Monday, 24 September 2018

How to Pick the Right Blog Topics Your Audience Wants to Read

It may appear quite surprising but coming up with a topic that will interest your readers in your blog posts is a task in itself that requires a lot of creativity. This process can be even more difficult to be accomplished if you are in the early start of your blogging career. But it’s only practice that makes a man perfect, do you agree?

Choosing an appropriate topic also gives you the independence of planning your blog posts and building a schedule relevant to it. Planning topics well in advance, in turn, will help you in managing your blog effortlessly and besides this; you can even contribute to other blogs. Additionally, for a more refined output, you can even consult an external agency providing blog writing service or an individual expert that caters to content writing in India, to help you in maintaining your blog. There are many factors that contribute while considering selecting a topic that will produce desirable profits or enable you to build a large dedicated audience for your blog. We’ll make this post a practical one by breaking down into 4 simple ways of discovering suitable blog topics that will resonate your audience.
 blog post title ideas from blog writing service provider

1) Know your potential audience

This is one of the primary conditions of blogging, you ought to be acquainted with the people who visit your website/blog and show keen interest in what you present. Since engagement holds an important position of every blog/website success story, you have to be able to attract your audience through the words you present to them.
Ensure reading the comments regularly that your readers post after each topic is published; this will enable you to perform careful analysis that will in turn reveal the interests of your audience. Another way of learning what your audience cares about is by simply surfing what your target demographics are currently looking for. In case you find it difficult to explore a new topic or simply fail to recognize what they’re up to, you can look out for a professional content writing agency who will offer you with their blog writing service at that particular moment.

2) Focus on relevance

Opting for relevant topics doesn’t necessarily mean choosing topics that are popular or are currently trending. Choose a topic that provides an answer to the questions your target audience is looking for, and something that intrigues them. Also, ensure selecting a topic that’s evergreen and not something that’s restricted by time. Such topics have a stronger likelihood of staying relevant for a long period of time, and even more likely to be ranked higher by Google. If your topic category seems crowded at first, remember, every topic has limitless unexplored niches. Study thoroughly to find a topic that nobody else has done and what could work the best for you basis your experience, passion, knowledge and education. Alternatively, to ease up your work, you can seek professional assistance from a content writing agency for their guidance on blog writing service and then mutually share a perspective on a certain topic.
blog post topics ideas

3) Find a source related to your niche

We all have some blog or a website that we look up to. Undeniably, stealing is a part of any creative process, but this doesn’t mean you should plagiarize someone else’s work. Some blogs catering to a similar category as yours might have better readerships with some sort of secret headline writing tactics since their topics are always trending. The best way to get into this league is by ‘borrowing’ a topic that already exists and is trending. However, you just need to refer to the topic and stop there. Alternatively, you can even research their technique and apply it to your own content or seek guidance from an expert providing services for content writing in India, to ensure your views are well published. However, in this process of referring to the industry experts, ensure what you are writing is relevant to your audience.

4) Leverage helpful content tools

There are tools specifically designed to guide you through the trending topics since relevance is the key in this 21st century, and there’s no way to miss on it. Tools like BuzzSumo are specially built for this purpose and once you comprehend what people are talking about, you can start producing guest posts and pull the traffic your way. Such tools filter through a multiple sources to find relevant content for your niche. These tools also have their paid versions with advanced features that are great for social media management, and are now getting largely adopted by content writing agencies outsourcing content writing in India.
Another way to find suitable topics for your blog is by visiting interactive forums such as Quora, Reddit or any other industry specific that you may find. Such interactive forums are marketplaces where your target audience goes to hang out when they need reference and guidance on a particular subject.
The post How to Pick the Right Blog Topics Your Audience Wants to Read appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Monday, 17 September 2018

4 Ways to Ensure Top Quality Content for SEO

In today’s ever-evolving hyper-connected and a competitive market, it’s vital for a business to be able to connect with its target audience online with its primary objective, products and services or any sort of promotions. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) blended with content writing play an important role.

How content writing and SEO are related?

Experts agree that effective content marketing is the key to modern SEO. It is equally true that content without an SEO strategy will not be able to survive in a digital marketplace. Content writing companies state that Content requires SEO to stand apart amidst all the mediocre blog posts that are responsible for clogging up the internet quite often, and Google clearly states that one of the most significant factors for organic search is some “good content.”
But what does this mean? Not any category of content, for sure. Unfortunately, search engines do not categorize or hand-over a note of checklists for “high quality content.” Besides these behavior-based markers for top-notch content, search engines actively scrutinize the content to filter signals of quality within the text itself.

The role of content writing in impacting SEO

Undeniably, for any post to be completely SEO-friendly – content is solely of the essence. An agency dealing in content writing in India will know that creating a super SEO-friendly post will not perform on the engagement outcomes, if your content isn’t appealing and tainted with improper language in the most possible complex way.
In order to have a fighting chance amongst other competitors, you need to ensure investing a lot of time to review what you write and that it deserves to be thoroughly enjoyed by your readers and not just be shallowly scanned.
Content is responsible for narrating the search engines what your website is all about. Search engines are highly capable of many things, but at the same time, they are not all knowing. They heavily rely on keywords and texts in order to interpret the connotation of a webpage.
That means, without content there’ll be nothing for a search engine to crawl and your website won’t be reflected in search results for the keywords that are relevant to your brand if the needed content isn’t available. The logic here remains the same – if someone likes a piece of content, it’s usually due to its high quality. Search engines make use of these social signals while assessing the quality, so developing quality content from Content writing companies is a prime element of a successful SEO equation.

Ways to apply a Growth Mindset to your content writing

Too many marketers spend their time in waiting till the end of content creation to finally introduce SEO as their promotional tool. However, an effective content marketing strategy needs to start with keywords and user-centric research.
Once the content writing services providers know what queries the target audience is using to discover businesses like their end client, they can accordingly design a content strategy that specifically answers their queries and guides them to move through the funnel.
Here are some proven ways to apply growth mindset to the content and extend the value your business receives from content writing
  • Designing quality and relevant SEO content

If your users are engaged, they consume more content, eventually interact with it and spend more time on it. From designing a systematic structure to the details of the layout, ensure these success drivers of designing good content.
For this, content writing services providers in India keep target audience in mind. The reason for this simple -You write for your audience so search engines can also comprehend, and not the other way around.
  • Content Freshness

It makes sense to post an exceptional piece of quality content in contrast to producing ten articles that are not up to the mark. Content freshness happens to be an important SEO ranking factor. If you don’t produce fresh SEO content, there’s a likelihood of your competitors to outpace you. Publishing fresh content from time to time can help improving your site’s chances of ranking on the top for these relevant queries.
  • Create error-free content

Professional content writing services providers in India agree that there’s nothing more unsettling than creating content that’s filled with errors. One of the ways to avoid investing too much time into it is by hiring a proofreader rather than editing it on your own.
Error-free content counts as a big credibility criteria. Besides this, linking to other authorities and citing sources is a great technique to demonstrate to search engines that you are aware of your target audience.
  • Constantly Monitoring your website to track the SEO progress

Content is no longer about just the keywords or links and anchor texts you have on your page. You also need to take into consideration the relevance, quality, and context of your website’s content.
You need to have a realistic view at the number of images or other types of media you have integrated to make your content more interesting. One of the ways to track how search engines have evaluated your content is by analyzing the traffic on your website and how well your site’s content is being acknowledged on social media in comparison to your competitors.
To sign off
Achieving effective SEO is not possible without good content to fuel your efforts. Content is responsible for guiding the search engines on how to interpret your site, and this is what attracts the users to engage with your brand when it appears in the search results.
If you are working towards designing a content marketing strategy that did not start with enough SEO research, go back to starting from scratch and factor in good quality content writing services into the equation. There’s a larger picture at stake – the responses, user interaction, their needs and finally, user satisfaction with the content, thus driving better outcomes of the end client.
The post 4 Ways to Ensure Top Quality Content for SEO appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

6 Tips to Write Compelling Meta Descriptions

What Are Meta Descriptions?

Meta descriptions are summaries that describe in a limited number of words about what the contents of a particular web page are. They generally contain around 150 to 200 characters but the more crisp and informative it is, the better. They are a very critical part of the search engine result page.

These descriptions contain the keywords being searched and are displayed in the search results by the search engine. Its basic purpose is to entice users to click on to a page. It makes the users stay on to a page making the overall site ranking better.

Good content writing companies know that the better the content of the Meta description, the more it will convince users that it is aligned to the search query. This way,the users click on the link and begin engagement with your brand.

How to Write Great Meta Descriptions


The best content writing company would agree that a meta description’s purpose goes far beyond just making it appealing. The text needs to be written to maintain the accuracy and meet the expectations of the searchers.

Some of the key factors to keep in mind to write clear, helpful and informative Meta descriptions are:

Meta descriptions make content searchable

  1. Tell the searcher what you are offering and why should they buy it from you.

The Meta description should always contain the information as to what the web page provides to the searcher and compel him to look into it further. It should tell the users what the unique features of the web page are and what the distinctive selling propositions of the website are.

  1. Use the keywords

Using the keywords while writing a Meta description is a very important point to remember. Keywords make it fairly clear that the web page offers the solution to the searchers problem. Not using keywords on the other hand, is a very fatal mistake. It is not necessary to stuff the description with keywords but they should be present as to indicate the useful and relevant nature of the website.

  1. Stop focusing on the character count of the description

One should not worry about the length of the Meta description. Although the common practice is to restrain oneself within 155 to 160 words but it has been found in the experiments conducted by SEMrush that the Meta descriptions that exceeded the count of 320 performed better and were ranked higher.

  1. Understand the users intent and answer their questions

Understanding what user is searching for and providing the answer to that is very important when it comes to Meta description. Also, from the keywords used by the searcher his intention should be drawn i.e.what is the information being sought by the user and what will probably satisfy his search.

  1. Using action-oriented language

Use of action-oriented language is very important. Words like “learn”, “discover”, “study”, “grab”, “download”, will inform the users of what the web page is providing and prompt the searchers to click on the link. Action-oriented language is ideal for a compelling call-to-action.

  1. Be unique, relevant, specific and interesting at the same time

Meta descriptions are the litmus test for quality of the web page and hence it is very important for it to be unique and specific. At the same time you only have very little time to make an impression and hence it must also be relevant and interesting. It must not be generic or boring.


To sign off

Meta descriptions are in the market to stay and are not going away any time soon. With the use of the methods mentioned above and some practice, one should be able to write very convincing and compelling Meta descriptions in no time.

The post 6 Tips to Write Compelling Meta Descriptions appeared first on Textuar Blog.