Monday, 23 July 2018

Did You Know About the 7-Step Professional Content Writing Process?

Any work can be accomplished through a variety of methods.  However, doing anything with the right methodology is the key to success.  Similarly, in content writing, with a large number of professional content writers, the methods also vastly vary. So having the right approach to the process will be the key to success.

You may come across many write-ups when you browse the web, but the one with a clear flow of thought will always stand out. This is because the content writing is done according to a few successful guidelines of content writing.  One successful method that many professional content writers approach is the 7-step content writing process.

Interested to know what these steps are for professional copywriting? Then read on and find out?

7-Step Content Writing Process 

  1. Idea

First and foremost, we have to insight into what we want to achieve.  The thought is a prerequisite for action to follow.  It may be your own or one for which you are employed to write about by an organization.  An idea in content writing is the focus around which the whole write-up will revolve.

Tip – Build a central theme around a content piece and don’t digress from it.

2. Appropriate/catchy heading

An idea should now be narrowed to phrase or sentence that will make the aim for writing clear.  It has to be concise yet able to explain the general idea that it intends to display.  The heading should be attractive as it is the first thing a reader will glance through, and the viewer should be led into reading further.

Tip – Use tools provided by experts like Moz and Hubspot to improve its magnetic potential


Professional content writers suggest that it’s a good practice to prepare an outline for our idea to give more relevance and flow to the process.  This will include how we want to structure the thought.  We should always proceed from a general notion to being specific.  We should note every thought related to the idea that crosses our mind in whichever order they come for us to later arrange it orderly so that we are able to express our topic in a meaningful manner.

Tip – Once you have prepared the outline check if it all ties up nicely without an abrupt or jarring section that breaks the train of thought in the content

7-step content writing process for professional content writers


We have to look up other similar works to get more ideas related to what we are writing.  This will help us improve upon what we have intended to write.  Also, we have to verify facts and be sure that what we have written is accurate with any falsity.

Tip – It is important to cite sources if we are referring to a statistic or a figure. This will add more credibility (and hence, weightage) to our content


Once we have pretty much got everything on paper, we have to re-visit it again to make sure we have jotted every detail we had outlined.  This step is important because it will minimize any errors that can be corrected without proofing it thoroughly.


This is a very important step in the content writing process.  In this step, we have to go through the document for it correctness with respect to grammar, word usage, spellings, etc.  Any error in these aspects will put the reader off and discourage him from reading through the work entirely.

Tip – At Textuar, we encourage a two-step proofing technique – once we do a manual proofing. Then, another copyeditor does a tool-based proofing with tools like Grammarly.

7.Final Product

Having gone through the above steps, we finally come to the end result, a well thought, well executed piece of content writing.  Out heading and the content should be in tune to each other.  If so, we are now ready with our work.

Content writing, if done keeping in mind the above steps, will ensure our efficacy as new age professional content writers. It will also enhance the value of the written content.  It will be doing justice to the organization we cater to.

Which of these steps was missing from your content writing process? Do write to us and let us know your thoughts.

The post Did You Know About the 7-Step Professional Content Writing Process? appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

How Professional Content Writing Impacts your Business?

Professional content writing services have been providing tremendous business value in Digital Marketing.  It is writing about a product, a website, or a service. It is done keeping in mind the sole aim of providing relevant information about the business to an appropriate knowledge seeker or an online prospective customer.

It is interesting to note that just because it is writing work, does not mean anyone can do it.  Experts suggest that content writing has a methodology and precision to it and only a professional content writer can do justice to the task. Professional content writing is an ever-growing field that is becoming increasingly necessary for businesses to increase their visibility in today’s business world.

Who can really do the professional content writing?  Can anyone who knows to read and write do the job? The answer is, no. It can only be done by trained individuals in the field ‘professional content writers’ so that businesses have confidence that their product is projected in a competitive way. 

professional content writing for SEO


Why Professional Content Writing is a Smart Move for Your Business?

  1. Concise

Pitching a product to a potential customer requires it to be portrayed in a precise manner.  This requires filtering lot of information regarding the product and writing about it to make the reader want to know about it more.  Hence, professional content writing is a vital tool for the success of a business.

  1. Appealing/result oriented

When we read any write-up, it has to have a pleasant and engrossing character to it, otherwise the reader will move on to something else Professional content writing ensures that the article about a product is apt and to the point, yet giving out optimum information about the product that can ultimately lead the reader to be a customer.

  1. User-friendly

Professional content writing does always keep in mind its audience, the ultimate reader. So, it takes into consideration the psyche, language, mood, etc. or the buyer persona. They are individuals who would take time out to find out more about the product and read through the article.

  1. SEO friendly

Professional content writing will ensure that information regarding the business it pitches is fresh, in-depth, well worded, and authentic. This way, it finds its way rapidly to the top of the SEO page rankings.  For a business to grow quickly, its visibility is paramount when surfing through search engines. A good quality writing done by a professional is a surefire SEO accelerant.

  1. Well-researched work

Professional content writing requires a lot of in-depth research to talk authoritatively on subjects the writers aren’t well versed with. Any falsehood about any product can lead to its downfall, content writers meticulously gather accurate information so that the blog content is not in any way adverse to the product.

Keeping this in mind, for a business to be able to increase its productivity, it is absolutely necessary that their work is supported by professional content writing.  Presently, there are many who would offer their service to content writing, but having a skilled team of content veterans, like Textuar, is a smart choice. We have proven expertise in vast topics of content writing and can be added advantage to your business. Do connect with us to know more about our content writing competencies in digital marketing.

The post How Professional Content Writing Impacts your Business? appeared first on Textuar Blog.