Friday, 27 October 2017

How to Write Web Content For A Big Data Analytics Client?

Website content writing services is not similar to other write-ups that you may have been working on for all this time. It can be a challenging task as this type of material involves a promotional tone that blends in with helpful information about a service. If it is a Big Data analytics client you are writing for, then this becomes a very essential point so that the target audience of CEOs, and CTOs can be targeted better.

Without further ado, let us take a look at how this can be achieved.

  • Initiate the content with SEO- based keyword research:

A number of websites generate a lot of revenue from the organic traffic that reaches them every year. To generate that much organic traffic one has to have proper research of keywords before starting with website content writing services.

For your big data analytics client, some popular keywords can be ‘Hadoop’, ‘R Programming’, ‘Predictive Modelling’, ‘Deep Learning’, ‘Data Science’, and ‘Clustering’. Keywords are nothing but words that your Big Data client’s customers will type and then discover them on Google.

By using the keywords meaningfully within content (without making it appear stuffed) ensures that your client’s ranking improves significantly and allows your client’s brand to reach out to total strangers (i.e. new leads)

Read more here to know how to do keyword research in a smart way.

big data web content writing

  • Be short and factual:

A lot of content on the web incorporates fluff and generic material that readers are usually aware of. Instead of just filling up the content with words that are repetitive, it is more advisable to choose short and factual statements that add value to the website content writing services. Just stick to the point that will indulge readers with an interesting fact leading to a positive impression.

  • Educate your readers with engrossing content:

Did you know that most of the Big Data companies’ customers look for the latest and most relevant content to gauge the industry authority of the Big Data Company? If you are writing content for such a company then make sure to come up with engrossing content that is fresh and unique. Some such references will be exploring the ‘long tail’ of big data to explore its variety or checking out the way Apache Spark has gone mainstream in 2017 and beyond. Writing content on these time-contextual things will elevate your Big Data client’s industry credibility.

  • Bullet points are helpful:

Another key tip to use in your web content is the use of bullet points. Bullet points are more legible and factual that will give readers the right information that they need to know. Moreover, studies say that any visitor who looks into a website tends to read the part about the bullet points more than the paragraphs. This is why web content should have high-quality bullet points that summarize all the key aspects related to the content.

website content writing services

  • Take care of the headings:

Besides the body part, the titles also need to be correctly written so that they have a broad and definite meaning about what the reader is about to find in the content. Moreover, the writer needs to make sure that the heading is correct to the body part without any fake information that may not be present in the paragraphs or bullet points.

  • Engage in active voice:

While passive voice is not wrong, the use of active voice simplifies a statement and is much easier to grasp. Any reader who will be taking a look at your content will want to stay active while reading it, but the passive content may drift a reader away from the real motive of the web content. This method does not mean that you should avoid passive voice to the fullest, just keep in mind that the ratio of the active to passive is in favor of the former.


With the above key tips to keep in mind, you may have a better idea of how to enhance your website content writing services for Big Data analytics clients. Make sure that you feel what your readers want to read and keep them engrossed with the quality tips mentioned above. Keeping your content crispy, clear and precise will ensure better visibility and higher conversions for your Big Data analytics client.

The post How to Write Web Content For A Big Data Analytics Client? appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Five Simple Tweaks to Polish Blog Content for Big Data Clients

For a blog writing services professional working for a big data client, engaging the reader till the end of the content is a major milestone. The most troubling thing for a writer is to attract readers towards his/her blog or website. Also, anyone who has been doing content marketing or SEO for big data companies but has not been getting the required results has to just follow something very simple:

Improve your content… with a few simple tweaks.

Yes, taking your content from so-so to awesome is what keeps readers hooked, and enables digital conversions for your big data clients. If you are one such blog writing services provider who wants to add tremendous value for his/ her big data customer, but doesn’t know what to do, then help is at hand.

big data writing expert

How to power up content for big data clients?

Here are a few simple tweaks that you can follow to ensure that your big data client achieves substantial gains with your content writing prowess

1) Do plenty of research and then some more

The importance of research cannot be undermined in blog writing or website content writing for big data customers. To create unique content, an original research on the subject is very essential. If you write by taking inspiration from someone’s blog it would not qualify as unique content and the big data client’s target reader will be smart enough to understand this.

For example, if you are writing about Big Data trends in 2018, you need to check authentic sources and create a unique content that will help your big data clients stay ahead with relevant trends.

So instead of focusing on old tools/resources/trends, you can write about new age tools like Kudu, MemSQL, and Exasol (all hot databases that with lightning fast capabilities for 2018 and beyond). Another example, a deeper research will show you that there are numerous other data sources than just Hadoop as we move into 2018 and this needs to be brought out in your blog.

2) Add more metaphors and stories

Stories and metaphors have the power of attracting a reader towards itself. Also, it adds more chutzpah to your writing. Often people don’t remember a single line from a full page they had read, but most often than not they would remember a story well told.

Also by providing metaphors and examples of your own, it will at least be guaranteed that the writing will be original and also it will reveal a part of your personality thereby attracting more readers towards your content.

blog writing services

3) Speak the truth and from your heart

Most of the people make the mistake of writing something generic which feels a bit robotic to the readers and thereby making them disinterested in your writing. It’s a basic truth that most writers fall into the trap of pumping out content and do not give much importance to the quality of the writing after a few months. So it’s fundamental to speak from the heart which will also make your content approachable and entertaining.

This characteristic within your blog writing services can be a vital magnet for CEOs, CTOs, and business owners – the key customers your Big Data client will be pitching to.

4) Use more visual media

It’s often said that “a picture speaks a thousand words”. Research has proven that visual medium is many times more effective in disseminating a message compared to a written article. So by inserting more images and videos in your article, you can attract tremendous eyeballs in a very small time span.

For Big Data clients you can create an original video or a short infographic story. This way they can gain incredible traction with your readers and procure a loyal fan following.

5) Crosscheck and proofread

Most people feel that going through the content one has written is a very boring task. Still, it’s very important to proofread your content before publishing as it can save you from a lot of embarrassment. Also by cross-checking the facts you can save a lot of damage to your reputation and goodwill as a dependable blog writing services agency.

These are some of the simple steps you can take as a blog writing  company for your big data customer. Following these small tweaks can go great miles in making your content more powerful, more user-friendly, and easy to comprehend for business audience of your big data client.


The post Five Simple Tweaks to Polish Blog Content for Big Data Clients appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Friday, 13 October 2017

5 Must-Have Skills To Becoming A Prolific Content Writer for Web Development Services

Content writing is making its impact felt in various industry verticals for digital marketing purposes. A good content writing services provider will be adept at crafting messages that will resonate with the target audience and generate business for the brand. This holds true for clientele in Web Development Services sector too

Even though a writer has the privileges of working from his/her home, there still needs to be a protocol that will help in getting better at the job. So, here we would like to share some of the many skills you got to have in order to turn out as a successful writer catering to Web Development Services clients.

  • Understanding your readers

Communicating with your readers is your first step to understand what people love to read. Do understand that you are planning to make writing a career so you got to know what the readers like reading. As a content writing services provider for Web Development Companies it is important that you analyze your audience.

  • Learn to Focus on your subject

This technique involves having thorough knowledge of your subject. Do remember that the readers are going to read your content with a feeling that you may know more than they do. So, it is pretty obvious that you offer them content that is new to them. If they are going to read something that they already know about, then you may lose your valuable readers due to boredom. So, remember this point as a content writing services expert – Dig deep into the subject that you choose to write on and disclose the facts that your audience has never heard of.

For instance they will want to read on prevalent trends like AMP, responsive design, parallax scrolling, and minimalistic interface. Hone your knowledge on these topics for a great effect.

  • Be original with your writing style

Originality does not only refer to writing unique content, but it also refers to your writing style. You may choose a specific tone of writing that your audience may love to read. This requires a little experimenting at times to check which of your writing styles offers more positive feedback. For web development clients, their end customers would be business owners, CEOs, or CTOs. For them, the writing needs to be crisp, to the point, and with business wordings like ‘revenues’, ‘bottom-lines’, and ‘ROI’.

web development services

  • Learn to clear a reader’s doubts

Another thing to keep in mind is the way of interpreting your write-ups to answer each and every question of a reader. Any person who finds an article written by you must be interested in your piece because he/she wants to learn something from it. Curiosity keeps bugging a person who is not able to gain anything from a written material. So, if you do not leave every story clear, then it could leave you with a negative feedback from your web development customer audience.

  • Learning Advanced Techniques

Content writing services are not limited to merely writing anymore. The field has become quite huge where there is are advanced methods applied as well. One of them is search engine optimization (SEO) that requires you to understand certain terms and their applications. Content that is not optimized may never reach Google’s SERPs, no matter how good it is.

So, SEO techniques comprise of advanced methods that will optimize content to be more suitable for showing up on search engine results. This is what customers pay for besides excellent content. Besides SEO, a content writer also needs to know WordPress (or similar CMS platform), CSS, HTML, and any other similar field of importance.

To sign off

The above points may not be enough to truly understand the skills in becoming a successful content writer, but these do help in succeeding in this field. Learn to master such skills and you can get closer to becoming a proficient content writing services professional capable of delivering top notch content for web development services companies.


The post 5 Must-Have Skills To Becoming A Prolific Content Writer for Web Development Services appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

New GST Changes for Small Content Writing Businesses

July 2017 heralded the launch of GST in India, where every goods producer or services supplier needed to be included in the GST regime. For content writing companies too, they needed to register for GST, pay GST monthly, and file 3 monthly returns. If they provided inter-state transactions then they had to pay GST and the small business exemption (for those below Rs. 20 lakh annual turnover) didn’t apply to them.

What has changed from 6th October 2017?

In a landmark press conference of the GST Council, the finance minister, Arun Jaitley announced a slew of GST relaxation for different industry verticals. Right from small items producers to unbranded Ayurvedic items, there was a drop in GST rates for as many as 27 products and a few services.

GST for content writing companies

Even in the field of content writing businesses who fall under the small to medium enterprises, there has been substantial development:

1 – Change to GST treatment

GST Legislation before 6th Oct 2017

For content writing services companies with an annual turnover of less than Rs. 20 lakh, they were earlier exempted from GST only if they were within the state. For inter-state transactions, it didn’t matter even if they were below Rs. 20 lakh, they still had to pay GST.

New GST legislation after 6th Oct 2017

For content writing service companies dealing in inter-state services or intra-state services, they are now exempt from GST if their total turnover is below Rs. 20 lakh.

2 – Frequency of filing returns

GST Legislation before 6th Oct 2017

Content writing services providers needed to file 3 monthly returns along with one annual return filing (total of 37 returns in a year).

New GST Legislation before 6th Oct 2017

Content writing services companies with a total annual turnover of less than Rs. 1.5 crore will need to file returns quarterly. This will in turn dramatically bring down the amount of compliance needed.

Check Government notification for both these updates (Find the word “Relief for Small and Medium Enterprises” within the PDF file), and for all the new updates to GST regime.

The post New GST Changes for Small Content Writing Businesses appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

What to Check in Proofreading for Big Data Content Writing?

Good content writing for Big Data doesn’t simply end with completing the first draft. In fact this is just 50% of the activity. Post finishing your draft (and reading it once to ensure all facts are covered logically), you need to carry out the below checks in order to make it ready for submission to the Big Data client.

Here are a few essential steps to take after your first draft is ready

1 – Flow of thought

Some things to check here are –

  • Just like the human body, content should have a proper structure. It needs to start with a head (introduction), have a body, and conclude appropriately (to reinforce the main point).
  • All thoughts on the Big Data Content Writing should flow seamlessly from one idea to another. I have seen many pieces of content where the introduction is great. But when moving to the main body
  • Have your content body split into smaller digestible parts with the help of bullets or numbered lists
  • All facts around the Big Data client need to be fact-checked and relevant to the current times. So if you write ‘Hadoop is a new distributed file system’ when in fact it was launched way back in 2011. Or if you write ‘ETL is used to create data visualization’ when in fact ETL is used to extract, transform, clean, and load into a big data database for further analytics and visualization processes.

2 – Grammar and spelling check

Make sure that all rules of grammar and spelling check are followed. Your command over the English language and the range of words available in your vocabulary will play a decisive factor in this point. Check out some key grammar misses that a content writer needs to be aware of.

Proofreading and content writing for big data analytics

3 – Readability check

Some of the checks to be done in this step include –

  • No long sentences. Break up long sentences to two-three smaller ones for better readability
  • One idea in one sentence
  • No use of passive voice

4 – Sentence structuring

Some of the quick checks in this point include –

  • Use of consistent 1st person or 3rd person tone. This will depend a lot on the type of content. So web content and blogs will be usually in 1st person (‘you’, ‘your’, ‘we’, ‘our’), more formal types of content (whitepapers, case studies, articles, company profile) will be in 3rd person tone (‘it’, ‘they’, ‘their’)
  • Uniformity in the entire content. Typically a piece of content will have a core idea/ theme around which it will revolve. Make sure this is followed at all times.
  • Check out more tips on blog writing for successful conversion
  • Another useful resource talks about finding your voice when writing blog content.

big-data-content writing

5 – Plagiarism check

Now your draft is more or less in the final state. One key check here is to verify that the Big Data content is 100% unique. You need to use premium tools like Copyscape to assess the originality of your content. Many freelance writers try to cut corners and use free tools to check for content plagiarism. However this is not advisable. Free tools may show a content as 100% unique even when that it not the case. Imagine if you pass plagiarized content to the Big Data client and she catches this issue? Not only will it be a huge embarrassment, but you will lose the client because of the lower credibility plagiarism gives to writers.

Another point that freelancers argue on is “I do my content writing from scratch, so why should I check for plagiarism?” My only point is – there are billions of pieces of content on the Internet. How will you verify that inadvertently no block of text is matching anything on the Internet? They do not have a reply to this.

The bottom line – plagiarism check is as fundamental to content writers and copywriters, as breathing is to human life.

To wrap up

Any worthwhile provider of content writing services in India will vouch for the immense importance of check meticulously after the writing is finished. This step of checking will uphold the high quality benchmark your agency is known for and ensure that you get better Big Data clients for the content writing work.

PS – The last paragraph above has a grammar error. Do write to us and let us know if you were able to find it!

The post What to Check in Proofreading for Big Data Content Writing? appeared first on Textuar Blog.