Wednesday, 11 November 2020

How to Check Quality in Website Content Writing?

Quality content is the bedrock of SEO and digital marketing. Professionals in website content writing know the importance of comprehensive QC before they publish anything online. They know that it can make or break the brand’s reputation online. Hence the emphasis on quality.

Why is website content writing needed for digital businesses?

Website content writing should be well-written so that both search engines and users will find it worthy of a specific search query. This entails satisfying user intent and helping users with valuable and meaningful copy.

To do so, it must be new and creative, well-researched content that is grammatically correct. It needs to rely on trustworthy sources and contain links that go to the correct and relevant places.

Here are a few vital steps to ensure the quality of your web content.

1- QC for Grammar and Spelling

Bad grammar and spelling offend your readers and waste their time. It also hurts your brand’s reliability and credibility. And while Google doesn’t necessarily chide writers for sloppy writing, but the readers can.

Grammar and poor spellings tell your readers that as a writer, you didn’t make an effort to create quality content.

Tools like Grammarly would be invaluable to avoid such problems. It deals with all typos and can solve spelling mistakes in the content. Also, it will highlight your grammar errors for correction.

But relying on just tools isn’t wise. The most significant way to check for sentence structuring, flow of narrative, tonality, spelling and grammar mistakes is to employ the services of human editors.

2- Check your content for originality

It is non-negotiable to check that your writing is new, unique, and original once you finish drafting it. You simply cannot upload the content online if it is not QC is not done. And checking for plagiarism is the second step in QC (after grammar and spelling checks).

There are many tools you can use for checking plagiarism. These include Copyscape, Plagiarism Checker, and Dupli Checker.

You can even do the checking of duplication by Googling specific keywords and see what pops up. If you have finished writing the topic to death, or if some other website owns the ranking on a similar topic, you should find an alternative angle to move on.

Experts in this field will always rely on premium (paid tools) like Copyscape Premium rather than free tools. Doing so will help them offer a service differentiator.

Quality Website content

3- Check relevance and length in website content writing

The content score has nothing to do with word count. Longer posts aren’t necessarily better than short posts. Less word count content can be of lower quality, but that too is no guarantee. Aim for 1200-1500 words that explain the concept in greater depth.

You also need to factor in relevance in content. So, if users come across your site, they need to fulfil the purpose behind the search that led them to your site through search results. For example, if suppose users search for ‘blog writing’, then they should see webpages that discuss this theme instead of other concepts like PPC, search engines, etc.

4- Fact-check your content

The menace of false or incorrect information has made this point a vital factor for your brand’s success. There aren’t any tools that can test and verify the real information. For that, you’ll need to dig in and do your investigation.

Many writers find to their dismay that people on the internet can be unforgiving when it comes to false information. They will immediately point out spelling mistakes, misinformation, and other faults. And such issues will do a lot of harm to brand reputation.

You can check all information and statistics using trustworthy sources. Verify names, titles, places, etc. If you don’t have any reference and you’re unsure where to begin with, then a quick Google search will come in handy to verify if the facts are correct and relevant.

Make sure your fact displays on two or three trusted places before you complete your QC process. Also cite the sources to lend credibility to content published on your website.

5- Check your content for broken links

Before you publish an article, make sure you do the checking of links you’ve mentioned. In some of the cases, you may link some other websites in your content. So, it’s important and necessary to ensure all the links are working and indicating to the right place.

To conclude

These were some basic elements to every quality check process for website content writing. Pros in content writing services use these factors to spruce up the quality of their content. It helps make sure that every piece of your content has a clear goal that makes the audience well satisfied.


The post How to Check Quality in Website Content Writing? appeared first on Textuar.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

How to Write Compelling and Captivating Website Content?

Are you a marketer looking to enhance the promotion of your brand’s product or service? Then you would evidently begin from the brand’s site to fulfill this goal. This step needs the expertise of a competency in website content writing.

The easy-to-read, impactful, and engrossing website content helps catapult the site to the first page of Google rankings. It serves as a lead generation magnet that brings your brand closer to your potential customers.

How to Write Compelling and Captivating Website Content?

The need for professional website content writing

 As per Website Hosting Rating, there are more than 4 billion internet users (the opportunity) and 1.74 billion websites (the competition). Website content writing ensures that the opportunity comes to your site rather than to the competition

With carefully crafted web content writing you need not work hard to capture the readers’ attention. The riveting content works as an attention-grabbing magnet to ensure that the readers get the information they want to see and send business enquiries to your site.


How to ensure website content writing that drives revenue for clients?

Here are some cool (and proven) tricks that can uplift your content game.


1- Stick to writing simple and short sentences:

It is estimated that an average reader reads like a 7th or 8th-grade level. This means a lot of easy-to-read and accessible sentences. This way, the content will garner the most attention.

Keep your sentences short and logical. You can use various tools to determine your readability score. And one of those tools is Microsoft word.

Read More – How to use readability to boost SEO rankings


2- Know the audience you will write for:

You are not writing the content for yourself, but the audience. So, it becomes a necessity that you know who are going to read your blogs or articles. Ask a few questions like:

  • Who are the key readers?
  • What country are they from?
  • How will these content influence them both?
  • What information do they need?
  • Will the content serve the user intent?

Remember –

Write like a service provider


Think like a customer. 


3- “Inverted pyramid” model in website content writing:

The dwell time of an average visitor is shorter. They will make perceptions on your website within the first few seconds of visiting it. So, the best way to offer maximum yet relevant details are by following the inverted pyramid model.

Fill the uppermost part of the page with the most information. Then eventually reduce to offering distinctive, supporting details. At last, finish the page with borderline details.


4- Don’t just tell, but show examples:

No one knows your product best than you. So, when you be general and formal about product information, the chances are high that your reader may not understand it. And this will lead to loss of audience. Offer real-world examples that will help your readers to imagine your services.

For instance, if you have a food website. Don’t write just the name and use high-level statements. Instead, offer mouthwatering details, so, the readers will want to try.

The intent is to evoke emotion. This is because emotions act as a strong trigger to initiate the buying process.

How to Write Compelling and Captivating Website Content?


5- Blend the chosen words smartly:

It is possible that in the flow of writing, you may have used similar words multiple times throughout the blog. Instead, prefer synonyms of those words to enhance the text.

But ensure to keep the keywords consistent across the website. Or else you will end up confusing your audience.

For instance, if you call your customers as “client”, then keep it “client” everywhere.


6- Keep the text scannable:

Readers will never spend all their time reading a full blog. Many people prefer to scan the text and read only the information they want. And that is why many web content writers keep their blog:

  • Organized with 3 to 4 sentences in one paragraph
  • Filled with bullet points
  • Full of white spaces, to make it airy

Read more – What You Need To Know About Snackable Content


Bottom line

Writing a small email can be hard, let alone an entire content that elicits sales from total strangers. You need expertise to create impactful content that is not only SEO optimized but also provides an enjoyable reading experience.


You can hire website content writing services from agencies like Textuar Communications with your business. After all, a professional touch works its magic to elevate your brand’s competitive edge

The post How to Write Compelling and Captivating Website Content? appeared first on Textuar.