Monday, 13 August 2018

Reasons to Optimize Content As Per Google Search Query

Unlike the once considered strategy for Online SEO, stuffing articles with Keywords won’t help. That is not how optimization works. Also, algorithms and searchbots evolve every day, rather every hour to detect such fraudulences. Correct optimization (also called as White Hat SEO) means that you make you content appear natural and offer matter in an organic manner.

e.g. if a user queries ‘best app development company in Houston’, he may have seen one such result on 1st page

‘Comodo Info is the best app development company in Houston. As the best app development company in Houston we provide good services. We have a good team in best app development company in Houston. Our best app development company in Houston provides good services’ 

See the problem here? Though it has come up in 1st page result, it is not adding any helpful value to the reader/a potential customer

Google’s bots have evolved to catch such ‘stuffing’ that is neither meaningful nor relevant. As we move beyond 2018, experts too recommend meaningful content from a professional content writing agency to be a good SEO practice

seo content writing-professional seo content writers

How do you know what the audience wants?

Estimating your audiences’ needs could be a hard thing to do. An SEO content writer’s metric for determining their wants is to see how they engage to the content you put out. More engagement means more of that specific content type is desired. This is a beginner’s way of finding out what your audience wants.

There are also analytical tools now available that offer you the ability to track down your audience’s engagement. This helps you scrutinize your content’s statistics, like views, likes, reads, etc. This is represented to you in a demographic fashion and lets you take a better call on what is liked and what isn’t. This way, young content creators are able to fine tune their content to something more that is desired by their audiences and gain traction.

SERP Ranking and How to gain a High Rank?

Search Engine Result Page or SERP is that page that shows up the moment you type a search and hit send. If you have noticed, there are certain sites that show up on the first page of your result. This is not a matter of chance, or randomness.

This is the result of a definitive algorithm in place. It scrutinizes and categorizes content online and based on a site’s relevance and popularity, ranks it to the first page.

Once you manage to detect what your audience likes, you can integrate that knowledge into what you create. Here’s how you do it:

  • Long tail keywords

Small keywords do not help SEO content writing anymore. Every major company out there has taken up the benefits that come with a short keyword. But that also entitles them to immense competition.

Long tail keywords reduce competition and render your brand a uniqueness which a short tail keyword would not.

Example: Wooden chairs in Mumbai within Rs 5000, as opposed to just Wooden chairs.

  • Position Long tail keywords correctly

You need to know how and where to position your keywords once you know them.

If you want your keyword to be incorporated in the headline, then ideally it should be within the first 60 characters of your blog post. Ensuring your keyword shows up in the URL and meta description boxes adds to good SEO.

  • Mobile Responsiveness

Studies suggest that 70% of all internet usage is through a mobile phone. Catering to this fact would be to make a site that is mobile responsive.

This means that the site adjusts to the dimensions of your user’s phone. While writing content, SEO content writers need to ensure that they make simple to scan points, bolded headers and small paragraphs.

  • Optimize images

SEO content writing is not about text alone. It is about the wise incorporation of images also. How can one optimize an image?

Every image comes with alt text space that gives details about the picture. Fill in this space accordingly and search engines will pick it up on the basis of relevance, thereby raising your SERP ranking.

  • Optimize your site’s meta description

The window to win your audiences over without them entering your site has gone up to 300 characters of meta description.

This meta description is shown in search results in black font just below the title and url. It lets you display your relevance and convince your audience to click on your site.

Adhering to these can up your site’s SERP ranking. SEO content writing is only as efficient as the means you deploy. Once you have figured out your audience’s wants, you can deliver to them just what they like.


The post Reasons to Optimize Content As Per Google Search Query appeared first on Textuar Blog.

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