Monday, 28 May 2018

How to use Transition words

As any content writer would corroborate, being grammatically accurate is one of the most important features of good writing. In addition, in order to display a good piece of content writing, you need to adhere to as many grammatically correct concepts as you can. One of the most important concepts, when it comes to good content writing, is the correct usage of Transition words.

What is a transition word?

A transition word, simply is, a word or a set of words (a phrase) that aids the joining of two sentences to become one. Transition words are links that join sentences and paragraphs smoothly so that there is no evidently abrupt jump or break between ideas.

Quite often it so happens that we miss out on this important writing skill when we develop content like blogs or articles. Many of us engage in penning down randomly thought up sentences and string them up with conjunctions, thereby calling it an essay. The only reason such articles don’t score well in terms of engagement is because they lack transition words or phrases.

Transition words help in engagement and SEO. The art lies in applying the right transition word in the right place and not just merely knowing about them.

transition words in content writing

How to choose the most appropriate transition words?

Using basic transition words in your content would put your readers off to sleep simply because they have seen them used excessively, far too many times. Using those conventional transition words like “first”, “second”, etc would bring no flavour to your content writing. There is nothing grammatically incorrect about using them. However, they are dull and fail to hook the readers.

Subtle transitions are the best ways to continue the train of thought without any jarring or abrupt change. It has be just the right amount of subtle. Not too mild that one cannot even make out if there has been a transition word of phrase used, nor does it have to be too bold like, “the next thing I will be speaking about is…”

Switching from one thought to another needs to be natural. It is like having a conversation with a reader, the only difference being, you and the reader are not facing each other. One would just not jump topics while having a face-to-face conversation now, right? The same logic is applied while content writing too.

In case you are wondering which transition words would make your writing sound natural, then you have nothing to worry about as we enlist a few good transition words to help you:

  1. But
  2. Yet
  3. Nevertheless
  4. Still
  5. Instead
  6. Thus
  7. However
  8. Now
  9. Subsequently
  10. Now
  11. Later
  12. Therefore
  13. Meanwhile

When you try to use any of these words, appropriately so, your writing looks cleaner and the ideas you express seem more naturally put. The difference in writing with transition words and without them is quite noticeable.

How to use better transition words?

Now that you know of some good transition words that you can use, you may not want to stuff your piece with all the words that you learned. That is more likely the opposite of natural writing. That is counterproductive to your cause here which is good writing.

However, the best way to get better at using transition words is the age old, fail-proof technique that has never yielded a bad result in the centuries of existence – practice. Did you notice just how wonderfully it allowed us to transition from one thought to another with the usage of “however”?

Quick tip to get transition words right

Major marketers recommend transition words as efficient. The technique is as simple and effective as it gets. Make it a two-step process. Create a rough draft that has all your ideas places in a crude manner. Later, you refine them by arranging them, polishing them by applying correct grammatical rules and using transition words wherever necessary.

Re-writing can be quite a hassle, we know but it is a necessity. Especially, when you want your writing to meet top-notch standards. Once you manage to accomplish this, the results will show you that your efforts indeed have paid off.

Transitioning your content writing from basic or simple to classy and polished is just a couple of well-placed transition words away.

The post How to use Transition words appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

5 reasons why content writing is important for a digital business

The only reason why the modern saying, “content is king” has managed to linger on this far and seem relevant currently is because it is true. Content marketing is what fuels companies with ample revenue generation and that too with the least amount of efforts.

In ways more than one, content is a versatile marketing strategy that can help any and every industry without costing much. It is easy to create, it is dependable and holds the potential for long-term results. Content renders value to a website by giving users a reason to visit the site and remain hooked on the site. And those in the digital business would know the importance qualified website traffic holds when it comes to having those profit graphs pointing upwards.

Why is content writing important?

There are seven reasons why content writing is so important in the current era that we live in.

  1. Content ropes in and notifies your audiences

First of all, you need to establish a connect with your audiences to inform about the latest offers or schemes your company comes out with. It helps to establish why your audiences benefit by being associated with you.

Content bridges the gap between you and your customer. It creates trust factor and assurance that they are at the right place.

content writing services in Mumbai

  1. Content helps your website rank

For those of you who are familiar with SEO would know the importance of SERP rankings. Google – the company that changed the way we find information – has an algorithm in place that shows you instant search results based on the words you as a consumer would type in the search bar.

By properly optimising your content, you can make your website show up first. As we know, our basic impulse as a websurfer is to go for the links that pop up first, a good SERP ranking definitely spells good website traffic. More and more people come to know about your existence with SEO content writing, which means better business.

  1. Content earns links from other websites

Links are important when it comes to SEO ranking and content helps you bring more people to your website. The more your website is mentioned by other websites, Google eyes this as a vote of confidence.

The more such votes of confidence you manage to have, the better is your SERP ranking. Longer keywords used in content writing mean lesser competition so depending on the services your company provides, you have to target those keywords and ranking for those keywords would then be cakewalk.

content writing for SEO

  1. Shareablity

Having social media accounts is imperative in today’s day and age. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat. All these social network platforms make sharing of information all that easier. Facebook allows you to post videos and images. Twitter allows you to provide bite-sized content – which users love, by the way.

LinkedIn allows you to post entire blog posts and Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat are image based platforms that allow you to share images in a manner that users are interested to check out.

  1. Content is the foundation of every digital marketing strategy

As you may have noticed that keywords are the basis of the algorithm that runs your Search Engines, content thus is the very backbone of every digital marketing strategy.

Content writing includes blog posts and online forums etc. No matter what you want to put out there, without good content, it is futile.

Content is the engine that drives all of what is around us these days. For a progressive industry, content is pivotal. Hence, coming back to the adage, “content is king” doesn’t seem much of an exaggeration now, does it? If so, then make sure to hire a competent content agency to get the much needed competitive edge online.

The post 5 reasons why content writing is important for a digital business appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

How to Write the Perfect Whitepaper

A whitepaper is a one-to five-page report that portrays a given issue and proposes a particular answer for the issue. It’s usually utilized as a part of government and corporate settings. A standard whitepaper may have the following sections

1 – Market Situation / Assessment / Executive summary

2 – Problem Statement

3 – Solution Employed

4 – Benefits derived

The in-depth research and authoritative tone helps marketers to use whitepapers to create an industry authority perception. It also showcases how the brand can tackle complex problems which have been unprecedented in the industry. This in turn leads to a trust boost for the brand and propels the lead generation efforts.

To compose an effective whitepaper content, you should know your gathering of people, express your concern plainly, and influence a persuading and drawing in contention of how to tackle it.

Here are some tips which can enable you to build up an acclaim commendable whitepaper:

  • Find a subject to target your audience’s attention:

Finding the ideal point to write on can appear to be convincing when you’re simply beginning. The main thing you have to do is discovering your intended interest group. Once that is accomplished, attempt and find points that interest to them. It could be an issue they are confronting or a contextual investigation of an organization.

  • Be proficient:

More efforts are needed to write content for a whitepaper as compared to blog writing. You should be more fluent with the dialect, more formal with the composition style and have a research – backed in-depth report that is highly accurate. You most likely should compose ten pages or more just to demonstrate a point.

white paper content writing

  • Make the introduction enthralling:

The introduction is the most essential piece of a whitepaper content since it gives the reader an understanding of the gist of the whitepaper. If the introduction doesn’t get a reader’s consideration, he just won’t read the remainder of the whitepaper content, regardless of how instructive it is.

  • Don’t make your whitepaper content an attempt to sell something:

The biggest mix-up whitepaper content writers make is transforming a whitepaper content into an attempt to sell something. Try not to do it! A viable whitepaper gives answers to questions that is on the minds of your target audience. If you relegate an attempt to sell something, you’ll squander this chance to get known and trusted.

  • Make your whitepaper conversational:

For a marketer and content writer, grabbing the attention with conversational language is vital to the whitepaper’s success. You need to sound bona fide, supportive, and dependable. No requirement for huge words.

whitepaper content writer

  • Analyze and recognize the issue

For this point, you’ll need to know your reader’s needs. Spotlight on the difficulties that you propose to explain. This ought to be something you can state in a couple of words. Investigation makes your contention sound in the reader’s mind.

Depict the issue you recognized in more prominent clearly. You can provide your own angle on crucial issues around your line of business or your target audience

Always remember to have closing arguments and conclude the whitepaper with a definite solution.

  • Give your readers an answer

This makes your contention trustworthy in the brain of you reader. Depict the issue you distinguished in more prominent profundity. Give points of interest in the matter of how you closed this is an issue. Utilize clear, exact terms. Your investigation should last close to a section

  • Justification

Copywriters who do whitepaper content writing use hard proof, for example, trade journals, government records, and the information and figures in the assessment, to clarify why their answer is the best strategy to take.

  • Summarize your work:

Include a survey of the current issue. Quickly recap your answer. Emphasize the outcome again you would like to see. The conclusion needs to leave readers in no doubt that the approach taken by your organization was the most beneficial one and hence make perfect business sense

  • Proofread your work:

This is the most essential advice for creating your whitepaper content. Verify whether there are any writing, grammar, spelling, structuring, or factual errors. Ensure you are putting your best work forward.

Whitepapers are wonderful instruments for generating integrity and trust for your brand. Studies show that customers respond much better to an informative write up rather than monotonous advertisements. Your whitepaper should be organized, informative and crisp so that the audience finds it as a reliable source of information. Hire a competent content writer to develop whitepaper as per your vision.

The post How to Write the Perfect Whitepaper appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

5 Exciting Content Writing Tips to hook readers

One of the most dreaded images that can conjure up in mind of an SEO marketer and content writing service provider alike is this image! In case you are looking to run as far away from this sort of perception for your online content, then read further!

It’s good to keep in mind some essential tips for attracting the reader’s attention and keeping them interested till they reach the end of the article.

1. Your attention grabbing enabler

Yes, we are talking about the headline or title of your content. Imagine a content’s title as your elevator pitch. If the reader is not intrigued by the title, he/ she will never go ahead with reading the rest of the article, and move on to the next article available online (Believe me! It takes less than 3 seconds for a person to decide whether or not to continue reading an online post). So spend some time on creating a captivating title that prompts the reader to give his/ her undivided attention to your post.

2. Start well

Imagine being invited to someone’s house and seeing its doors locked? That’s the impression a reader gets when he/ she gets attracted by the headline and moves on to the introductory paragraph, only to find it bland or boring. Avoid this fracas by keeping the reader interest high with an interesting introductory paragraph. The paragraph should set the tone for what the reader is about to read – be it solving a problem, providing information on a topic or highlighting current trends.

Content writing service provider

3. You’re the boss

One good way to develop likeable content is to have the voice of a mentor and a thought leader. Content writing service that are able to bring about this type of language and tone blended with humility, tend to write content that appeals to its readers. As a mentor, readers expect you to have firm belief and strong domain knowledge. Avoid coming across as undecided by using fillers or words like ‘I guess that…’, ‘It might or might not be possible that…’

4. Close smart

A rule of SEO and good writing practices prompt content writing professionals to provide a clear conclusion and offer a lucid call-to-action. What are the readers supposed to do after reading your content? Do your concluding lines have a specific call-to-action statement like “If you are interested to know more, do visit our website at….” or “Now that you know the basics, do subscribe to our e-book for complete coverage on….”

Do write in with your comments about which of these factors are missing from your content, or which of these are major influencers in gaining a high degree of sustained reader engagement for you.

The post 5 Exciting Content Writing Tips to hook readers appeared first on Textuar Blog.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

How White Papers Are Different from Case Studies

There are many differences when it comes to white paper versus a case study with regards to the tone, destinations, gathering of people, topic, and straightforwardness of each record. Making high caliber, supportive substance at a normal rhythm is vital to creating inbound leads for your specialized business. Case studies and whitepapers are two of the most capable and sought after content formats by specialists, and both can enable you to create specialized leads for your business.

What are whitepapers?

Whitepapers were initially utilized by government offices to display arrangement data. However over time it has emerged as a B2B marketer’s most effective inbound marketing tool. It is a powerful and educational piece intended to snatch the consideration of the reader while giving master understanding, specialized data, and a sensible contention keeping in mind the end goal to offer an item, administration, arrangement, or advancement.
A particular issue or obstruction is acquainted with the reader and the answer for it is introduced and illustrated. Outlines, charts, diagrams and other visual devices are typically incorporated into the white paper content to show data. The substance and tone of a white paper writing differ contingent upon the point and the forthcoming crowd.
Whitepapers content writing

What are case studies?

Case studies were at first utilized inside the field of sociology to test theories nearby measurement and are regularly used to analyze some social wonders. Organizations additionally deliver case studies. Statistical surveying, specifically, is territory in business where case studies are valuable. Case studies require a time of perception and additionally look into, ID of a particular issue, inadequacy, or wastefulness, the proposition of an answer, and assessment of how fruitful an answer was in understanding the issue. Like white papers, a case study analysis is utilized to introduce the advantages of an item, administration, or advancement; in any case, they additionally give genuine cases of how the item has turned out to be an answer for an issue or generally filled a void.
Because of the last mentioned, case studies normally give more prominent detail, except for Technical White Papers which give broad detail to engineers and other specialized pros on how an item functions or a technique is led. All the more frequently, white papers give data on how a business will profit by a proposed arrangement without depending on or focusing narrative proof. By virtue of their contrasting natures and zones of accentuation some white papers might be viewed as hard-offer archives, dependent upon the tone in which it is composed, while case studies content are normally drafted as delicate offer reports with to a greater extent an unpretentious, instructive tone.
case-studies content writing
The objectives of business or advertising case studies include: officials, clients, the overall population, and friend’s faculty. The target might be to build enthusiasm for an item, increment staff spirit, and bring certainty up in an organization and its capacity to give arrangements. Foundation data about an organization, including its piece of the pie, territories of specialization, and past victories, is regularly incorporated into keeping in mind the end goal to give a setting in which to put the case study
When directing case studies inside the fields of Social or Behavioral Science, people or gatherings are watched, and data is accumulated at that point examined, to frame decisions about connections as well as test speculations.

What are the differences between the two?

While every type of content looks to induce, case studies bargain more with examination and clarification to move down a proposed an answer, while white papers center around expanding the comprehension of an issue and offering the reader on the advantages of actualizing a specific arrangement, item, or administration, to tackle the issue. white papers are prevalently utilized as a part of business-to-business promoting to create leads, and to propose or display government strategy but at the same time are delivered in behavioral and sociology investigate.
Case studies are every now and again utilized as a part of business advertising, HR administration, and in the investigation of work and wellbeing markets, the viability of government strategy, intergovernmental relations, and different other sociology marvels.
White Papers were at first used to exhibit or propose government arrangement, while case studies were at first brought into sociology examine. A white paper gives the advantages and basis to the usage of a proposed arrangement, while a case study content gives genuine cases to how an answer has settled an issue. A case study writing ordinarily offers more noteworthy detail than a white paper, except for specialized white papers. Case studies concentrate more on examination and demonstrating an answer’s viability, while white papers don’t give this confirmation. A case study is regularly subtler in nature than a white paper.
So, these are a few differences between case studies and white papers. Although they may seem similar, they are actually very different from one another from a content writer’s perspective.
The post How White Papers Are Different from Case Studies appeared first on Textuar Blog.