losing brand recognition. Blog writing service provider can give any company the human face which is crucial in building a brand image. This makes the communication between them easier and creates quality engagement with the audience.
  1. Increases customer base
If a blog is fun to read and also has a creative aspect to it then, the audience tends to share the content. Whenever the content is compelling, people share the same on various social media platforms. Sharing the content makes it visible to more number of people who can be the potential customers. This increases the customer base of the company.

To sign off
Blog writing for a website not only creates awareness about the product and services but also helps in SEO and promoted engagement once the visitors are on your website. Perhaps many businesses have already understood this core advantage, going by the stat of 55% of marketers who feel content creation is their top priority.

This in turn, increases the customer base for the company without significant marketing overheads. This is an affordable yet effective mode of a marketing tool. The only question that remains here is – When would you make the wise move and enlist a professional blog writing company to power up your online business?
The post 6 Benefits of Blog Writing for a Business Website appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

4 Tips to Get the Most Out of Marketing Case Study

Many complex business use cases require a proof of successful execution, before it can be handed over to a vendor. When the vendor company prepares a report on what was the problem covered, and how did they solve it, this report is known as a marketing case study.

Case studies content writing ensures that the message is conveyed in a subtle yet simple way. Reading the case study, the potential customer is assured that the vendor company is a good fit and is capable of solving the business need

Interesting tips to ensure a great marketing case study

A marketing case study plays a vital role in an organization as the customers, the prospectus, and the partners are benefited with this. To write a marketing case study here are some factors that need to be considered.
  1. Explain the solution offered in form of storytelling

A marketing case study should explain the past experiences of an organization. It allows the customers, the partners to get an overview of what the organization does. Here are some questions that a case study will seek to answer
  • The problem a customer was trying to solve when using the product or solution?
  • What needs was the product able to meet?
Together they will seek to answer a bigger question – What was the problem and how was it solved for the client. This is depicted by outlining the various steps taken to do the same in the case study.
  1. Highlighting the problems faced by the client

The problem statement is the first part of a marketing case study. It explains the different issues that were faced by the client, and how current solutions in the market weren’t able to solve it.
This will lead to introducing the product in the next section which will talk about the features and functionalities present in the solution, and how was it built. By showcasing the past experience of the caliber, a service or solution provider can easily gain the trust of the target audience and help result in sales conversion
digital marketing case study content writing
  1. Clarity helps

The case study needs to have a clear section about the difficulties faced by the client and how the current solution does not help in this scenario. After that, there will be a section in which there is an introduction to a new product with different functions and features.
This section should be well defined and be clear to the point. The marketing case study needs to be easily digestible. It should be direct, without beating around the bush.
  1. Re-Use in Various Formats

You can re-purpose the case study into multiple formats. It can be re-used multiple times to improve your content marketing efficacy. Once it has been converted to different forms like a blog, slideshow, or a video, it can be marketed to a wider set of audience. This helps to extract better ROI from your single case study.
Instead of the 3 sections we spoke of in a case study, we can re-format it in a blog as below –
a – The blog title to tell what was the problem being solved
b – Blog intro will speak about the issue faced in the current context
c – A brief introduction about the tool will be presented in the main body, followed by the advantages presented to the client by the solution.
d – The blog can end with a brief call to action requesting access for more info on the tool
Concluding views
These were a few components which can help you design and share a great case study with the help of content writing experts. In the end, you need to make sure that your sales rep and your customers need to get a clear indication about your product’s USP. This will ensure that the case study content helps you win valuable business and new client accounts based on your domain authority in your chosen niche.
The post 4 Tips to Get the Most Out of Marketing Case Study appeared first on Textuar Blog.