Thursday, 29 April 2021

How Content Writing Services Help Small Businesses in 2021?

The success of your business mostly depends on how you present your products and services in front of the target audience. The most unique and impactful way to convince people to perform a positive business action is through compelling words.

A team of experienced writers would be ideal. They will convey the marketing messages effectively. They will promote your brand well enough to generate new leads and acquire new customers. Engaging, effective, and consistent content has the power to influence your audience more than any other marketing strategy. Particularly, high-quality content can do wonders for the growth of your business. It effectively conveys your brand’s distinct qualities.

With the help of reliable content writing services, you can maintain a distinctive, and individual style of promotion on all your marketing platforms. Consistency in every aspect of your business is essential for the long-term success and satisfaction of your customers.

How Content Writing Services Help Small Businesses in 2021

How Content Writing Services Give Your Business an Edge?

Through well-articulated blogs and website content, content writers can showcase your brand’s USP. Customers understand why they should choose you over your competitors.

Right from blogs, articles, and product reviews, to case studies, whitepapers, and website content- all of them come under the category of business content writing.

The focus of consumers has shifted from traditional forms of advertising to new-age marketing. The goal is not just to satisfy the existing customers. It can also assist  in gaining new customers for your business. When you decide to take your business online, then it is very important to design the website properly. Once vital component to include is engaging & relevant SEO-optimized content.

There will be numerous people who will visit your website if it has highly engaging content and better rank on SERPs. Remember, all visitors can be your potential customers. Hence this USP is crucial.


What Techniques Content Writers Use to Power Up Businesses?

There are multiple techniques that content writing services providers use to propel digital marketing outcomes for their clients.

·      Helps with Search Engine Optimization

SEO helps gain traffic in an organic way. SEO is mainly driven by unique and meaningful content. Such quality content writing provides valuable education to answer target customers’ query. 

Writers use relevant high search volume keyword in the content. As a result, Google bots can deem it relevant to a particular search query of the targeted customer.

When you publish compelling and original content in your website, your brand is rewarded with better rank on the SERP (search engine results page).

·      Improves Social Media Marketing Outcomes

The social media has immense power of engaging and influencing a huge set of audience with minimal approach and efforts. Content writers help generate catchy captions and one-liners. This helps hook social media users’ attention on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Content writing companies help in improving the audience interaction and lead generation. Clever use of saying maximum with minimum words help you win more business through social media marketing.

·      Hooks Audience Attention with Riveting Words

Your ultimate goal is to influence a certain type of individuals. You may target B2B or B2C customers. Content writers develop content using words that appeal to your targeted audience.

The writers intricately observe their preferences, their vocabulary, and their commonly used terminologies. This helps them develop the content with suitable levels of formality, vocabulary, tonality, choice of words and keywords.

For example

  1. she may write “The product offers total value for your money” for a B2C audience.
  2. she will write “The product offers immense ROI for every dollar invested” for a B2B audience.

·      Website content optimized for people and Google

Its a long journey from the search engine to your site, and eventual conversion. This journey is divided into two key steps –

1 – From search engine to website –

  • Content writers will use high volume keywords that will help direct site traffic
  • New prospects will come to know about your brand’s existence
  • You will land on first page of Google search results. This will propel brand visibility

Remember that more than 2/3rd of searchers will not go beyond first five listings. When your content writer helps you get into this coveted position, you gain an unmatched competitive edge

2 – From website to conversion –

  • Content writers will create highly magnetic and compelling content
  • The readers may not get such valuable content anywhere
  • Readers perceive you as an industry authority in your field
  • With such high-quality content, readers don’t mind visiting your site repeatedly

With these two steps, site visitors get easily converted to loyal customers. And if you notice carefully, content is the key driver that helps accelerate this customer journey.

·      SEO Optimized Meta Tags

Your website’s meta title and meta description are crucial. They are the first things that an internet user is going to notice on the search engine results page. Plus they are vital to inform Google bots of the relevance of the page to a user’s search query.

Professional content writers know this dual advantage of meta tags. Therefore, they incorporate relevant keywords with attractive vocabulary. This helps to leave an impeccable first impression on searchers. It conveys the message that your website content is relevant and engaging.

·      Sharp Writing Skills Accelerate Digital Marketing Goals

The amount of information that needs to be incorporated in a website is not negligible. Not everyone possesses the sharp writing skills required to write top-notch business content. Therefore, hiring dependable content writing services can be a wise choice.

Professional content writers can help your business in more ways than one. You achieve incredible ROI when you hire the competition writers of a content creation agency. Generating constant business leads, building trust, radiating industry authority are complex goals. These challenges become easier when you have content writers to write for you.


By now you must have understood why you should hire expert content writing service providers. The right content writing agency can help your company to achieve new heights of success with various techniques as shown above.

You can completely transform your business by hiring a reliable and experienced content writing services expert. Make sure to hire the services of the best content writers. They create content that is free of grammatical errors and plagiarism-free. They can easily create more relevant content once they understand the needs of your specific target audience.


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Monday, 26 April 2021

How to Use Keyword Clustering in SEO Campaigns

SEO webmasters and content developers know that SEO content strategy is way more than merely juggling a couple of keywords throughout your webpage content.

It is a highly agile and dynamic practice that has the immense potential of bringing your target user on your web pages.

SEO is the crucial element that drives a successful digital marketing campaign. But developing an effective SEO content strategy isn’t a piece of cake these days.

Besides, Google’s tendency to enhance natural language comprehension along with improving the neural matching makes the whole SEO content development process a lot harder for SEO specialists.

As such, the businesses seek support from reliable SEO agencies that can keep pace with Google’s frequent algorithm updates and tweak the web page contents to perform the best on SERPs consistently.

Therefore, smart SEO content developers now resort to the cutting-edge SEO tactic called keyword clustering.

What is a keyword cluster, and how does it work? How it enhances your content strategy? Keep on reading to find out the answers to these questions.

SEO Content Strategy

What are Keyword Clusters?

Keyword cluster is a relatively young and innovative technique that increases the search engine friendliness of your web page contents. The keyword clustering or keyword grouping is not much different than traditional keyword research. It is the research extent that differentiates keyword clustering from conventional keyword research.

At the heart of the definition is taking different keywords and organizing it by grouping them into a common theme.

This way, a page on the site can be optimized for multiple keywords rather than a single keyword.

The process involves analyzing various data sources pertaining to the target customer, competitors, and prevalent market trends to extract the group of high search volume keywords. These keyword groups or keyword clusters are high industry orientated, and they empower your SEO content strategy to be highly persuasive.

The keyword clustering process is identical to traditional keyword researching but done to a much larger extent. Using the keyword clusters enhances the interconnectivity of the keywords and terminologies preferred by your target audience while enabling you to identify the search intent.

To sum up, keyword clustering is the process of curating multiple keywords aimed at providing semantic meaning to different users with the same intent.

It involves enhancing the SEO compatibility of your web content by incorporating a set of corresponding keywords. This step enables different users to reach your web page through different search terms.

For example, 7 users search these terms

1 – toddler bath toys

2 – kids bath toys

3 – bath toys for babies

4 – best bath toys for kids

5 – how to clean bath toys

6 – best bath toys

7 – infant bath

It is interesting to see that all have the potential to land on your page (if you deal in baby bath toys). But this will be possible only if you use all keywords above that have semantic relevance on a common theme.

If you focus on only one SEO keyword when writing a blog, you risk losing 85.7% (6 out of 7 search terms) of the opportunity.

Benefits of keyword clustering

Keyword clusters improve the efficacy of your SEO content strategy and accommodate your web pages with high discoverability on the search engines. Some key benefits of keyword clustering are-

  • Keyword clusters reinforce SEO content writing by capitalizing on the key crawling and indexing aspects.
  • They help improve long-tail and short-tail keyword ranking of your website.
  • Keyword clustering enhances user traffic and diverts immense organic traffic to your website.
  • Content writers use it to effectively and swiftly improve the SERP rank of your website.
  • Content writing companies use it as an excellent tool for internal linking.
  • Keyword clustering improves the domain authority of your website.

How to Develop Keyword Clusters?

Updating the existing traditional keyword research practice and adhering to clustering techniques may require a bit of effort and time on your account. You’ll have to make some significant changes in existing keyword research and content development strategies.

However, the subsequent results are worth the extra effort and time you invested. Plus, it’ll enhance the targeted traffic inflow on your website by strengthening your SEO content strategy. Here’s how you can begin with keyword clustering-

  • Create a keyword list:

    The keyword clustering process commences the same way as the traditional keyword research process. You are just required to enhance its frequency.

Begin with finding the keywords for which you want your website to fetch the better rank, then create a list of possible variations, including long-tail phrases and subtopics for this keyword.

In addition to the above, you can also derive ideas from the keyword ranking of competitors.

You can also employ the software to find the most relevant keywords, questions, autocompletes, and subtopics that you may miss while listing down them manually.

Other aspects to look after while organizing the keywords are search volume, SEO difficulty, and CPC (cost per click). It’ll enable you to decide the core keyword for the cluster and prioritize the economic value for each keyword.

  • Categorize the keywords:

    Next, you will have to segregate the keywords into segments. You can try looking for patterns and themes in the subtopics to derive the functional keyword clusters.

Content writing companies should ensure that the keyword segments have relevancy in terms of semantic meaning and search volume. This will help them to accommodate similar search intent and conversion potential.

Your website’s domain authority and backlink score also play a crucial role in deciding whether you should include keywords with greater SEO difficulty.


New websites should steer clear from using high difficulty keywords. But websites with good domain authority and backlink score can opt to include such keywords when writing content for the page.

  • Optimize pillar page content:

    A pillar page, or the power page or content pillar, is the web page that provides in-depth knowledge of the entire topic while linking the related cluster content.

Therefore, you will have to keep the content creation on point for the pillar page to throw direct light on your website content’s goal.

You can create a landing page containing an in-depth description of the topic, which adjoins all the related clusters to optimize the pillar page content.

It should incorporate a robust information architecture incorporating H2 & H3 subheadings.

Additionally, you can also use images, videos, and jump links to enhance the overall page experience.

  • Substantiate the clusters:

    Creating and optimizing the pillar page alone will not work until you create and publish content to substantiate the related clusters. It not only improves the rank of your pillar page but also increases the authority of your website.

You can write blogs that consist of long-tail keyword clusters interrelated to the core keywords. It will lead you to create a topic cluster that will substantially improve the SERP rank of your website.

Bottom line

The technical advancements have enabled search engines to interpret the intent behind a search query. Consequently, conventional SEO tactics seem to be failing to cope with the search engine advancements.

Therefore, digital marketers are gradually switching to keyword and topic clustering over traditional research of keyword techniques.

Besides, keyword clustering provides a comprehensive insight into the target audience’s search motives while simultaneously enhancing the exposure for your website.

Step into the future of SEO with keyword clustering and make your optimization techniques keep up with Google algorithm.

The post How to Use Keyword Clustering in SEO Campaigns appeared first on Textuar.


Friday, 23 April 2021

5 Super Simple Ways to Speed Up Quality Content Creation

“Content is King,” a densely used phrase in the content writing industry, tends to be somewhat seems misleading and misguiding.


Because anyone can create marketing content

But it’s unbeatable “Quality” that makes content the real “King” in the online marketing world.

Therefore the businesses strive continually to create compelling content that can influence and attract a considerable number of target customers.

That’s why finding a professional content creation agency is crucial for your content-based marketing strategy.

They can create highly optimized and engaging content to enhance user engagement and enable conversions

How to optimize the balance of speed and quality in content development?

The intense competition to win the maximum market share for their client has led every content creation agency to adopt fast content creation methods. But these fail to catch the target user’s attention.

However, there are multiple ways to achieve faster content creation and higher user engagement. A content creation company can develop superior quality content swiftly only if they-

content creation agency

1.Draft a comprehensive content strategy

A 2013 survey shows that of all the content marketers, only 44% draft clear strategy. And why do you need to draft a content strategy?

To determine your target audience’s preferences and accordingly produce value in your content for them in respect of your brand! Without a sound content strategy, you’ll be only firing a shot in the dark.

2.Develop in-depth content

A study suggests that the average word length of top 10 Google SERP results, regardless of the keywords, is at least 2000! It means Google loves deep content for having great details.

Now it’s totally up to you if you want to develop content from scratch based on the expert interviews and user-generated data or curate the content based on the information already available on the internet.

You will have to keep in mind that you follow the 2000+ rule to enhance user engagement by improving the chances of your article performing better on Google search results.

3.Be a good guest blogger

People generally tend to write guest blogs to build link authority for their website. But guess what? The website owner can remove the follow-tag from your link if you fail to produce value for the readers.

Therefore, it will help if you write guest posts from the perspective of earning an audience instead of building authority links & improving rank. However, the latter will automatically follow an engaging guest post that provides value to the readers.

4.Employ the AIDA system

AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. The fundamentals of AIDA strategy involve crea96ting highly engaging and attractive content to catch the user’s attention.

Once you get a hold of their attention, build the interest in providing value through your content. Next, focus on inducing a desire for your product/ service that calls the visitor to perform an action, such as making a purchase, click on the given link, making a call, post a comment, etc.

And how do you do that? By creating content that readers enjoy reading!

5.Content and channel optimization

It is of paramount importance to make your content search engine friendly through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It enables your web pages to achieve greater ranks to get more traffic on your website.

Besides, you can also incorporate and highlight the social media sharing button on your web pages so that readers can share your engaging content on other platforms to enhance the reach.

Additionally, use compelling CTA (call-to-action) buttons. They play a vital role in enticing the users to share your content on other platforms.

Enhancing the pace of creating highly engaging content to improve the website’s reach and rank is not an easy job. And not every content creation agency is capable of producing such content.

Therefore, look into the company’s profile and the content they’ve developed for other clients. Observe their past performances in terms of lead generation and conversion rate.

If you find them to be highly impactful content creators constantly producing quality content to attract the targeted user, you’re all set with searching for the ideal content writer for your digital marketing needs.

The post 5 Super Simple Ways to Speed Up Quality Content Creation appeared first on Textuar.


Friday, 16 April 2021

How to Produce Quality Content with 7 Simple Tips

4000 blogs are published every single minute!

Yes, that is the mind-boggling statistic we see from a report that says that 2 billion blog posts were published in 2018.

How sure are you that your content will be able to cut through the clutter and catch the attention of your target audience? The answer is in quality content writing.

Quality content helps to attract the attention of the right set of targeted customers. It engages them by providing valuable answers to their questions or issues. This inbound marketing technique helps the customer gain trust on the brand and perceive it as an authority in its line of business. These two factors will lead the reader to enquire with the brand about the services, thus pushing her further towards a successful conversion. This is how quality content helps convert a reader to a loyal customer.

What to focus on for quality content writing?

It’s crucial to know whether or not you’re producing quality content. And a single factor alone cannot determine the quality of your content. The quality of your content is determined by incorporating different factors that affect your content’s reach and engagement.

If you check your content on the following grounds, you will likely end up producing quality content for your website.

   1.Focus on the depth rather than the length

Imagine if you are looking for a blog on readability and all you see is some superficial information. It doesn’t really add ay value to the knowledge you already have. Instead, an in-depth blog on readability will introduce the concept, and also give examples to readers on how to improve readability, what to check in readability, and how to determine the readability score.

This way, the person gets so much information on this topic that she doesn’t have to visit nay other site to know anything more on this topic. This type of in-depth content holds reader attention better.

There is a massive misconception about the quality of the content, i.e., the longer the posts, the better they perform. No! The quality of content is irrelevant to the word count. It’s the depth of data-driven content that has been designed with a search engine-friendly approach.

The added bonus is that such in-depth content needs many words to explain all the different sub-topics within the main theme. Hence, it will tend to be a long form content that is loved by both – people as well as Google.

           2.   Checking over the competitors

Another way to check whether or not the quality of the content you are producing is up to the mark is by comparing it with the quality of the similar content posted by your competitor that is already trending on an SERP.

Remember, the goal here is to compare your content for quality and not to steal the data- it will ruin your content’s uniqueness. And this brings us to the third point of our post – content uniqueness.

quality content writing

               3.Original Content

The critical aspect of quality content writing is that the content you produce should be unique, i.e., plagiarism free. It helps search engine algorithms to assign better ranking to your content web pages.

When you put in the effort to create a new content from grounds up, google bots will reward it with better ranking. And this enhanced ranking will help direct more traffic to your site. This advantage helps you hit higher conversion rates, all thanks to well-articulated content that passes Copyscape checks.

If you enlist the assistance of a content writing company then make sure that the writer employs premium plag check tools. The team should submit deliveries only if it is certain that 100% of the content passes the Copyscape checks and there is no duplicate content. Such QC process is a hallmark of a credible and professional content writing agency,

             4.Quality content is free oof typos

Hope that you noticed an extra ‘o’ in the above section heading. It immediately brought to your mind that the writer might be a careless fellow. He doesn’t take time out to do proper QC to remove all spelling and grammar issues. This thought dramatically erodes brand credibility and fails to establish trust in readers’ mind.

Ardath cited research from Acrolinx that said the  biggest turnoff for more than half of buyers was grammatical errors and bad writing on a website. No wonder this is the quick way to have the prospects run away far from the brand. For a brand, this might be an opportunity lost forever. And all this loss is simply because the content had some typos.

Regardless of whether or not the search engine algorithms take grammar into account while crawling your web page, the users like easily understandable content. And the only means to enhance your content’s quality and comprehensiveness is by incorporating the correct grammar in the content.

                  5. Audience-oriented content

The content you design and develop will lack quality if it fails to provide the readers with the value they seek in your content regarding your brand. You have to understand and stick to the target audience’s preferences and needs before you start developing the content.

               6.Accurate Data & Reliable Sources

You won’t like incorporating inaccurate data that doesn’t have a reliable source because it will deteriorate your brand’s credibility along with the quality of your content. Besides, it’s accurate data that adds depth to your content.

         7.SEO Optimized Content

Search engine optimization is the single factor that can either make or break the game for your content to get top ranks on a SERP. Develop well-researched, SEO optimized content with an appropriate density of high search volume keywords. This step ensures good quality content for both, the readers and the search engine algorithms.

Quality content writing isn’t everyone’s forte. It requires putting in a lot of effort to find the relevant high search volume keywords and tons of creativity to develop the content while incorporating the keywords naturally in the content.

Therefore, it will help if you outsource the content writing works to content writing agency. They have the experience and the tools to drive quality content development for your website. Hiring content writers like Textuar will save you a lot of time and trouble, without having to compromise with the quality!

The post How to Produce Quality Content with 7 Simple Tips appeared first on Textuar.


Friday, 9 April 2021

How To Build A Content Strategy Exclusively for Startups?

The current market scenario, for new as well as existing products or services, is brutally competitive. There are innumerable players in the game trying to seize every single opportunity to enhance market share. Therefore, as a startup, you need tools to help your business survive in such a landscape. And a high-performance content marketing strategy can do wonders. It will help in enhancing your business reach. It will also increase and retain new customers every day.

However, meeting this goal requires a certain amount of expertise and experience to develop an effective content marketing strategy.

So, what to do? Where to get a top-notch content marketing strategy developed for your new business venture?

Well, it would be a smart move to hire a capable content writing agency. Such a company would have expertise in developing extremely SEO-friendly content for your startup website to improve its ranking.

What content marketing strategy works best?

Here’s how professional content writing agencies develop a high-performance content strategy for your startup website-

Determine Your Startup Content Marketing Goals:

Determine what will drive your targeted audience towards your business first, create value for them. Next, find the suitable keywords that are relevant to your product or service. Then design the content in line with the high search volume keywords that have low SEO difficulty.

Remember, a good content writer will align the content marketing objectives with the startup’s business objectives.

content marketing strategy for startups


Create a specific team of content creators:

It’s pretty apparent that all content developers cannot create all types of content. Therefore, the content writing companies house teams of specialized writers that possess expertise in writing highly engaging and SEO-friendly content for your startup.

Such content fetches acts as a ranking booster for your website on SERPs, and popularizes your brand online.

Recognizing your target audience:

If your high-quality content isn’t reaching the right people, then what’s the point? All of your content marketing efforts will be for naught. Hence, it is critical to identify the appropriate audience for your content.

Plus, it is also essential to identify the factors that drive your target audience in relation to your product/ service. These factors will help you lay down a perfect content strategy to bring the target audience to your startup website.

Deciding The Kind Of Content:

There’s no use spending a hefty amount of money on marketing and SEO if your website’s content isn’t relevant to the target audience. Sure the illicit SEO tactics can bring a lot of traffic to your website. But they won’t generate leads for your business.

Plus, there’s a good chance that Google will penalize your website. The best way for you to entice, engage and convert the traffic is by providing value in the content.

Establish A Promotion Strategy For Your Content:

An efficient content strategy goes way beyond just SEO. It involves cross-platform promotion across social media sites. It also spans email campaigning, and promoting your content through any medium that the internet allows you to use.

Chalk Out A Content Schedule:

It can be daunting to create and post new content manually on a regular basis. Therefore content marketers use content calendars to schedule deadlines, upcoming items, updates, promotions, etc.

Besides, scheduling the content in advance enables you to regulate the marketing campaigns effectively.

Use Key Progress Indicator For Measuring The Development:

Setting up a framework to monitor your success is the next step in creating a content management plan for your venture. That is, creating KPIs to determine whether or not your content marketing strategy is on track.

A good content writing agency will define the KPIs based on the content marketing goals developed in the first phase.

To conclude

Good website rank on the SERPs ensures an increase in the targeted user traffic on your website, meaning enhanced chances of getting customers through the internet! And you cannot achieve it without creative and engaging search engine-friendly content creation.

Moreover, content marketing does not require a whole lot of money. You just need to invest in the right content writing agency like Textuar. Our high quality and compelling content helps brands win over target readers.

The post How To Build A Content Strategy Exclusively for Startups? appeared first on Textuar.
