One of the most intriguing dilemmas every content writer faces is what to write? The simple answer to this is, write what your reader demands. Content marketing is tremendously effective when you know what your audience wants. By relating to their questions and answering them through informative blogs, they develop an affinity towards you and a certain loyalty towards your content. But decoding what the readers want is another big challenge? Luckily there is a solution to it. Just browsing through the right places and asking the right questions can enable you to know as to what exactly your reader wants. Proper research in content writing can enable you to find the answer quickly. Here are some points that will help you in your research: 1) Explore social media Most people feel free to voice their opinion on social media. The billions of posts are a big enough proof of that. It’s important to understand and pay attention to what people are saying on your Twitter and Facebook page...
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