Friday, 9 February 2018

5 Handy Tips for Writing Outstanding Content

With content writing services, a lot of muscle is added to a company’s digital marketing programme. B2B companies employ high quality content to generate good traffic for their site and gain traction in online business generation.

With a content writer by your side, you can easily push fresh content on a periodic basis to improve your organic search ranking. Be it engaging well with the readers, boosting SEO campaigns, or unlocking opportunities in the digital space, good quality SEO content can do all this and much more.

For a content to be effective and outstanding these 5 tips are crucial –

1 – Have a catchy headline
Copywriting services agencies use this tactic to great effect. With decreasing attention spans of digital consumer, it is important to hold their attention right from the word ‘go’. For this you need to start off with a bang. Have a catchy headline that not only evokes awe from the reader but also prompts them to read on further.

2 – The first paragraph matters
After the headline, the introduction paragraph is where you need to score well. Readers give only 3 seconds on average to the intro para. If they aren’t able to understand the gist of what the content is talking about they will close the browser and move on.  Hence it is important that you pitch the hook at the introduction itself. Start off with catchy stats or number. Alternatively, describe the pain point effectively and mention how the content can address the same. 

3 – Have a central idea
Want to kill your content fast? Then have multiple ideas and frustrate the reader.
The reader has a lot of good content options to pick from. If he doesn’t get the same in your content, he will simply walk away. To avoid this, make sure that your content talks about one central idea/theme. So, if your blog is about gardening tips, make sure you don’t stray away to begin a discussion about outdoor sports.

4 – Add a touch of ‘you’
Your content needs to have your own voice. Presenting your own thoughts and perceptions will ensure that the words resonate better with the readers and enable long term engagement. Gradually you gain loyal readers who love your blog posts for the unique voice you present them in. Think of a writer as a creative artist and you will know what I mean. 

5 – Don’t forget proofreading
Once you have taken the pains to know what the readers want to read about and have done research for it, don’t throw it all away at the last step. Make sure to be absolutely brutal in your content proofreading process. This will let you publish only the best quality content to sway SEO ranking signals and delight readers.

These tips will help you score well in terms of SEO and land quality traffic to your site. Make sure to get in touch with a known copy writing agency to fulfill your inbound marketing needs. 

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